All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbortedTransactionListener |
AboutDialog |
Splash screen window to display version information about the current release of
the Ghidra application.
AboutDomainObjectUtils |
AbstractAnalyzer |
AbstractAnimator |
AbstractAnimatorJob |
AbstractAssemblyGrammar<NT extends AssemblyNonTerminal,P extends AbstractAssemblyProduction<NT>> |
Defines a context-free grammar, usually for the purpose of parsing mnemonic assembly instructions
As in classic computer science, a CFG consists of productions of non-terminals and terminals.
AbstractAssemblyProduction<NT extends AssemblyNonTerminal> |
Defines a production in a context-free grammar, usually for parsing mnemonic assembly
AbstractBinaryExpressionSolver<T extends BinaryExpression> |
A solver that handles expressions of the form A [OP] B
AbstractBinaryFormatAnalyzer |
AbstractClassicProcessor |
AbstractColumnConstraintEditor<T> |
Base class for many constraint editors, providing implementation for much of the interface.
AbstractColumnDisplay<COLUMN_TYPE> |
A base implementation of ColumnDisplay that knows how to figure out the column
type dynamically.
AbstractComparableColumnDisplay<COLUMN_TYPE extends java.lang.Comparable<COLUMN_TYPE>> |
AbstractComplexDataType |
Base class for a variety of Complex data types of different sizes and types.
AbstractCreateStructureCmd |
A base class to hold duplicate information for commands that create
AbstractDataType |
Base class for DataType classes.
AbstractDependencyGraph<T> |
Class for managing the visiting (processing) of a set of values where some values depend
on other values being process before them.
AbstractDetailsPanel |
Abstract class that defines a panel for displaying name/value pairs with html-formatting.
AbstractDockingTest |
AbstractDockingTool |
A partial implementation of DockingTool that serves as a place to share common
AbstractDyldInfoProcessor |
AbstractDyldInfoState |
AbstractDynamicTableColumn<ROW_TYPE,COLUMN_TYPE,DATA_SOURCE> |
An Table Column is an interface that should be implemented by each class that provides
a field (column) of an object based table (each row relates to a particular type of object).
AbstractDynamicTableColumnStub<ROW_TYPE,COLUMN_TYPE> |
This class is meant to be used by DynamicTableColumn implementations that do not care about
the DATA_SOURCE parameter of DynamicTableColumn.
AbstractExpressionSolver<T extends PatternExpression> |
The root type of an expression solver
AbstractFileExtractorTask |
Common base class for tasks that need to extract files from a GFileSystem location.
AbstractFindReferencesDataTypeAction |
AbstractFindReferencesToAddressAction |
Only shows addresses to the code unit at the address for the current context.
AbstractFloatDataType |
Provides a definition of a Float within a program.
AbstractGCellRenderer |
A common base class for list and table renderer objects, unifying the Ghidra look and feel.
AbstractGColumnRenderer<T> |
AbstractGenericTest |
AbstractGenericTest.ExceptionHandlingRunner |
AbstractGhidraColumnRenderer<T> |
AbstractGhidraHeadedIntegrationTest |
AbstractGhidraHeadlessIntegrationTest |
AbstractGraphTransitionJob<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A job to transition vertices in a graph for location and visibility.
AbstractGraphVisibilityTransitionJob<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A job that provides an animator and callbacks for transitioning the visibility of
graph vertices.
AbstractGTableModel<T> |
AbstractGTest |
A root for system tests that provides known system information.
AbstractGTreeNode |
Base class for GTNodes.
AbstractGTreeNode.AllPathsIterator |
AbstractGTreeRootNode |
Simple base class for GTRootNodes.
AbstractIntegerDataType |
AbstractLayoutProvider<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>> |
A base implementation of LayoutProvider that stubs some default methods.
AbstractLibrarySupportLoader |
An abstract Loader that provides a framework to conveniently load Program s with
support for linking against libraries contained in other Program s.
AbstractMageJPanel<T> |
AbstractMagePanelManager<T> |
AbstractMessageDigest |
AbstractModularizationCmd |
AbstractOptions |
AbstractOptions.AliasBinding |
AbstractPatternTextFilter |
AbstractProgramBasedDynamicTableColumn<ROW_TYPE,COLUMN_TYPE> |
AbstractProgramBasedTest |
A convenience base class for creating tests that use the default tool and open a program.
AbstractProgramContext |
AbstractProgramLoader |
An abstract Loader that provides a framework to conveniently load Program s.
AbstractProgramLocationTableColumn<ROW_TYPE,COLUMN_TYPE> |
AbstractReferenceBytesTableColumn |
This table field displays the bytes of the code unit at the ToAddress
for the reference or possible reference address pair
associated with a row in the table.
AbstractReferencePreviewTableColumn |
This table field displays the preview of the code unit at the ToAddress
for the reference or possible reference address pair
associated with a row in the table.
AbstractRegexBasedTermSplitter |
Allows the user to split a string using a regex as the delimiter.
AbstractScreenShotGenerator |
AbstractSelectionNavigationAction |
An action used to trigger navigation callback on instances of #JTable .
AbstractSelectPathsTask |
AbstractSleighLexer |
AbstractSleighParser |
AbstractSortedTableModel<T> |
Table models should extends this model when they want sorting, potentially across multiple
columns, but do not want Threading or do not work on Program-related data (Address,
ProgramLocations, etc...).
AbstractStoredProgramContext |
AbstractStringDataType |
Common base class for all Ghidra string DataType s.
AbstractStringSearcher |
AbstractTaskInfo |
AbstractTextFieldElement |
An object that wraps a string and provides data that describes how to render
that string.
AbstractUnaryExpressionSolver<T extends UnaryExpression> |
A solver that handles expressions of the form [OP]A
AbstractVariableFieldFactory |
AbstractVisualEdge<V extends VisualVertex> |
An implementation of VisualEdge that implements the base interface so subclasses
do not have to.
AbstractVisualGraphLayout<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A base layout that marries the Visual Graph and Jung layout interfaces.
AbstractVisualVertex |
A VisualVertex implementation that implements most of the methods on the interface
AbstractVisualVertexRenderer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A base renderer class to define shared logic needed to render a vertex
AbstractWizardJPanel |
Base class that implements some methods of the WizardPanel, but not
AbstractWorker<T extends Job> |
Class that uses a single thread to execute scheduled jobs.
AbstractWrapperTypeColumnRenderer<T> |
A convenience interface of GColumnRenderer for primitive-based/wrapper-based
AbstractXmlPullParser |
Accumulator<T> |
The interface provides a mechanism for clients to pass around an object that is effectively
a 'results object', into which data can be placed as it is discovered.
ActionAdapter |
ActionContext |
Action context is a class that contains state information that is given to
DockingActionIf s for them to decide if they are enabled for a given user action.
ActionContextProvider |
ActionDialog |
Dialog to show multiple actions that are mapped to the same keystroke;
allows the user to select which action to do.
ActionState<T> |
Note: this class overrides the equals(Object) and relies upon the equals
method of the userData object.
ActionToGuiHelper |
A class that exists primarily to provide access to action-related package-level methods of the
DockingWindowManager .
ActionToGuiMapper |
Manages the global actions for the menu and toolbar.
AcyclicCallGraphBuilder |
Class to build an DependencyGraph base on a acyclic function call graph.
AddableLongDoubleHashtable |
This class modifies the behavior of LongDoubleHashtable.
AddableLongIntHashtable |
This class modifies the behavior of LongIntHashtable.
AddAllFieldAction |
Action for adding all fields to the current format.
AddBitMappedMemoryBlockCmd |
Command for adding Bit-mapped memory blocks
AddByteMappedMemoryBlockCmd |
Command for adding byte-mapped memory blocks
AddEditDialog |
AddExternalNameCmd |
Command to update the name for an external program.
AddFieldAction |
The action for adding a Field to the current format.
AddFileBytesMemoryBlockCmd |
Command for adding a new memory block using bytes from an imported FileBytes object.
AddFunctionTagCmd |
Command for assigning a tag to a function.
AddInitializedMemoryBlockCmd |
Command for adding a new memory block initialized with a specific byte.
AddLabelCmd |
Command to add a label.
AddMemoryParameterCommand |
A command to create a new function memory parameter.
AddMemoryVarCmd |
Command to add a memory variable to a function.
AddMemRefCmd |
Command class to add a memory reference to the program.
AddMemRefsCmd |
AddMemRefsCmd adds a set of memory references from a
specified address and opIndex to all code units identified by a
set of addresses.
AddOffsetMemRefCmd |
Command class to add an offset memory reference to the program.
AddParameterCommand |
Allows for the adding of a parameter to a given function.
AddRegisterParameterCommand |
A command to create a new function register parameter.
AddRegisterRefCmd |
Command class to add a register reference to the program.
AddRegisterVarCmd |
Command to add a register variable to a function.
AddRemoveJob<T> |
AddRemoveListItem<T> |
Address |
An address represents a location in a program.
AddressableRowObject |
AddressableRowObjectToAddressTableRowMapper |
AddressableRowObjectToFunctionTableRowMapper |
AddressableRowObjectToProgramLocationTableRowMapper |
AddressAlignmentListener |
AddressAnnotatedStringHandler |
AddressArrayTableModel |
This table model of addresses is used when you already have an
Address array built.
AddressBasedIndexMapper |
Implementation of IndexMapper that uses an old and new AddressIndexMap to map indexes
when the AddressIndexMap changes.
AddressBasedLocation |
AddressBasedLocation provides the ability to render and compare
addresses (e.g., location table column).
AddressBasedLocationColumnTypeMapper |
Converts AddressBasedLocation Column objects to Address so that column gets Address type column
AddressBasedTableModel<ROW_TYPE> |
AddressChangeSet |
Interface for an Address Change set.
AddressCorrelation |
Interface representing the address mapping for any means of correlating addresses
between a source program and a destination program.
AddressCorrelator |
Interface for address correlation algorithms that can generate an address mapping from one
set of program addresses to another.
AddressEvaluator |
The AddressEvaluator class provides a way to evaluate a string
that represents an address and resolve it to an address for a particular program.
AddressFactory |
AddressFactoryService |
Simple interface for getting an address factory.
AddressFieldFactory |
Generates Address Fields.
AddressFieldLocation |
The AddressFieldLocation class provides specific information
about a program location within the ADDRESS field.
AddressFieldOptionsPropertyEditor |
AddressFieldOptionsWrappedOption |
An option class that allows the user to edit a related group of options pertaining to
address field display.
AddressFormatException |
An AddressFormatException is thrown when a string that is
supposed to be an address representation cannot be parsed.
AddressIndexKeyIterator |
Iterator of indexed fields that are addresses.
AddressIndexMap |
This class maps a set of address ranges into a contiguous set of indexes from 0 to the
total size of the address set.
AddressIndexMapConverter |
AddressIndexPrimaryKeyIterator |
Long iterator over indexed addresses.
AddressInput |
Panel for user input of addresses.
AddressIterator |
AddressIterator is used to iterate over some set of addresses.
AddressIteratorAdapter |
AddressIteratorConverter |
AddressKeyAddressIterator |
Converts an AddressKeyIterator or an addressKeyAddressIterator into an AddressIterator
AddressKeyIterator |
Iterator of primary keys that are addresses.
AddressKeyRecordIterator |
Returns a RecordIterator over records that are address keyed.
AddressLabelInfo |
AddressLabelInfo is a utility class for storing
an Address and a corresponding label or alias together.
AddressLabelPair |
Container for holding an address and label.
AddressMap |
Address map interface add methods need by the program database implementation to manage its address map.
AddressMapDB |
Class used to map addresses to longs and longs to addresses.
AddressMapImpl |
AddressMapImpl provides a stand-alone AddressMap.
AddressObjectMap |
AddressObjectMap maintains a mapping between addresses in the program
and Objects that have been discovered.
AddressOutOfBoundsException |
An AddressOutOfBoundsException indicates that the Address is
being used to address Memory which does not exist.
AddressOverflowException |
An AddressOverflowException occurs when an attempt to
add or subtract a displacement would result in a value which
is outside the address space.
AddressPixelMap |
AddressPreviewTableModel |
Table model that shows a location, label, and a preview column to
show a preview of the code unit.
AddressProxy |
Stores information about a address in a program such that the address can
be retrieved when needed.
AddressRange |
The AddressRange interface is used by any object
that represents a contiguous inclusive range of
addresses from a minimum address to a maximum
AddressRangeChunker |
A class to break a range of addresses into 'chunks' of a give size.
AddressRangeImpl |
Implementation of an AddressRange.
AddressRangeIterator |
AddressRangeIterator is used to iterate over some set of addresses.
AddressRangeIteratorConverter |
AddressRangeMapDB |
RangeMapDB provides a generic value range map backed by a database table.
AddressRangeObjectMap<T> |
Associates objects with address ranges.
AddressRangeToAddressComparator |
Compares an address against an AddressRange.
AddressRecordDeleter |
Static methods to delete records from a table.
AddressSet |
Class for storing sets of addresses.
AddressSetCollection |
This interface represents a collection of AddressSets (actually AddressSetViews).
AddressSetEditorPanel |
AddressSetMapping |
AddressSetPartitioner |
AddressSetPropertyMap |
Defines methods to mark ranges in a property map.
AddressSetPropertyMapDB |
AddressSetPropertyMap that uses a RangeMapDB to maintain a set of addresses.
AddressSetTableModel |
AddressSetView |
Defines a read-only interface for an address set.
AddressSetViewAdapter |
This class wraps an address set and provides read-only access to that set.
AddressSizeProjectDataColumn |
AddressSourceInfo |
Provides information about the source of a byte value at an address including the file it
came from, the offset into that file, and the original value of that byte.
AddressSpace |
The AddressSpace class is used to represent a unique context for addresses.
AddressTableColumn |
This table field displays Address associated with a row in the table.
AddressTableDataTableColumn |
This table column displays Data for the address table associated with a row in the table.
AddressTableLengthTableColumn |
This table field displays size of the address table associated with a row in the table.
AddressTableToAddressTableRowMapper |
AddressTableToProgramLocationTableRowMapper |
AddressToFunctionContainingTableRowMapper |
AddressToProgramLocationTableRowMapper |
AddressToSymbolTableRowMapper |
AddressTranslationException |
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to translate an address
from one program into an equivalent address in another program.
AddressTranslator |
AddressTranslator |
AddressUtils |
AddShiftedMemRefCmd |
Command class to add a shifted memory reference to the program.
AddSpacerFieldAction |
Action for adding SpacerFields to a FieldModel
AddStackParameterCommand |
A command to create a new function stack parameter.
AddStackRefCmd |
Command class for adding stack references to a program.
AddStackVarCmd |
Command to add a stack variable to a function.
AddToProgramDialog |
The AddToProgramDialog is essentially the same as the ImporterDialog with a few exceptions.
AddUninitializedMemoryBlockCmd |
Command for adding uninitialized memory blocks
AddUniqueLabelCmd |
AIFFDataType |
Algorithms |
Algorithms |
Algorithms is a class containing static methods that implement
general algorithms based on objects returned from a data model.
AlignedObjectBasedPreviewTableModel<ROW_TYPE> |
AlignedStructureInspector |
AlignedStructureInspector provides a simple instance of a structure
member container used to perform alignment operations without forcing modification
of the actual structure.
AlignedStructurePacker |
AlignedStructurePacker provides support for performing aligned packing
of Structure components.
AlignedStructurePacker.StructurePackResult |
StructurePackResult provides access to aligned
packing results
AlignmentDataType |
AllBytesHashCalculator |
Hash function hashing all the bytes of an individual Instruction
AnalysisManager |
AnalysisPhase |
AnalysisPriority |
Class to specify priority within the Automated Analysis pipeline.
AnalysisRecipe |
AnalysisRecipeBuilder |
AnalysisRecipeEditor |
AnalysisTask |
AnalyzeHeadless |
Launcher entry point for running headless Ghidra.
Analyzer |
AnalyzerAdapter |
AnalyzerListPanel |
AnalyzerPanel |
AnalyzerPhaseConfiguration |
AnalyzerScheduler |
AnalyzerStatus |
AnalyzerType |
AnalyzerType defines various types of analyzers that Ghidra provides.
AnalyzerUtil |
AnchorDefinition |
A representation of a help location, which can be a file or a file with an anchor inside of
that file.
AnchoredLayout |
AnchoredLayoutHandler |
AnchorManager |
AndExpression |
Form a new expression by ANDing two PatternExpressions
AndExpressionSolver |
Solves expressions of the form A & B
AndQuery |
Combines two queries such that this query is the logical "AND" of the two queries.
AnimatedIcon |
AnimationPainter |
An interface used with AnimationUtils to allow clients to use the timing
framework while performing their own painting.
AnimationUtils |
AnimationUtils.BasicAnimationDriver |
AnimationUtils.BasicAnimationPainter |
AnimationUtils.ComponentToComponentDriver |
AnimationUtils.DragonImageDriver |
AnimationUtils.FocusDriver |
AnimationUtils.PointToComponentDriver |
AnimationUtils.PulseDriver |
AnimationUtils.RotateDriver |
AnimationUtils.ShakeDriver |
AnimationUtils.SwingAnimationCallbackDriver |
AnnotatedMouseHandler |
AnnotatedStringFieldMouseHandler |
AnnotatedStringHandler |
NOTE: ALL AnnotatedStringHandler CLASSES MUST END IN "StringHandler".
AnnotatedTextFieldElement |
A subclass of FieldElement that allows for mouse handling callbacks via the
#handleMouseClicked(ProgramLocation, ServiceProvider) method.
Annotation |
AnnotationException |
Exception thrown by the annotations classes.
AnnotationHandler |
NOTE: ALL AnnotationHandler CLASSES MUST END IN "AnnotationHandler".
AnonymousCallback |
AnyObjectTableModel<T> |
A table that allow users to provide a list of data objects whose method can be used
to create columns.
AoutHeader |
AoutHeaderMagic |
AoutHeaderMIPS |
AppendCommentCmd |
Command to append a specific type of comment on a code unit.
AppInfo |
Class with static methods to maintain application info, e.g., a handle to the
tool that is the Ghidra Project Window, the user's name, etc.
AppleSingleDouble |
AppleSingleDoubleAnalyzer |
AppleSingleDoubleBinaryAnalysisCommand |
Application |
ApplicationConfiguration |
ApplicationIdentifier |
Class to represent an application's unique identifier.
ApplicationInformationDisplayFactory |
ApplicationKeyManagerFactory |
ApplicationKeyManagerFactory provides application keystore management
functionality and the ability to generate X509KeyManager's for use with an SSLContext
or other PKI related operations.
ApplicationKeyManagerUtils |
ApplicationKeyManagerUtils provides public methods for utilizing
the application PKI key management, including access to trusted issuers
(i.e., CA certificates), token signing and validation, and the ability to
generate keystores for testing or when a self-signed certificate will
ApplicationLayout |
The Application Layout base class defines the customizable elements of the application's
directory structure.
ApplicationModule |
ApplicationProperties |
The application properties.
ApplicationSettings |
ApplicationSSLSocketFactory |
ApplicationSSLSocketFactory provides a replacement for the default
SSLSocketFactory which utilizes the default SSLContext established
by SSLContextInitializer .
ApplicationTrustManagerFactory |
ApplicationTrustManagerFactory provides the ability to establish
acceptable certificate authorities to be used with SSL connections and PKI
ApplicationUtilities |
Utility class for default application things.
ApplicationVersion |
Class to represent an application's version information.
ApplyEnumDialog |
ApplyFunctionDataTypesCmd |
Apply all function signature data types in a data type manager to
any user defined label that has the same name as the function
ApplyFunctionSignatureAction |
Action that applies the signature of the function in the currently active side of a decompiler
code comparison panel to the function in the other side of the panel.
ApplyFunctionSignatureAction |
Action that applies the signature of the function in the currently active side of a listing
code comparison panel to the function in the other side of the panel.
ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd |
Command to create apply a function signature at an address.
Architecture |
ArchitectureDataDirectory |
ArchiveBuilder |
ArchiveExtractor |
ArchiveProvider |
An interface to be implemented by any class that can return a list of Archives.
ArchiveType |
ArmDisassembleCommand |
Command object for performing Arm/Thumb disassembly
Array |
Array interface
Array |
Base interface for Defining methods for managing a "virtual" array of some data type.
ArrayDataType |
Basic implementation of the Array interface.
ArrayDataTypeHTMLRepresentation |
ArrayElementFieldLocation |
ArrayElementPropertyEditor |
ArrayElementWrappedOption |
ArrayStringable |
ArrayStringable identifies those data types which when formed into
an array can be interpreted as a string (e.g., character array).
ArrayUtilities |
ArrayValuesFieldFactory |
ArrowDownAction |
The down arrow should move the selection down one row.
ArrowDownSelectionAction |
The down arrow should move the selection down one row.
ArrowUpAction |
The up arrow should move the selection up one row.
ArrowUpSelectionAction |
The up arrow should move the selection up one row.
ArticulatedEdgeRenderer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
ArticulatedEdgeTransformer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
An edge shape that renders as a series of straight lines between articulation points.
AsciiCharSetRecognizer |
AsciiExporter |
An implementation of exporter that creates
an Ascii representation of the program.
AskAddrDialog |
AskDialog<T> |
Assembler |
The primary interface for performing assembly in Ghidra.
AssemblerBuilder |
An interface to build an assembler for a given language
Assemblers |
The primary class for obtaining an Assembler for a Ghidra-supported language.
AssemblyConstructorSemantic |
Describes a SLEIGH constructor semantic
These are collected and associated with productions in the grammar based on the given
constructor's print pieces.
AssemblyContextGraph |
A graph of possible context changes via the application of various constructors
This is used primarily to find optimal paths for the application of recursive rules, i.e., those
of the form I => I.
AssemblyContextGraph.Edge |
A transition in a context transition graph
A transition consists of the constructor whose context changes were applied.
AssemblyContextGraph.Vertex |
A vertex in a context transition graph
Each vertex consists of a context block and a (sub)table name
AssemblyDefaultContext |
A class that computes the default context for a language, and acts as a pseudo context
This class helps maintain context consistency when performing both assembly and disassembly.
AssemblyEOI |
A terminal that accepts the end of input
AssemblyError |
An exception for programmer errors regarding an assembler
AssemblyException |
A checked exception used for input errors regarding the assembler
AssemblyExtendedGrammar |
Defines an "extended" grammar
"Extended grammar" as in a grammar extended with state numbers from an LR0 parser.
AssemblyExtendedNonTerminal |
The type of non-terminal for an "extended grammar"
AssemblyExtendedProduction |
Defines a production of an "extended" grammar
AssemblyFirstFollow |
A class to compute the first and follow of every non-terminal in a grammar
See Alfred V.
AssemblyFixedNumericTerminal |
A terminal that accepts only a particular numeric value
This is different from a fixed string, because it will accept any encoding of the given numeric
AssemblyGrammar |
Defines a context free grammar, used to parse mnemonic assembly instructions
This stores the CFG and the associated semantics for each production.
AssemblyGrammarException |
An exception to identify errors associated with grammar construction
AssemblyNonTerminal |
The type of non-terminal for an assembly grammar
AssemblyNumericMapTerminal |
A terminal that accepts only a particular set of numeric values, mapping each to another value
This often used for non-conventional numeric encodings.
AssemblyNumericTerminal |
A terminal that accepts any numeric value or program label
The literal may take any form accepted by UNIX strtol() with base=0.
AssemblyParseAcceptResult |
A successful result from parsing
AssemblyParseActionGotoTable |
The Action/Goto table for a LALR(1) parser
This table is unconventional in that it permits a single cell to be populated by more than one
AssemblyParseActionGotoTable.AcceptAction |
An ACCEPT (acc) entry
AssemblyParseActionGotoTable.Action |
An action in the Action/Goto table
AssemblyParseActionGotoTable.GotoAction |
A GOTO (Gn) entry
AssemblyParseActionGotoTable.ReduceAction |
A REDUCE (Rn) entry
AssemblyParseActionGotoTable.ShiftAction |
A SHIFT (Sn) entry
AssemblyParseBranch |
A branch in a parse tree, corresponding to the application of a production
AssemblyParseErrorResult |
An unsuccessful result from parsing
AssemblyParseMachine |
A class that implements the LALR(1) parsing algorithm
Instances of this class store a parse state.
AssemblyParseNumericToken |
A token having a numeric value
AssemblyParser |
A class to encapsulate LALR(1) parsing for a given grammar
This class constructs the Action/Goto table (and all the other trappings) of a LALR(1) parser
and provides a AssemblyParser.parse(String) method to parse actual sentences.
AssemblyParser.MergeKey |
A map key used to identify merges for Step 4 in Stephen Jackson's rant
AssemblyParser.MergeValue |
AssemblyParseResult |
A result of parsing a sentence
If the sentence was accepted, this yields a parse tree.
AssemblyParseState |
A state in an LR(0) parsing machine
Each item consists of a kernel and an implied closure.
AssemblyParseStateItem |
An item in the state of an LR(0) parser
An item is a production with a dot indicating a position while parsing
AssemblyParseToken |
A string token
AssemblyParseTransitionTable |
The transition table defining an LR(0) parsing machine
AssemblyParseTreeNode |
A node in a parse tree
AssemblyPatternBlock |
The analog of PatternBlock , designed for use by the assembler
It is suitable for the assembler because it is represented byte-by-byte, and it offers a number
of useful conversions and operations.
AssemblyProduction |
Defines a production for parsing mnemonic assembly
AssemblyResolution |
AssemblyResolutionResults |
A set of possible assembly resolutions for a single SLEIGH constructor
Since the assembler works from the leaves up, it unclear in what context a given token appears.
AssemblyResolvedBackfill |
AssemblyResolvedConstructor |
AssemblyResolvedError |
A AssemblyResolution indicating the occurrence of a (usually semantic) error
The description should indicate where the error occurred.
AssemblySelectionError |
Thrown when a programmer selects an improper instruction during assembly
AssemblySelector |
Provides a mechanism for pruning and selecting binary assembled instructions from the results
of parsing textual assembly instructions.
AssemblySemanticException |
Thrown when all resolutions of an assembly instruction result in semantic errors.
AssemblySentential<NT extends AssemblyNonTerminal> |
A "string" of symbols
To avoid overloading the word "String", we call this a "sentential".
AssemblySentential.TruncatedWhiteSpaceParseToken |
The token consumed by a whitespace terminal when it anticipates the end of input
"Expected" tokens given by a parse machine when this is the last token it has consumed are
not valid suggestions.
AssemblySentential.WhiteSpaceParseToken |
The token consumed by a whitespace terminal
AssemblyStringMapTerminal |
A terminal that accepts only a particular set of strings, mapping each to a numeric value
AssemblyStringTerminal |
A terminal that accepts only a particular string
AssemblySymbol |
A symbol in a context-free grammar
Symbols can be either terminals or non-terminals.
AssemblySyntaxException |
Thrown when all parses of an assembly instruction result in syntax errors.
AssemblyTerminal |
The type of terminal for an assembly grammar
Unlike classical parsing, each terminal provides its own tokenizer.
AssemblyTreeResolver |
The workhorse of semantic resolution for the assembler
This class takes a parse tree and some additional information (start address, context, etc.) and
attempts to determine possible encodings using the semantics associated with each branch of the
given parse tree.
AssertException |
AssertException is used in situations that the programmer believes can't happen.
AssignedVariableFieldFactory |
Generates Variable Assignment Fields (point of first-use).
AssignedVariableLocation |
AssociateSymbolCmd |
Command class for associating a reference with a specific label
AtLeastColumnConstraint<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
Column Constraint where acceptable column values are greater than or equal to some specified
value of the column type.
AtLeastDateColumnConstraint |
Column Constraint where acceptable column values are greater than or equal to some specified
value of the column type.
AtMostColumnConstraint<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
Column Constraint where acceptable column values are less than or equal to some specified
value of the column type.
AtMostDateColumnConstraint |
Column Constraint where acceptable column values are greater than or equal to some specified
value of the column type
Attribute<T extends KeyedObject> |
Base class for attributes -- int, double, or String values -- which can
be assigned to the members of a KeyIndexableSet, e.g.
AttributedString |
An object that wraps a string and provides data that describes how to render
that string.
AttributeManager<T extends KeyedObject> |
Class which creates and keeps track of attributes defined
for a single KeyIndexableSet.
AUDataType |
AutocompletingStringConstraintEditor |
An editor that provides suggestions of values that, according to
StringMatchStrategy, match a user-supplied
AutocompletionCellRenderer<T> |
This is a default list cell renderer for the TextFieldAutocompleter suitable for
extension if a user wishes to customize it.
AutocompletionEvent<T> |
An event related to autocompletion, usually a completion being activated by the user.
AutocompletionListener<T> |
A listener for autocompletion events.
AutocompletionModel<T> |
A model to generate the suggested completions, given a viable prefix.
AutoGeneratedDockingAction |
A marker interface to signal that the implementing action is temporary and gets built
automatically by the tool
AutoImporter |
Utility methods to do imports automatically (without requiring user interaction).
AutoLookupKeyStrokeConsumer |
An implementation of KeyStrokeConsumer that checks to see if a given KeyStroke
is valid for performing lookup on trees and tables.
AutomaticCommentFieldLocation |
The AutomaticCommentFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the automatic comment of an EOL comment field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
AutoParameterImpl |
AutoParameterType |
AutoParameterType defines the various
types of auto-parameters.
AutoscrollAdapter |
Helper class for autoscrolling on a component.
BackgroundColorModel |
BackgroundCommand |
Abstract command that will be run in a thread (in the background)
other than the AWT(GUI) thread.
BackgroundCommandListener |
Listener that is notified when a BackgroundCommand completes.
BadDataType |
Provides an implementation of a data type that is not valid (bad) as it is used in
the program.
BadgedIcon |
An icon that allows sub-icons to be added at key perimeter locations.
BadgedIcon.BadgePosition |
BailoutException |
BaseLexer |
BaseRecognizerOverride |
BaseRelocation |
A class to represent the IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION
data structure defined in winnt.h .
BaseRelocationDataDirectory |
Points to the base relocation information.
BaseSectionProvider |
Fetches DWARF sections from a normal program using simple Ghidra memory blocks.
BasicBlockModel |
This BlockModel implements the Basic block model.
BasicCompilerSpec |
BasicCompilerSpecDescription |
BasicDecompilerCodeComparisonPanel |
Panel that displays two decompilers for comparison and synchronizes their scrolling
using a basic coordinator.
BasicDecompilerFieldPanelCoordinator |
A basic coordinator that locks two decompiler panels together at the first line so that
scrolling one side also scrolls the other.
BasicEdgeLabelRenderer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A class to override the default edge label placement.
BasicEdgeRouter<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
BasicFactory<T> |
BasicLanguageDescription |
BatchGroup |
BatchGroup.BatchLoadConfig |
BatchGroupLoadSpec |
BatchImportDialog |
BatchInfo |
This is the main state of a batch import task, containing the segregated groupings of
BatchSegregatingCriteria |
Set of identifying pieces of info that allow us to segregate files that we are
importing into groups.
Beanify |
BeginningOfLineAction |
BigEndianDataConverter |
Helper class to convert a byte array to Java primitives and primitives to a
byte array in Big endian.
BinaryAnalysisCommand |
NOTE: ALL BinaryAnalysisCommand CLASSES MUST END IN "BinaryAnalysisCommand".
BinaryCodedField |
Allows various non-database supported data types to be
encoded within a BinaryField which may be stored within the
BinaryExporter |
An implementation of exporter that creates
an Binary representation of the program.
BinaryExpression |
BinaryExpression |
Base class for binary operators that combine PatternExpressions
BinaryField |
BinaryField provides a wrapper for variable length binary data which is read or
written to a Record.
BinaryLoader |
BinaryOpBehavior |
BinaryReader |
A class for reading data from a
generic byte provider in either big-endian or little-endian.
BindProcessor |
BindState |
BitFieldDataType |
BitFieldDataType provides a means of defining a minimally sized bit-field
for use within data structures.
BitFieldDataTypeHTMLRepresentation |
BitFieldPacking |
BitFieldPackingImpl |
BitGroup |
Class used to organize long values into sets of values with overlapping bits.
BitMappedByteSourceRange |
BitmapResource |
BitmapResourceDataType |
Definition of a Bitmap Resource Data Structure defined within the
resources section of a windows executable.
BitTree |
The BitTree class maintains a set of ordered keys between the values of
0 and N.
Block |
This class holds basic-block information for matching algorithms.
BlockCondition |
Block representing and '&&' or '||' control flow path within a conditional expression
possible multiple incoming edges
2 outgoing edges, one for true control flow, one for false control flow
one "initial" condition block, with 2 outgoing edges
one "secondary" condition block, with 2 outgoing edges, exactly 1 incoming edge from "initial"
BlockCopy |
Placeholder for a basic block (BlockBasic) within a structured
control-flow graph.
BlockDoWhile |
Do-while block:
possible multiple incoming edges
1 (implied) edge outgoing back to itself
1 edge outgoing (the loop exit)
1 block representing the body of the loop
BlockGoto |
A "plain" goto block
possible multiple incoming edges
no outgoing edges
1 (implied) outgoing edge representing the unstructured goto
BlockGraph |
A block (with in edges and out edges) that contains other blocks
BlockIfElse |
A standard if/else control flow block
possible multiple incoming edges
1 outgoing edge - going to the common out block rejoining the 2 control flows
1 "condition" block with exactly 2 outputs
1 "true" block representing the control flow if the condition is true
1 "false" block representing the control flow if the condition is false
BlockIfGoto |
Block representing an if () goto control flow
possible multiple incoming edges
1 output edge if the condition is false
1 (implied) output edge representing the unstructured control flow if the condition is true
1 block evaluating the condition
BlockInfLoop |
Block representing an infinite loop
possible multiple incoming edges
no outgoing edges
1 (implied) outgoing edge representing loop to the top control flow
1 interior block representing the body of the loop
BlockList |
Block representing a sequence of other blocks
possible multiple incoming edges
1 outgoing edge
1 or more interior blocks that are executed in sequence
BlockMap |
BlockModelService |
Service for providing block models.
BlockModelServiceListener |
Listener interface for BlockModelService.
BlockMultiGoto |
A block representing a 2-or-more control flow branchpoint
possible multiple incoming edges
1 or more outgoing edges (as in switch control flow)
2 or more (implied) outgoing edges representing unstructured branch destinations (switch case with goto statement)
1 interior block representing the decision block of the switch
BlockPanel |
BlockProperIf |
A block containing condition control flow
possible multiple incoming edges
1 outgoing edge representing rejoined control flow
2 interior blocks
one "condition" block representing the decision point on whether to take the conditional flow
one "body" block representing the conditional flow that may be followed or may be skipped
BlockStartLocation |
BlockStartLocation provides information about the location
(within a program) of an object that represents the start of a memory block.
BlockStream |
BlockStream provides a BufferFile block stream.
BlockStreamHandle<T extends BlockStream> |
BlockSwitch |
A block representing a switch construction
possible multiple incoming edges
1 outgoing edge representing all the interior control flow cases coming back together
1 interior block representing the decision point with outgoing edges to the different cases (or the exit block)
multiple interior blocks for each "case" of the switch
cases must exactly 1 outgoing edge to the common exit block or have no outgoing edges
BlockWhileDo |
Block representing a while-do (exit from the top) loop construction
possible multiple incoming edges
1 outgoing exit edge
1 (implied) loop edge
1 interior block representing the top of the loop and the decision point for staying in the loop
1 interior block representing the body of the loop, which always exits back to the top of the loop
Bookmark |
Interface for bookmarks.
BookmarkComparator |
Provides an ordering for bookmarks.
BookmarkDB |
BookmarkDBAdapterV3 |
BookmarkDBManager |
BookmarkManager |
Interface for managing bookmarks.
BookmarkService |
BookmarkType |
Interface for bookmark types.
BookmarkTypeComparator |
Provides an ordering for bookmark types.
BookmarkTypeDB |
BookmarkTypeDBAdapterNoTable |
BookmarkTypeDBAdapterV0 |
BooleanArray |
Data structure to set bits to indicate in use.
BooleanConstraintEditor |
A constraint editor for Boolean-type constraints, offering a choice of boolean values.
BooleanDataType |
Provides a definition of an Ascii byte in a program.
BooleanEditor |
An editor for Boolean properties.
BooleanExpressionLexer |
BooleanExpressionParser |
BooleanField |
BooleanField provides a wrapper for boolean data which is read or
written to a Record.
BooleanMatchColumnConstraint |
Column Constraint for boolean values where the column values must match the constraint value
of either true of false.
BooleanMatchColumnConstraintProvider |
Provides boolean related column constraints.
BooleanSettingsDefinition |
The inteface for SettingsDefinitions that have boolean values.
BoundedBufferedReader |
BoundedInputStream |
InputStream wrapper that limits itself to a portion of the wrapped stream.
BoundedRangeDecimalFormatterFactory |
Bounded range factory for formatters with a min and max allowed value.
BoundImportDataDirectory |
BoundImportDescriptor |
A class to represent the
data structure defined in winnt.h .
BoundImportForwarderRef |
A class to represent the
data structure defined in winnt.h .
BreadthFirstIterator |
BreakCallBack |
BreakTable |
BreakTableCallBack |
BrowserCodeUnitFormat |
BrowserCodeUnitFormat provides a code unit format based upon
a common set of viewer Options for specific Tool.
BrowserCodeUnitFormatOptions |
BrowserLoader |
BrowserLoader opens a web browser and displays the given url.
Buffer |
Buffer provides a general purpose storage buffer interface
providing various data access methods.
BufferFile |
BufferFile facilitates read/write access to buffer oriented file.
BufferFileAdapter |
BufferFileAdapter provides a BufferFile implementation which
wraps a BufferFileHandle.
BufferFileBlock |
BufferFileBlock is used to hold BufferFile blocks
for use during block streaming operations.
BufferFileHandle |
BufferFileHandle facilitates access to a BufferFile
BufferFileManager |
BufferFileManager provides an interface for a
BufferFile manager who understands the storage for the various
versions of BufferFiles associated with a single database.
BufferMgr |
BufferMgr provides low-level buffer management and caching.
BuildVersionCommand |
Represents a build_version_command structure.
BuildVersionCommand.BuildToolVersion |
BuiltIn |
BuiltInDataType |
BuiltInDataTypeClassExclusionFilter |
An exclusion filter to use when searching for classes that implement BuiltInDataType
BuiltInDataTypeManager |
Data type manager for built in types that do not live anywhere except
in memory.
BuiltinDBAdapter |
Database adapter for managing built-in data types.
BuiltInSourceArchive |
BusyListener |
BusyToolException |
Exception thrown if an operation cannot be done because the tool has background tasks
ButtonPanelFactory |
Class with static methods to create a JButton with a raised bevel border,
and to create a JPanel with buttons created by calling the
createButton() method.
ButtonPressedListener |
Listener that is notified when a mouse button is pressed.
ByteArray |
Array of bytes that grows as needed.
ByteArrayArray |
Array of byte[] that grows as needed.
ByteArrayConverter |
An interface to convert from a object to a
byte array.
ByteArrayProvider |
An implementation of ByteProvider where the underlying
bytes are supplied by a static byte array.
ByteCopier |
Base class that can copy bytes into a Transferable object, and paste
bytes into a program.
ByteCopier.ByteViewerTransferable |
ByteCountProgramLocationBasedTableColumn |
ByteCountSettingsDefinition |
ByteDataType |
Provides a definition of a Byte within a program.
ByteField |
ByteField provides a wrapper for single signed byte data
which is read or written to a Record.
ByteMemBufferImpl |
Simple byte buffer implementation of the memBuffer.
BytePropertySet |
Handles general storage and retrieval of byte values indexed by long keys.
ByteProvider |
An interface for a generic random-access byte provider.
ByteProviderInputStream |
ByteProviderPaddedInputStream |
ByteProviderWrapper |
Creates a byte provider constrained to a sub-section
of an existing byte provider.
BytesFieldFactory |
Generates Bytes Fields.
BytesFieldLocation |
The BytesFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the BYTES field within a program location.
ByteSourceRange |
ByteSourceRangeList |
BytesTableColumn |
This table field displays the bytes for the code unit beginning at the address
associated with a row in the table.
ByteStreamCharMatcher |
ByteStreamCharMatcher are state machines used to look for char sequences within a stream of bytes.
ByteTrie<T> |
ByteTrie is a byte-based trie specifically designed to implement the Aho-Corasick
string search algorithm.
ByteTrieIfc<T> |
ByteTrieNode<T> |
Class to represent a (possibly non-terminal!) node within the ByteTrie.
ByteTrieNodeIfc<T> |
CachingLoader<T> |
CachingPool<T> |
A thread-safe pool class that knows how to create instances as needed.
CachingSatelliteGraphViewer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
CachingSwingWorker<T> |
Class for managing the creation of some slow loading object that may be used by multiple threads,
including the Swing thread.
CalculateLayoutLocationsTask<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
Callback |
A generic functional interface that is more semantically sound than Runnable .
CallbackAccumulator<T> |
An implementation of Accumulator that allows clients to easily process items as
they arrive.
CallDepthChangeInfo |
Given a function in a program or the start of a function, record information
about the change to a stack pointer from a subroutine call.
Callout |
CalloutComponentInfo |
An object that describes a component to be 'called-out'.
CancelledException |
CancelledException indicates that the user cancelled
the current operation.
CancelledListener |
CancelOnlyWrappingTaskMonitor |
A monitor that is designed for sub-tasks, where the outer task handles reporting messages and
CaptureFunctionDataTypesCmd |
Capture all selected function signature data types from the current program and put them
in the data type manager.
CaptureFunctionDataTypesListener |
Listener that is notified when the CaptureFunctionDataTypesCmd completes.
CascadedDropTarget |
Combines two drop targets and sends events to them in priority order.
CaseInsensitiveByteTrie<T> |
CaseInsensitiveByteTrie is a byte-based trie specifically designed to implement the Aho-Corasick
string search algorithm, matching alphabetic characters ignoring case.
CaseInsensitiveByteTrieNode<T> |
Class to represent a (possibly non-terminal!) node within the CaseInsensitiveByteTrie.
CaseInsensitiveDuplicateStringComparator |
Comparator for sorting Strings in a case insensitive way except that case insensitive duplicates
are then sub-sorted by reverse case so that lower case is before upper case.
Category |
Each data type resides in a given a category.
CategoryPath |
A category path is the full path to a particular data type
CausesImportant |
CausesImportant.Util |
CDisplayPanel |
CenterTranslateIcon |
An icon that will update it's x,y offset to be centered over another, presumably larger
CFM_Util |
CFragArchitecture |
CFragLocatorKind |
Values for type CFragLocatorKind.
CFragResource |
CFragResourceMember |
CFragSymbolClass |
CFragUpdateLevel |
CFragUsage |
Values for type CFragUsage
CFragUsage1Union |
If the fragment is an application, appStackSize indicates
the application stack size.
CFragUsage2Union |
CFragWhere1Union |
CFragWhere2Union |
ChainedBuffer |
DBBuffer provides storage for large data objects utilizing a common
buffer management system.
ChangedFilesDialog |
Dialog to prompt user to save files before adding files to source control
or checking in files.
ChangeFunctionTagCmd |
Updates the name or comment field for a given function tag.
ChangeManager |
Interface to define event types and the method to generate an
event within Program.
ChangeManagerAdapter |
Empty implementation for a ChangeManager.
ChangeMap |
ChangeMap facilitates the decoding of change-data
to determine if a specific buffer was modified by the
corresponding buffer file version.
ChangeMapFile |
ChangeMapFile tracks which buffers within a LocalBufferFile
have been modified between an older and newer version.
ChangeSet |
Generic marker to denote changes made to some object.
ChannelLocker |
CharacterIterator |
A class for bidirectional iteration over a string.
CharacterIterator |
A class for bidirectional iteration over a string.
CharacterTermSplitter |
Provides the ability to split a string using a single character as the
delimiter, interpreted as a regex.
CharDataType |
Provides a definition of an primitive char in a program.
CharsetInfo |
Additional information about java.nio.charset.Charset's that
Ghidra needs to be able to create Ghidra string datatype instances.
CharSetRecognizer |
CharsetSettingsDefinition |
CharWidth |
CheckinHandler |
CheckinHandler facilitates application callbacks during
the check-in of a DomainFile.
CheckInTask |
Task to perform a check on a list of DomainFiles.
CheckoutDialog |
CheckoutDialog |
CheckoutsActionContext |
CheckoutsDialog |
Dialog for viewing all the current checkouts for a single domain file.
CheckoutsPanel |
Panel that shows check out information for a domain file.
CheckoutType |
ChecoutType identifies the type of checkout
ChkDominanceAlgorithm<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
This algorithm is an implementation of the Cooper, Harvey, Kennedy algorithm.
ChkPostDominanceAlgorithm<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
This is ChkDominanceAlgorithm with reverse graph traversal, which allows the
algorithm to calculate post dominance.
ChoiceComponent |
Abstract class for a GUI panel that allows the user to select choices for
resolving conflicts.
ChompingBitsAnimationPanel |
Panel that displays an animation of the Ghidra dragon chomping bits.
ChooseColumnsDialog |
Chunk |
A chunk represents the basic unit of text that is displayed in the FVTable .
ChunkingParallelDecompiler<R> |
A class that simplifies some the concurrent datastructure setup required for decompiling
ChunkModel |
ChunkReader |
This class handles reading data from the input file, in the form of Chunk objects.
CircularDependencyException |
CircularDependencyException is thrown in cases where
an action would cause the program's module structure to have a
"cycle", that is to have two module which are both ancestors and
descendants of each other.
ClampPropertiesLookup |
ClangBreak |
ClangCommentToken |
ClangFieldElement |
ClangFieldToken |
A C code token representing a structure field.
ClangFuncNameToken |
A C code token representing a function name
It contains a link back to the pcode function object represented by the name
ClangFuncProto |
The C code syntax for a function prototype
ClangFunction |
All the fields making up one function in the display
ClangHighlightController |
Class to handle highlights for a decompiled function.
ClangHighlightListener |
Interface for a decompiler highlight change listener.
ClangLabelToken |
ClangLayoutController |
Control the GUI layout for displaying tokenized C code
ClangLine |
A line of C code.
ClangNode |
Generic tree interface
ClangOpToken |
Token representing an operation in C code text.
ClangReturnType |
A group of C code tokens representing the return type of a function
as at the beginning of a function prototype.
ClangStatement |
A C code statement.
ClangSyntaxToken |
A C code token which is not an operation, variable, function name, or type.
ClangTextField |
ClangToken |
Class representing a C code language token
May contain links back to pcode object
ClangTokenGroup |
A node in a tree of C code tokens.
ClangTypeToken |
A C code token representing a data type.
ClangVariableDecl |
A group of C code tokens forming a variable declaration.
ClangVariableToken |
Token representing a C variable
ClangXML |
To change the template for this generated type comment go to
Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
ClassExclusionFilter |
ClassFilter |
ClassFinder |
Finds extension classes in the classpath
ClassicBindProcessor |
ClassicLazyBindProcessor |
ClassicSampleX86ProgramBuilder |
ClassModuleTree |
ClassSearcher |
This class is a collection of static methods used to discover classes that implement a
particular interface or extend a particular base class.
ClassSearchTask |
Task for searching for classes.
ClassSymbol |
Symbols that represent "classes"
ClassTranslator |
ClassTranslator provides a way to map an old Ghidra class to
a current Ghidra class.
ClearCutAction |
ClearEquateCmd |
ClearExternalNameCmd |
Command to remove an external program name from the reference manager.
ClearFallThroughCmd |
Command to clear a fallthrough.
ClearFilterLabel |
A label that displays an icon that, when clicked, will clear the contents of the
associated filter.
CliAbstractSig |
CliAbstractSig.CliConstraint |
CliAbstractSig.CliCustomMod |
CliAbstractSig.CliElementType |
CliAbstractSig.CliTypeCodeDataType |
CliAbstractStream |
A abstract CLI stream type for convenience.
CliAbstractTable |
Generic Metadata table.
CliAbstractTableRow |
Generic Metadata table row.
CliBlob |
Describes a blob in the #Blob heap.
CliBlobMarshalSpec |
CliBlobMarshalSpec.CliNativeType |
CliBlobMarshalSpec.CliNativeTypeDataType |
CliCodedIndexUtils |
ClientAuthenticator |
ClientUtil |
ClientUtil allows a user to connect to a Repository Server and obtain its handle.
CliFlags |
CliFlags.CliEnumAssemblyFlags |
CliFlags.CliEnumAssemblyHashAlgorithm |
CliFlags.CliEnumEventAttributes |
CliFlags.CliEnumFieldAttributes |
CliFlags.CliEnumFileAttributes |
CliFlags.CliEnumGenericParamAttributes |
CliFlags.CliEnumManifestResourceAttributes |
CliFlags.CliEnumMethodAttributes |
CliFlags.CliEnumMethodImplAttributes |
CliFlags.CliEnumMethodSemanticsAttributes |
CliFlags.CliEnumParamAttributes |
CliFlags.CliEnumPInvokeAttributes |
CliFlags.CliEnumPropertyAttributes |
CliFlags.CliEnumTypeAttributes |
CliIndexCustomAttributeType |
CliIndexHasConstant |
CliIndexHasCustomAttribute |
CliIndexHasDeclSecurity |
CliIndexHasFieldMarshall |
CliIndexHasSemantics |
CliIndexImplementation |
CliIndexMemberForwarded |
CliIndexMemberRefParent |
CliIndexMethodDefOrRef |
CliIndexResolutionScope |
CliIndexTypeDefOrRef |
CliIndexTypeOrMethodDef |
CliMetadataDirectory |
CliMetadataRoot |
CliMethodDef |
CliMethodExtraSections |
ClipboardContentProviderService |
ClipboardContentProvider determines what types of
transfer data can be placed on the clipboard, and cut, copy, and paste.
ClipboardService |
ClipboardType |
Defines a "type" for items in the Clipboard
ClippingTextField |
Field for showing multiple strings, each with its own attributes in a field,
on a single line, clipping as needed to fit within the field's width.
CliRepresentable |
Describes the methods necessary to get a long and short representation, with or without an metadata stream.
CliSigField |
CliSigLocalVar |
CliSigMethodDef |
CliSigMethodRef |
CliSigMethodSpec |
CliSigProperty |
CliSigStandAloneMethod |
CliSigTypeSpec |
CliStreamBlob |
The Blob stream contains ???.
CliStreamGuid |
The GUID stream points to a sequence of 128-bit GUIDs.
CliStreamHeader |
CliStreamMetadata |
The Metadata stream is giant and complicated.
CliStreamStrings |
The Strings stream contains null-terminated UTF8 strings.
CliStreamUserStrings |
The User Strings stream contains blobs of 16-bit Unicode strings.
CliTableAssembly |
Describes the Assembly table.
CliTableAssemblyOS |
Describes the AssemblyOS table.
CliTableAssemblyProcessor |
Describes the AssemblyProcessor table.
CliTableAssemblyRef |
Describes the AssemblyRef table.
CliTableAssemblyRefOS |
Describes the AssemblyRefOS table.
CliTableAssemblyRefProcessor |
Describes the AssemblyRefProcessor table.
CliTableClassLayout |
Describes the ClassLayout table.
CliTableConstant |
Describes the Constant table.
CliTableCustomAttribute |
Describes the CustomAttribute table.
CliTableDeclSecurity |
Describes the DeclSecurity table.
CliTableEvent |
Describes the Event table.
CliTableEventMap |
Describes the EventMap table.
CliTableExportedType |
Describes the ExportedType table.
CliTableField |
Describes the Field table.
CliTableFieldLayout |
Describes the FieldLayout table.
CliTableFieldMarshall |
Describes the FieldMarshall table.
CliTableFieldRVA |
Describes the FieldRVA table.
CliTableFile |
Describes the File table.
CliTableGenericParam |
Describes the GenericParam table.
CliTableGenericParamConstraint |
Describes the GenericParamConstraint table.
CliTableImplMap |
Describes the ImplMap table.
CliTableInterfaceImpl |
Describes the InterfaceImpl table.
CliTableManifestResource |
Describes the ManifestResources table.
CliTableMemberRef |
Describes the MemberRef/MethodRef table.
CliTableMethodDef |
Describes the MethodDef table.
CliTableMethodImpl |
Describes the MethodImpl table.
CliTableMethodSemantics |
Describes the MethodSemantics table.
CliTableMethodSpec |
Describes the MethodSpec table.
CliTableModule |
Describes the Module Table, which contains information about the current assembly.
CliTableModuleRef |
Describes the ModuleRef table.
CliTableNestedClass |
Describes the NestedClass table.
CliTableParam |
Describes the Param table.
CliTableProperty |
Describes the Property table.
CliTablePropertyMap |
Describes the PropertyMap class.
CliTableStandAloneSig |
Describes the StandAloneSig table.
CliTableTypeDef |
Describes the TypeDef table.
CliTableTypeRef |
Describes the TypeRef table.
CliTableTypeSpec |
Describes the TypeSpec table.
CliTypeTable |
Possible Metadata table types.
ClosedException |
ClosedException indicates that the underlying resource has been
closed and read/write operations have failed.
CloseProgramPluginEvent |
Event for telling a tool (program mgr) to open a program
CodeBlock |
CodeBlock represents some group of Instructions/Data.
CodeBlockEdge |
CodeBlockImpl |
CodeBlockImpl is an implementation of a CodeBlock.
CodeBlockIterator |
An iterator interface over CodeBlocks.
CodeBlockModel |
An implementation of a CodeBlockModel will produce CodeBlocks
based on some algorithm.
CodeBlockReference |
A CodeBlockReference represents the flow from one CodeBlock to another.
CodeBlockReferenceImpl |
CodeBlockReferenceImpl implements a CodeBlockReference.
CodeBlockReferenceIterator |
An iterator interface over CodeBlockReferences.
CodeBlockVertex |
A class for representing a code block within a graph.
CodeComparisonPanel<T extends FieldPanelCoordinator> |
The CodeComparisonPanel class should be extended by any class that is to be discovered by
the FunctionComparisonPanel class and included as a form of comparing two sections
of code within the same or different programs.
CodeComparisonPanelActionContext |
Action context for a CodeComparisonPanel.
CodeFormatService |
Service provided by a plugin that gives access to a manager for the field formats used by a
CodeFragmentManager |
CodeManager |
Class to manage database tables for data and instructions.
CodeSymbol |
Symbols that represent "labels"
Symbol data usage:
long data1 - external data type
String data3 - external memory address
int data2 - primary flag
CodeUnit |
Interface common to both instructions and data.
CodeUnitContainer |
CodeUnitCountSettingsDefinition |
CodeUnitDetails |
This is a class with static methods for obtaining information about a code unit and its
CodeUnitFormat |
CodeUnitFormatOptions |
CodeUnitFormatOptions.ShowBlockName |
ShowBlockName defines the valid options for
controlling the display of block names on labels.
CodeUnitFormatOptions.ShowNamespace |
ShowNamespace defines the valid options for
controlling the display of name-spaces on labels.
CodeUnitInfo |
Container object to keep a relative index, label, and comments.
CodeUnitInfoPasteCmd |
Undoable edit for pasting code unit information at a location.
CodeUnitInfoTransferable |
Defines data that is available for drag/drop and clipboard transfers.
CodeUnitInsertionException |
Exception thrown when a code unit cannot be created.
CodeUnitIterator |
Interface to define an iterator over over some set of code units.
CodeUnitKeyIterator |
Converts an AddressKeyIterator into a CodeUnitIterator
CodeUnitLCS |
CodeUnitLocation |
CodeUnitLocation provides information about the location
in a program within a CodeUnit .
CodeUnitOffsetSettingsDefinition |
CodeUnitPropertyChangeRecord |
Change record generated when a property on a code unit changes.
CodeUnitProxy |
Stores information about a code unti in a program such that the code unit can
be retrieved when needed.
CodeUnitSearchInfo |
CodeUnitTableCellData |
A class that knows how to render CodeUnit s in 1 or more lines
CodeUnitTableCellRenderer |
CodeUnitTableColumn |
CodeUnitUserDataChangeRecord |
CodeViewerService |
Service provided by a plugin that shows the listing from a Program, i.e., a
Code Viewer.
CoffAnalyzer |
CoffArchiveAnalyzer |
CoffArchiveBinaryAnalysisCommand |
CoffArchiveConstants |
CoffArchiveHeader |
A class that represents a COFF archive file (ie.
CoffArchiveMemberHeader |
CoffBinaryAnalysisCommand |
CoffConstants |
CoffException |
CoffFileHeader |
CoffFileHeaderFlag |
CoffFileHeaderTargetID |
CoffLineNumber |
CoffLoader |
CoffMachineType |
The Machine field has one of the following values that specifies its CPU type.
CoffRelocation |
CoffRelocationHandler |
An abstract class used to perform COFF relocations.
CoffRelocationHandlerFactory |
A class that gets the appropriate COFF relocation handler for a specific COFF.
CoffSectionHeader |
CoffSectionHeaderFlags |
CoffSectionHeaderReserved |
CoffSymbol |
CoffSymbolAux |
CoffSymbolAuxArray |
CoffSymbolAuxBeginningOfBlock |
CoffSymbolAuxEndOfBlock |
CoffSymbolAuxEndOfStruct |
CoffSymbolAuxFilename |
CoffSymbolAuxFunction |
CoffSymbolAuxName |
CoffSymbolAuxSection |
CoffSymbolAuxTagName |
CoffSymbolSectionNumber |
CoffSymbolSpecial |
CoffSymbolStorageClass |
CoffSymbolType |
CollectionUtils |
A collection of utility methods that prevent you from having to do unsafe casts of
Collection classes due to runtime type erasure.
ColorAndStyle |
A container class to hold a color and a style value.
ColorEditor |
Color editor that uses the JColorChooser.
ColorIcon |
ColorIcon3D |
ColorRangeMap |
ColorUtils |
Column |
A row in a grid.
ColumnAnnotation |
ColumnBasedTableFilter<R> |
ColumnConstraint<T> |
ColumnConstraints are objects used to filter table rows based on values from a particular column.
ColumnConstraintEditor<T> |
Defines the contract for building user-interface elements for manipulating
constraint configuration.
ColumnConstraintProvider |
Extension point for introducing ColumnConstraints to the system.
ColumnConstraintSet<R,T> |
This class maintains a collection of ColumnConstraint that are applied to a specific table column
for filtering purposes.
ColumnData<T> |
Interface for providing column data and a table's DataSource to a constraint editor.
ColumnDisplay<COLUMN_TYPE> |
ColumnDisplayDynamicTableColumnAdapter<COLUMN_TYPE> |
ColumnFilterArchiveDialog<R> |
Dialog for loading saved ColumnFilters.
ColumnFilterData<T> |
Class for maintaining information about a table's column for the purpose of configuring filters
based on that columns values.
ColumnFilterDialog<R> |
Dialog for creating and editing column table filters.
ColumnFilterDialogModel<R> |
ColumnFilterSaveManager<R> |
Loads and Save a list of ColumnTableFilters for a specific table to the tool
ColumnLayout |
This layout arranges components in columns, putting as many components as possible in a
column and using as many columns as necessary.
ColumnRenderedValueBackupRowComparator<T> |
A special version of the backup comparator that uses the column's rendered value for
the backup sort, rather the just toString , which is what the default parent
table model will do.
ColumnSortState |
Not meant to be created by users.
ColumnSortState.SortDirection |
ColumnTypeMapper<T,M> |
ColumnConstraintTypeMappers allows columns of one type be filterable using an existing ColumnConstraint
for a different type by defining a mapping from the column type to the desired
filter type.
CombinedAddressRangeIterator |
CombinedGTreeFilter |
CombinedTableFilter<T> |
Combines multiple Table Filters into a single TableFilter that can be applied.
CombinePattern |
A pattern that has both an instruction part and non-instruction part
COMDescriptorDataDirectory |
This value has been renamed to IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COMHEADER.
Command |
Interface to define a change made to a domain object.
CommentFieldLocation |
The CommentFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the COMMENTS field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
CommentFieldMouseHandler |
CommentHistory |
Container class for information about changes to a comment.
CommentType |
CommentTypeFilterAddressIterator |
Filters the given address iterator to only return addresses that have a comment of the given type
CommentTypeFilterIterator |
Filters the given codeUnit iterator to only return codeUnits that have a comment of the given type
CommentTypes |
Class with a convenience method to get an array of the CodeUnit
comment types.
CommentUtils |
ComparableMapSTL<K extends java.lang.Comparable<K>,V> |
ComparableMultiMapSTL<K extends java.lang.Comparable<K>,V> |
ComparableMultiSetSTL<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
ComparableSetSTL<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
Compare |
CompId |
CompilerConstraint |
CompilerProjectDataColumn |
CompilerSpec |
Interface for classes that hold compiler option information
CompilerSpecDescription |
CompilerSpecID |
Represents an opinion's compiler (gcc, borlandcpp, etc).
CompilerSpecNotFoundException |
Exception class used when the named compiler spec cannot be found.
CompletedTaskListModel |
CompletelyDifferentHTMLDataTypeRepresentationWrapper |
Complex |
A complex number a + bi
This doesn't support any actual operations, nor does it implement Comparable .
Complex16DataType |
Provides a definition of a complex built-in data type consisting of two 8 byte floating point
numbers in the IEEE 754 double precision format.
Complex32DataType |
Provides a definition of a complex built-in data type consisting of two 16 byte floating point
numbers in the IEEE 754 double precision format.
Complex8DataType |
Provides a definition of a complex built-in data type consisting of two 4 byte floating point
numbers in the IEEE 754 double precision format.
ComplexityDepthModularizationCmd |
This command will organize a program tree into levels from the bottom up.
ComponentBasedDockingAction |
An interface to signal that the implementing action works with an individual Java
Component .
ComponentLoadedListener |
A listener interface to know when a component has been
made displayable
ComponentPlaceholder |
Class to hold information about a dockable component with respect to its position within the
windowing system.
ComponentProvider |
Abstract base class for creating dockable GUI components within a tool.
ComponentProviderActivationListener |
An interface that enables callback when a ComponentProvider becomes activated or
ComponentProviderAdapter |
Composite |
Interface for common methods in Structure and Union
Composite.AlignmentType |
AlignmentType defined the three states for the type of alignment of a composite data type.
Composite.NamedAlignment |
CompositeAlignmentHelper |
CompositeAttributedString |
An AttributedString that is composed of other AttributedStrings.
CompositeDataTypeElementInfo |
CompositeDataTypeHTMLRepresentation |
CompositeDataTypeImpl |
Common implementation methods for structure and union
CompositeFieldElement |
A FieldElement that is composed of other FieldElements.
CompositeGhidraTableCellRenderer |
What: A cell renderer that will attempt to use any registered cell renderer and will otherwise
default to the parent rendering implementation.
CompositeHandler |
Used by the CParser to handle fields added to structures(composites).
CompositeLoadImage |
CompoundBackgroundCommand |
Compound command to handle multiple background commands.
CompoundCmd |
Implementation for multiple commands that are done as a unit.
CompoundTask |
Combines multiple Tasks into a single task.
CompressedSectionProvider |
ConcurrentGraphQ<I> |
ConcurrentListenerSet<T> |
A listener set that is weakly consistent.
ConcurrentQ<I,R> |
A queue for easily scheduling tasks to be run in parallel (or sequentially)
via a thread pool.
ConcurrentQBuilder<I,R> |
A helper class to build up the potentially complicated ConcurrentQ .
ConcurrentTestExceptionHandler |
A class which handles exceptions that occur off of the main test thread.
ConcurrentTestExceptionStatement |
CondenseFillerBytesAnalyzer |
ConditionResult |
ConditionStatus |
ConditionTester |
ConditionTestListener |
ConditionTestModel |
ConditionTestPanel |
ConditionTestState |
ConfigurableColumnTableModel |
A model that provides access to table columns that are "configurable," whether by way of
Settings object, or by the implementations and how they were written (like supplying
custom renderers and such).
ConflictCountPanel |
Panel that shows the current conflict number and the total number of
ConflictInfoPanel |
ConflictInfoPanel appears above the 4 listings in the ListingMergeWindow.
ConflictPanel |
Abstract class that should be implemented by the conflict panel that appears
below the 4 listings in the merge window.
ConflictUtility |
ConflictUtility provides some constants and static methods
used by the Listing Merge portion of the multi-user merge.
ConsoleErrorDisplay |
ConsoleListener |
Listener that is called when a string should be written to the console.
ConsoleService |
Generic console interface allowing any plugin to print
messages to console window.
ConsoleTaskMonitor |
Handles monitor output to console
ConsoleTextPane |
A generic text pane that is used as a console to which text can be written.
Constant |
ConstantPool |
Class for manipulating "deferred" constant systems like the java virtual machine constant pool
ConstantPool.Record |
Constants |
Constants used in the data structures of the PE.
ConstantTemplate |
ConstantValue |
A constant value associated with an alwaysTrue pattern
ConstantValueSolver |
"Solves" constant expressions
Essentially, this either evaluates successfully when asked for a constant value, or checks that
the goal is equal to the constant.
Constraint<T> |
Constraints are used to make decisions to traverse a decision tree where each node in the
tree has a constraint that is used to decide if that node is part of the successful decision path.
ConstraintData |
Convenience class that converts XML attributes into typed property values.
ConstraintFilterPanel |
Panel for display a single constraint entry within a column.
Constructor |
The primary sleigh concept representing a semantic action
taking operands (semantic values) as input
producing a semantic value as output
matching a particular pattern
printing in a certain way
ConstructorEntryVisitor |
An interface for visiting constructors in a SLEIGH language
ConstructorInfo |
Structure for collecting cached information about an instruction
ConstructorPcodeTemplate |
ConstructState |
ConstructTpl |
Placeholder for what resolves to a list of PcodeOps and
a FixedHandle.
ConstTpl |
A placeholder for what will resolve to a field of a Varnode
(an AddressSpace or integer offset or integer size)
given a particular InstructionContext
ContainerHeader |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
ContainsTextFilter |
A filter that will pass text when it contains the filter text.
ContainsTextFilterFactory |
ContentHandler |
NOTE: ALL ContentHandler CLASSES MUST END IN "ContentHandler".
ContextCache |
ContextChange |
ContextChangeException |
ContextChangeException indicates that an illegal change to
program context has been attempted.
ContextCommit |
ContextEvaluator |
ContextEvaluator provides a callback mechanism for the SymbolicPropogator as code is evaluated.
ContextEvaluatorAdapter |
Default behavior implementation of ContextEvaluator passed to SymbolicPropogator
Override methods to inspect context.
ContextField |
Contiguous bits in the non-instruction part of the context interpreted
as an integer value
ContextFieldSolver |
Solves expressions of a context register field
Essentially, this just encodes the goal into the field, if it can be represented in the given
space and format.
ContextOp |
An operation on the context (bit-packed form) of an instruction
ContextPattern |
Pattern which depends only on the non-instruction stream bits
of the context
ContextSetting |
Class for context configuration information as
part of the compiler configuration (CompilerSpec)
ContextState |
ContextSymbol |
A ValueSymbol that gets its semantic value from contiguous bits
in a VarnodeSymbol.
ContinuesFactory |
ControlFlowGuard |
ControlFlowGuard is a platform security feature that was created to combat memory
corruption vulnerabilities.
Conv |
Helper methods for converting between
number data types without negative
ConvertedRecordIterator |
ConvertedRecordIterator provides a RecordIterator wrapper
for performing record conversion frequently required when using older
ConvertFileSystem |
ConvertFileSystem.ConvertFileSystemException |
ConvertFileSystem.MessageListener |
CoordinatedListingPanelListener |
CopyOnReadWeakSet<T> |
CopyTask |
CorePluginPackage |
CountedDynamicDataType |
A dynamic data type that changes the number of elements it contains based on a count found in
header data type.
CountingBasicFactory<T> |
CountLatch |
Latch that has a count that can be incremented and decremented.
CountLeadingOnesOpBehavior |
CountLeadingZerosOpBehavior |
CParserUtils |
CpuSubTypes |
CpuTypes |
CRC64 |
CreateArrayCmd |
Command to create an array.
CreateArrayInStructureCmd |
Command to create an array inside of a structure.
CreateDataBackgroundCmd |
This command will create a data of type dataType throughout an addressSet.
CreateDataCmd |
This command will create a data of type dataType at the given address.
CreateDataInStructureBackgroundCmd |
Background command to create data across a selection inside of a structure.
CreateDataInStructureCmd |
Command to Create data inside of a structure.
CreateDefaultTreeCmd |
Command to create a root in the program; the root module has
fragments named the same as the memory blocks.
CreatedWithProjectDataColumn |
CreateExternalFunctionCmd |
CreateFolderCommand |
Command to create a folder in a program tree.
CreateFragmentCmd |
Command to create a Fragment.
CreateFunctionCmd |
Command for Creating a function at an address.
CreateFunctionDefinitionCmd |
Command for creating a function definition data type based on the
function signature for a function at an address.
CreateFunctionTagCmd |
Command for assigning a tag to a function.
CreateMultipleFunctionsCmd |
Command for Creating multiple functions from a selection.
CreateNamespacesCmd |
This class attempts to create a namespace for each token in the provided
CreateStringCmd |
Command to create a String and optionally label it.
CreateStructureCmd |
Command to create a structure.
CreateStructureInStructureCmd |
Command to create a structure inside of another structure.
CreateThunkFunctionCmd |
Command for creating a thunk function at an address.
CreationDateProjectDataColumn |
CryptoException |
CursorBlinker |
CursorPosition |
A simple tracker of position in an object for that allows more specialized users to extend and
add functionality.
CustomFavoritesView |
This class allows us to change the renderer of the favorites tree.
CustomFormat |
Container object for a DataType and a byte array that is the format for
the data type.
CustomLoadingAddressTableModel |
An Address based table model that allows clients to load their data via
the TableModelLoader callback provided at construction time.
CustomOption |
CustomOptionComponent |
A custom OptionComponent that controls it's own display using the editor component of the
given EditorState.
CustomOptionsEditor |
Marker interface to signal that the implementing PropertyEditor component desires to handle
display editing of an option or options.
CustomSearchView |
CustomTOCView |
A custom Table of Contents view that we specify in our JavaHelp xml documents.
CustomTOCView.CustomDefaultTOCFactory |
Our custom factory that knows how to look for extra XML attributes and how to
create our custom tree items
CustomTOCView.CustomTreeItemDecorator |
A custom tree item that allows us to store and retrieve custom attributes that we parsed
from the TOC xml document.
Cuttable |
CycleGroup |
Class to define a set of dataTypes that a single action can cycle through.
CyclomaticComplexity |
Class with a utility function to calculate the cyclomatic complexity of a function.
Data |
Interface for interacting with data at an address in a program.
DataApplyOptions |
Holds options for the commands for creating new data structures.
Database |
Database facilitates the creation of a DBHandle for accessing
a database.
DatabaseItem |
DatabaseItem corresponds to a private or versioned
database within a FileSystem.
DatabaseObject |
Base class for an cached object in the database.
DatabaseRangeMapAdapter |
DatabaseTableUtils |
Collection of static functions for upgrading various database tables.
DatabaseUtils |
DatabaseUtils provides a collection of database related utilities.
DatabaseVersionException |
Exception thrown if the database does not match the expected version of the program classes.
DataBuffer |
DataBuffer provides an accessible binary buffer
for use with a BufferMgr and BufferFile.
DataBuffer |
DataBuffer provides an array like interface into a set of Data
at a specific index.
DataConverter |
Defines methods to convert byte arrays to a specific primitive Java types,
and to populate byte arrays from primitive Java types.
DataDirectory |
An abstract base class to represent the
data structure defined in winnt.h .
DataDirectoryException |
DataDirectoryException is thrown when a folder item can not be
created because its associated data directory already exists.
DataFileHandle |
DataFileHandle provides a random-access handle to a file.
DataFileItem |
DataFileItem corresponds to a private serialized
data file within a FileSystem.
DataFilteredCodeUnitIterator |
Converts a code unit iterator into a data iterator.
DataImage |
DataIterator |
Interface to define an iterator over over some set of Data.
DataKeyIterator |
Converts a DBLongIterator into a DataIterator
DataLoadingConstraintEditor<T> |
Abstract base class for constraint editors that load all the data in a column in order to
initialize themselves.
DataLocationListContext |
Context mix-in interface that ActionContexts can implement if they can provide a list of
Data object's ProgramLocation 's.
DataOrganization |
DataOrganizationImpl |
DataOrganization provides a single place for determining size and alignment information
for data types within an archive or a program.
DataProxy |
Stores information about a data item in a program such that the data item can
be retrieved when needed.
DataRecordIterator |
Converts a record iterator into a DataIterator.
DataRefType |
Class to define reference types for data.
DataService |
Data Creation service.
DataStub |
DataStub can be extended for use by tests.
DataTable |
Table for managing rows and columns of data.
DataToStringConverter<T> |
DataTree |
Tree that shows the folders and domain files in a Project
DataTreeClipboardUtils |
Manages Ghidra integration with the system clipboard when doing cut/copy/paste
operations on domainFiles and domainFolders in a data tree widget.
DataTreeDialog |
Dialog to open or save domain data items to a new location or name.
DataTreeDragNDropHandler |
DataTreeFlavorHandler |
Interface for classes that will handle drop actions for DataTree s.
DataType |
The interface that all data types must implement.
DataTypeArchive |
This interface represents the main entry point into an object which
stores all information relating to a single data type archive.
DataTypeArchiveChangeManager |
Interface to define event types and the method to generate an
event within Program.
DataTypeArchiveChangeRecord |
Event data for a DomainObjectChangeEvent generated by a Data Type Archive.
DataTypeArchiveChangeSet |
Interface for a data type archive change set.
DataTypeArchiveContentHandler |
DataTypeArchiveContentHandler converts between DataTypeArchive instantiations
and FolderItem storage.
DataTypeArchiveDB |
Database implementation for Data Type Archive.
DataTypeArchiveIdDumper |
DataTypeArchiveMergeManager |
Top level object that manages each step of the merge/resolve conflicts
DataTypeArchiveMergeManagerFactory |
DataTypeArchiveMergeManagerPlugin |
Plugin that provides a merge component provider for data type archives.
DataTypeArchiveTransformer |
DataTypeArchiveTransformer changes (transforms) a new archive file so that it appears to be
an updated copy of a previously existing data type archive.
DataTypeArchiveTransformerPanel |
DataTypeChangeSet |
Interface for a Data Type Change set.
DataTypeColumnTypeMapper |
Converts DataType Column objects to Strings so that column gets String type column
DataTypeComparator |
DataTypeComponent |
DataTypeComponents are holders for the dataTypes that make up composite (Structures
and Unions) dataTypes.
DataTypeComponentImpl |
Basic implementation of a DataTypeComponent
DataTypeConflictException |
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to add a data type to a category
and the category has a data type by that name but the types do not
DataTypeConflictHandler |
DataTypeConflictHandler.ConflictResolutionPolicy |
ConflictResolutionPolicy indicates the conflict resolution policy
which should be applied when any conflict is encountered
DataTypeConflictHandler.ConflictResult |
ConflictResult indicates the resolution which should be
applied to a specific conflict
DataTypeDecompilerHover |
DataTypeDecompilerHoverPlugin |
A plugin to show tool tip text for hovering over data types in the decompiler.
DataTypeDependencyException |
DataTypeDependencyException corresponds to a datatype dependency failure.
DataTypeDiff |
DataTypeDiffBuilder |
DataTypeDiffInput |
An interface that provides lines that are to be used in a diff and can also create
specialized placeholder lines upon request.
DataTypeDisplayOptions |
DataTypeDropDownSelectionDataModel |
DataTypeFilter |
Filter interface for data types.
DataTypeGraphComparator |
Compares two DataType directed graphs, calling a
method that can observe each
DataType pair that occupy equivalent positions in each graph.
DataTypeGraphComparator.DataTypePairObserver |
DataTypeIDConverter |
DataTypeIdUrl |
A class to produce and parse URLs of the form:
DataTypeImpl |
Base implementation for dataTypes.
DataTypeInfo |
DataTypeInstance |
An instance of a DataType that is applicable for a given context.
DataTypeLine |
DataTypeManager |
Interface for Managing data types.
DataTypeManagerChangeListener |
The listener interface for notification of changes to a DataTypeManager
DataTypeManagerChangeListenerAdapter |
Adapter for a Category change listener.
DataTypeManagerChangeListenerHandler |
Default implementation for a category change listener that sends out the
events to its own list of category change listeners.
DataTypeManagerDB |
Base class for data type managers.
DataTypeManagerDomainObject |
DataTypeManagerOwner |
DataTypeManagerService |
Service to provide list of cycle groups and data types identified as
"favorites." Favorites will show up on the popup menu for creating
data and defining function return types and parameters.
DataTypeMergeManager |
Manager for merging category and data type changes
DataTypeMnemonicSettingsDefinition |
The settings definition for the numeric display format
DataTypeParser |
DataTypeParser.AllowedDataTypes |
DataTypePath |
Object to hold a category path and a datatype name.
DataTypeProviderContext |
Interface for objects that can provide new instances of dataTypes
DataTypeQueryService |
Simplified datatype service interface to provide query capabilities
to a set of open datatype managers
DataTypeReference |
A container class to hold information about a location that references a DataType .
DataTypeReferenceFinder |
An interface for extension points to implement.
DataTypeSelectionDialog |
A dialog that allows the user to choose from available data types or create new ones.
DataTypeSelectionEditor |
An editor that is used to show the DropDownSelectionTextField for the entering of
data types by name and offers the user of a completion window.
DataTypesXmlMgr |
This manager is responsible for reading and writing datatypes in XML.
DataTypeSymbol |
DataTypeTransferable |
Defines data that is available for drag/drop and clipboard transfers.
DataTypeUtilities |
DataTypeWithCharset |
DataTypeWriter |
A class used to convert data types into ANSI-C.
DataUtilities |
DataUtilities.ClearDataMode |
ClearDataMode specifies how conflicting data should be cleared
when creating/re-creating data
DataValidationOptions |
Holds options for controlling how validation is performed when determining whether or not to
create data structures at a particular location.
DateColumnConstraintProvider |
Provides Date related column constraints.
DateColumnTypeMapper |
Converts Date Column objects to LocalDate objects so that column gets LocalDate type column
DateEditor |
Non-editable Editor for date and time; creates a text field for the string version of the date.
DateRangeConstraintEditor |
A constraint editor for specifying ranges of dates.
DateSpinner |
Creates a component for editing Dates using a formated textfield and a Jspinner.
DateUtils |
DateValueConstraintEditor |
A constraint editor for specifying comparison with a single Date value.
DBBuffer |
DBBuffer facilitates synchronized access to a ChainedBuffer.
DBChangeSet |
DBChangeSet facilitates the reading and writing of application
level change data associated with BufferFile.
DBConstants |
DBContentHandler |
DBContentHandler provides an abstract ContentHandler for
domain object content which is stored within a database file.
DBFieldAdapter |
Interface to get a field adapter where the Field is the primary
key in the table.
DBFieldIterator |
DBFieldIterator provides the ability to iterate over
Field values within a table.
DBFieldMap |
DBFieldMap provides a database-backed map of non-unique Field values to long values.
DBFileListener |
DBFileListener facilitates listener notification
when new database versions are created.
DbgLoader |
An opinion service for processing Microsoft DBG files.
DbgTimer |
A debugging, timing, and diagnostic tool
TODO: I should probably remove this and rely on the Msg.trace() method, or at the very least,
refactor this to use that.
DbgTimer.DbgCtx |
A context for idiomatic use of the DbgTimer in a try-with-resources block
DbgTimer.TabbingOutputStream |
A (rather slow) output stream that indents every line of its output
DBHandle |
DBHandle provides access to an open database.
DBInitializer |
DBKeyAdapter |
Adapter to get an iterator over keys in a table.
DBListener |
Database Listener.
DBLongIterator |
DBLongIterator provides the ability to iterate over
long values within a table.
DBObjectCache<T extends DatabaseObject> |
Generic cache implementation for objects that extend DatabaseObject.
DBPropertyMapManager |
Manages generic address keyed properties.
DBRecordAdapter |
Interface to get a record iterator.
DebugCodeView |
A class to represent the code view debug information.
DebugCodeViewConstants |
Constants defined in Code View Debug information.
DebugCodeViewSymbolTable |
A class to represent the Object Module Format (OMF)
code view symbol table.
DebugCOFFLineNumber |
A class to represent the COFF Line number data structure.
DebugCOFFSymbol |
A class to represent the COFF symbol data structure.
DebugCOFFSymbolAux |
A class to represent the COFF Auxiliary Symbol data structure.
DebugCOFFSymbolsHeader |
A class to represent the COFF Symbols Header.
DebugCOFFSymbolTable |
A class to represent the COFF Symbol Table.
DebugDataDirectory |
Points to an array of IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY structures.
DebugDirectory |
A class to represent the Debug Directory data structure.
DebugDirectoryParser |
A helper class to parsing different types of
debug information from a debug directory
DebugFixup |
A possible implementation of the FIXUP debug directory.
DebugFixupElement |
A possible implementation of the FIXUP debug directory elements.
DebugInfoEntry |
DebugMisc |
A class to represent the IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC struct
as defined in winnt.h .
DebugShape<V,E> |
DebugStateX86_32 |
DebugStateX86_64 |
DebugSymbol |
A base class for Object Module Format (OMF) symbols.
DebugSymbolSelector |
DecimalFormatterFactory |
Decision |
Result object from getting values that match the constraints for given test object.
DecisionNode<T> |
A node in a decision tree.
DecisionNode |
A node in the decision tree for resolving a Constructor in
a SubtableSymbol based on the InstructionContext
DecisionSet |
The result object returned from a scan of a decision tree looking for property values that
match the constrains for some test object.
DecisionTree<T> |
A decisionTree is used to find property values that are determined by traversing a tree
of constraints.
Declaration |
Container for information about a Declaration that is accumulated during parsing.
DecompileCallback |
Routines that the decompiler invokes to gather info during decompilation of a
DecompileConfigurer |
A callback interface that will be given a newly created DecompInterface to
DecompileData |
DecompileDebug |
DecompiledFunction |
A class to hold pieces of a decompiled function.
DecompileException |
An exception from (or that has passed through) the decompiler process
DecompileOptions |
Configuration options for the decompiler
This stores the options and can create an XML
string to be sent to the decompiler process
DecompileOptions.CommentStyleEnum |
DecompileOptions.IntegerFormatEnum |
DecompileProcess |
Class for communicating with a single decompiler process.
DecompileProcess.DisposeState |
DecompileProcessFactory |
Factory that returns a DecompileProcess.
DecompilerCallback<R> |
DecompilerCallbackHandler |
DecompilerCodeComparisonPanel<T extends DualDecompilerFieldPanelCoordinator> |
Panel that displays two decompilers for comparison.
DecompilerController |
Coordinates the interactions between the DecompilerProvider, DecompilerPanel, and the DecompilerManager
DecompilerDisposer |
DecompileResults |
Class for getting at the various structures returned
by the decompiler.
DecompileResultsListener |
DecompilerHighlightService |
DecompilerHoverProvider |
DecompilerHoverService |
DecompilerLanguage |
Sources languages that can be output by the decompiler
DecompilerLocation |
DecompilerManager |
Manages the threading involved with dealing with the decompiler.
DecompilerMapFunction<D> |
DecompilerPanel |
Class to handle the display of a decompiled function
DecompilerReducer<R,D> |
DecompilerUtils |
DecompInterface |
This is a self-contained interface to a single decompile
process, suitable for an open-ended number of function
decompilations for a single program.
DecoratorPanel |
DefaultAddressFactory |
Keeps track of all the Address spaces in the program and provides
methods for parsing address strings.
DefaultAddressTranslator |
DefaultAnnotationHandler |
DefaultBackgroundColorModel |
DefaultCheckinHandler |
DefaultClientAuthenticator |
DefaultColumnComparator |
A column comparator that is used when columns do not supply their own comparator.
DefaultDataDirectory |
DefaultDataType |
Provides an implementation of a byte that has not been defined yet as a
particular type of data in the program.
DefaultDataTypeHTMLRepresentation |
DefaultDropDownSelectionDataModel<T> |
DefaultErrorLogger |
DefaultFocusOwnerProvider |
Uses Java's default focus manager to provide the focus owner.
DefaultGEdge<V> |
DefaultGhidraProtocolConnector |
DefaultGhidraProtocolConnector provides support for the
Ghidra URL protocol without extension for accessing the legacy Ghidra Server
over an RMI interface.
DefaultGhidraProtocolHandler |
DefaultGhidraProtocolHandler provides the default protocol
handler which corresponds to the original RMI-based Ghidra Server
and local file-based Ghidra projects.
DefaultGTreeDataTransformer |
DefaultGTreeFilterProvider |
DefaultHelpService |
DefaultIntPropertyMap |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
int type.
DefaultLanguageService |
Default Language service used gather up all the languages that were found
during the class search (search was for language providers)
DefaultLocalGhidraProtocolConnector |
DefaultLocalGhidraProtocolConnector provides support for the
Ghidra URL protocol which specifies a local Ghidra project without extension.
DefaultLongPropertyMap |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
long type.
DefaultObjectPropertyMap |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
Object type.
DefaultOptionComponent |
DefaultProgramContext |
DefaultProject |
Implementation for a Project.
DefaultProjectManager |
Implementation for a ProjectManager; creates, opens,
and deletes Projects.
DefaultPropertyMap |
PropertyMap is used to store values for a fixed property at
address locations given as longs.
DefaultRowFilterTransformer<ROW_OBJECT> |
DefaultSettingsPropertyMap |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
Settings type.
DefaultSolverHint |
DefaultStringPropertyMap |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
String type.
DefaultTableCellRendererWrapper |
DefaultTableTextFilterFactory<ROW_OBJECT> |
DefaultToolChangeListener |
Listener that is notified when the default tool specification changes.
DefaultViewToIndexMapper |
DefaultVisualGraph<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A default VisualGraph that implements basic setup for things like event processing.
DefaultVoidPropertyMap |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
"void" type, which is a marker for whether a property exists.
DefinedDataIterator |
Iterator that visits each defined data instance in a Program or in the footprint of
a specified data element.
DefineTable |
DefLoader |
A Loader for processing Microsoft DEF files.
DelayImportDataDirectory |
Points to the delayload information.
DelayImportDescriptor |
A class to represent the
data structure defined in DELAYIMP.H .
DelayImportInfo |
A class to hold the information extracted from a
delay import descriptor.
DeleteBlockCmd |
Command that runs in the background to delete a memory block, as
the delete may be a time consuming operation.
DeleteBlockListener |
Listener that is notified when the DeleteBlockCmd completes.
DeletedException |
Exception thrown when program object being accessed has been deleted.
DeleteFunctionCmd |
Command for clearing a function at an address.
DeleteFunctionTagCmd |
Command for deleting a tag from the system.
DeleteLabelCmd |
Command to delete a label
DeleteProjectFilesTask |
Task for recursively deleting project files from a Ghidra project
DeleteTableRowAction |
An action to delete data from a table.
DeleteToEndOfWordAction |
An action to delete from the cursor position to the end of the current word.
DeleteToStartOfWordAction |
An action to delete from the cursor position to the beginning of the current word, backwards.
DeleteTreeCmd |
Delete a tree in the program.
DeleteVariableCmd |
Command for deleting a variable in a function.
DemangledAddressTable |
DemangledDataType |
A class to represent a demangled data type.
DemangledException |
A class to handle exceptions that occur demangling.
DemangledFunction |
A class to represent a demangled function.
DemangledFunctionIndirect |
A class to represent a demangled function indirect.
DemangledFunctionPointer |
A class to represent a demangled function pointer.
DemangledFunctionReference |
A class to represent a demangled function reference.
DemangledFunctionType |
An extension of DemangledType that signals that the type is function and can provide
more info, like the function signature.
DemangledMethod |
DemangledObject |
A class to represent a demangled object.
DemangledObjectFactory |
DemangledString |
DemangledTemplate |
DemangledThunk |
DemangledType |
DemangledUnknown |
An interface to represent an unknown entity that we are demangling.
DemangledVariable |
An interface to represent a demangled global variable.
Demangler |
DemanglerCmd |
DemanglerOptions |
A simple class to contain the various settings for demangling.
DemanglerParser |
DemanglerUtil |
DependencyGraph<T> |
Original Dependency Graph implementation that uses HashMap s and HashSet s.
DepthFirstIterator |
DepthFirstSearch |
Provides a depth first search service to directed graphs.
DepthFirstSorter<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
Processes the given graph depth first and records that order of the vertices.
DequePush<E> |
A context utility allowing stack management via a try-with-resources block
DerivedFileProducer |
DerivedFilePushProducer |
Used by FileSystemService#getDerivedFilePushInfo(FSRL, String, DerivedFilePushProducer, TaskMonitor)
to produce a derived file from a source file.
DeterministicDependencyGraph<T> |
DeveloperPluginPackage |
DialogComponentProvider |
Base class used for creating dialogs in Ghidra.
DialogComponentProviderPopupActionManager |
DialogFilterCondition<T> |
This class represents an "or'able" condition in the DialogFilterConditionSet
DialogFilterConditionSet<T> |
This class represents the set of "or-able" filter conditions for a single column.
DialogFilterRow |
This class represents a major "and-able" row in the dialog's filter panel.
DialogManager |
Helper class to manage actions for saving and exporting the tool
DialogRememberOption |
Instances of this type are used to add a checkBox to a Dialog so that the dialog results
can be saved and reused in future uses of that dialog (e.g., "Apply to all",
"Remember my decision").
DialogResourceDataType |
DIEAggregate |
DIEAggregate groups related DebugInfoEntry records together in a single interface
for querying attribute values.
DIEAMonitoredIterator |
Handles the details of iterating all the DIEAs of a DWARF program.
DiffLines |
A class that holds lines that will be used to generate diffs.
DiffUtility |
The DiffUtility class provides static methods for getting and
creating an object in one program based on an object from another program.
DijkstraShortestPathsAlgorithm<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
Dijkstra's shortest-path algorithm
This implementation computes the shortest paths between two vertices using Dijkstra's
single-source shortest path finding algorithm.
DirectedGraph |
Base implementation of a directed graph.
DirectoryHelpModuleLocation |
DisabledComponentLayerFactory |
A factory to create JLayer instances to provide the L&F and functionality of a
disabled panel -- the component assumes a disabled color, and selection via mouse and
keyboard is prevented.
DisabledImageIconWrapper |
DisableFieldAction |
Action for disabling a field.
DisambiguateByBytes |
Attempt to disambiguate similar n-grams by hashing over all the bytes in their constituent instructions.
DisambiguateByChild |
Attempt to disambiguate similar n-grams by looking at the children of blocks containing the n-grams
DisambiguateByParent |
Attempt to disambiguate similar n-grams by looking at the parents of blocks containing the n-grams
DisambiguateByParentWithOrder |
Attempt to disambiguate similar n-grams by looking at the parents, AND siblings, of blocks containing the n-grams.
DisambiguateStrategy |
DisassembleCommand |
Command object for performing disassembly
Disassembler |
Class to perform disassembly.
DisassemblerConflictHandler |
DisassemblerContext |
DisassemblerContextImpl |
Maintains processor state information during disassembly and analysis.
DisassemblerMessageListener |
Interface for reporting disassembly messages
DiscoverableAddressCorrelator |
AddressCorrelators that want to be discovered by version tracking should implement this interface.
DiscoverableTableUtils |
DisjointPattern |
A pattern with no ORs in it
DisplayableEol |
Utility class with methods to get comment information that can be displayed in the
end of line comment field.
DisplayLexer |
DisplayLexer_BaseLexer |
DisplayStringProvider |
An interface used by classes to indicate that they can produce a String representation that
is meant to be seen by the user in the UI.
Disposable |
DivExpression |
Form new expression by dividing one PatternExpression by another
DivExpressionSolver |
Solves expressions of the form A / B
DividerLocation |
DividerLocation provides information about the location
(within a program) of an object that represents some kind of a separation.
DllCharacteristics |
DockableComponent |
Wrapper class for user components.
DockableHeader |
Component for providing component titles and toolbar.
DockableHeader.EmphasizeDockableComponentAnimationDriver |
DockingAction |
DockingAction defines a user action associated with a toolbar icon and/or
menu item.
DockingActionIf |
The base interface for clients that wish to create commands to be registered with a tool.
DockingActionProviderIf |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
DockingActionProxy |
DockingApplicationConfiguration |
DockingApplicationLayout |
The docking application layout defines the customizable elements of a docking application's
directory structure.
DockingCheckBoxMenuItem |
DockingCheckboxMenuItemUI |
Overrides the painting behavior of the BasicCheckBoxMenuItemUI
DockingContextListener |
A listener to be notified when the tool's context changes.
DockingDialog |
DockingErrorDisplay |
DockingFrame |
Base JFrame to be used by the root window and detached windows if they are using frames
Also fixed:
Swing problem of setting bounds before the frame is visible causes slow paints
if the bounds position is not on the primary display,
DockingKeyBindingAction |
A class that can be used as an interface for using actions associated with keybindings.
DockingMenuItem |
DockingMenuItemUI |
This class exists to make menu items display content with proper alignment whether or not
they are displaying an icon.
DockingMenuItemUI.MenuTabulator |
DockingMenuItemUI.SwitchGraphics2D |
DockingMenuUI |
DockingTabRenderer |
A widget that can be used to render an icon, title and close button for JTabbedPane.
DockingTool |
DockingToolActions |
Represents the collection of actions registered with the tool, along with method for adding
and removing actions.
DockingToolbarButton |
Toolbar buttons for Dialogs.
DockingToolConstants |
An interface to house constants used by the DockingTool
DockingUtils |
Notes about how to use HTML safely:
DockingUtils.ComponentCallback<T extends java.awt.Component> |
A callback to operate on a component
DockingUtils.TreeTraversalOrder |
Specifies the order of component traversal
DockingUtils.TreeTraversalResult |
Controls traversal and communicates cause for termination
DockingVisualVertex |
A VisualVertex implementation that provides a component with a docking header that
is clickable.
DockingWindowListener |
DockingWindowManager |
Manages the "Docking" arrangement of a set of components and actions.
DockingWindowManagerTestUtils |
This class mainly serves as a conduit through which testing code can access some of the
non-public internals of DockingWindowManager , without opening up its interface to the
public and without using reflective magic.
DockingWindowsLookAndFeelUtils |
A utility class to manage LookAndFeel (LaF) settings.
DomainFile |
DomainFile provides a storage interface for project
DomainFileBasedDataTypeManager |
Extends DataTypeManager to provide methods specific to a data type manager stored as a domain file.
DomainFileFilter |
Interface to indicate whether a domain file should be included in a list or
set of domain files.
DomainFileInfo |
DomainFileNode |
Class to represent a node in the Data tree.
DomainFileProvider |
DomainFileProviderContextAction |
DomainFileProxy |
Implements the DomainFile interface for DomainObjects that are not currently
associated with any real DomainFile.
DomainFileSizeProjectDataColumn |
DomainFileType |
DomainFolder |
DomainFolder provides a storage interface for project
DomainFolderChangeListener |
Methods for notifications when changes are made to a domain folder or
a domain file.
DomainFolderListenerAdapter |
Adapter for the domain folder change listener.
DomainFolderNode |
Class to represent a node in the Data tree.
DomainFolderRootNode |
DomainObject |
DomainObject is the interface that must be supported by
data objects that are persistent.
DomainObjectAdapter |
An abstract class that provides default behavior for
DomainObject(s), specifically it handles listeners and
change status; the derived class must provide the
getDescription() method.
DomainObjectAdapterDB |
Database version of the DomainObjectAdapter; this version adds the
concept of starting a transaction before a change is made to the
domain object and ending the transaction.
DomainObjectChangedEvent |
An event indicating a DomainObject has changed.
DomainObjectChangeRecord |
Information about a change that was made to a domain object.
DomainObjectChangeSet |
Interface for a domain object change set.
DomainObjectClosedListener |
An interface that allows for a callback when a DomainObject is closed.
DomainObjectDBChangeSet |
DomainObjectDBChangeSet extends DBChangeSet
providing methods which facilitate transaction synchronization with the domain object's DBHandle.
DomainObjectException |
DomainObjectException provides a general RuntimeException
when a catastrophic error occurs which may affect the integrity of a
domain object such as an IOException.
DomainObjectListener |
The interface an object must support to be registered with a Domain Object
and thus be informed of changes to the object.
DomainObjectLockedException |
Thrown when a method fails due to a locked domain object.
DomainObjectMergeManager |
An interface to allow merging of domain objects.
DomainObjectService |
Simple interface for getting a DomainObject.
DominanceModularizationCmd |
this code will apply the Dominance algorithm to a module or fragment in
a program tree.
DominantPair<K,V> |
DominantPair is a pair where the key is responsible for equality and
hashCode (and the value of the pair doesn't matter at all).
Dominator |
Title: Dominator
Description: This class contains the functions necessary to build the
dominance graph of a FlowGraph, ShrinkWrap or Modularized Graph.
DoNotContinue |
DoNothingColumnConstraintEditor<T> |
Editor for constraints that don't have a value that needs editing.
DOSHeader |
This class represents the IMAGE_DOS_HEADER struct
as defined in winnt.h .
DoubleArray |
Array of doubles that grows as needed.
DoubleArrayArray |
Array of double[] that grows as needed.
DoubleAttribute<T extends KeyedObject> |
This class provides a storage mechanism for double-valued information about
the elements of a KeyIndexableSet, e.g.
DoubleComplexDataType |
Provides a definition of a complex built-in data type consisting of two double point
numbers in the IEEE 754 double precision format.
DoubleDataType |
Provides a definition of a Double within a program.
DoubleRangeConstraintEditor |
A constraint editor for specifying ranges of floating-point numbers (Float and Double)
DoubleValueConstraintEditor |
A constraint editor for specifying comparison with a single floating-point value (Float and Double).
DragDropManager |
Interface used by the DragDropTree to know how to handle the
drag and drop operations.
DragDropNode |
Defines a node that is in the DragDropTree.
DragDropTreeTransferable |
Defines data that is available for drag/drop and clipboard transfers.
Draggable |
Interface to define a drag source.
DragGestureAdapter |
This class receives notification when the user intitiates a
drag and drop operation; it is responsible for getting the
Transferable and telling the DragSource to
start the drag.
DragSrcAdapter |
Adapter class that receives notifications in order to
provide drag over effects.
DropDownMultiSelectionChoiceListener<T> |
DropDownMultiSelectionTextField<T> |
DropDownSelectionChoiceListener<T> |
A listener that is called when the user makes a selection from the
DropDownSelectionTextField (e.g., they click an item or press enter on a selected
item and the matching window is closed).
DropDownSelectionTextField<T> |
A text field that handles comparing text typed by the user to the list of objects
and then presenting potential matches in a drop down window.
DropDownTextField<T> |
A text field that handles comparing text typed by the user to the list of objects
and then presenting potential matches in a drop down window.
DropDownTextFieldDataModel<T> |
This interface represents all methods needed by the DropDownSelectionTextField in order
to search, show, manipulate and select objects.
Droppable |
Methods called by the DropTargetAdapter that implements the DropTargetListener interface
DropShadow |
DropTargetFactory |
A factory for installing drop handlers onto components.
DropTargetHandler |
A basic interface for holding onto drop handlers
DropTgtAdapter |
Class to handle notifications of drag and drop operations that occur
on the DropTarget object.
DSymSectionProvider |
Fetches DWARF section data for a MachO program with co-located .dSYM folder.
DualDecompilerActionContext |
Action context for a dual decompiler panel.
DualDecompileResultsListener |
DualDecompilerFieldPanelCoordinator |
DualListingActionContext |
Action context for a ListingCodeComparisonPanel.
DualListingFieldPanelCoordinator |
Coordinates the locations between the left and right sides of a dual listing panel.
DualProgramLocationPluginEvent |
This plugin event class provides program location information for
plugins that send information to two or more tools containing associated addresses.
DumbMemBufferImpl |
DumbMemBufferImpl extends MemoryBufferImpl
with an internal cache buffer size of 16-bytes but will use the underlying memory
if needed.
DummyApplicationLayout |
The dummy application layout defines the customizable elements of a dummy application's
directory structure.
DummyCancellableTaskMonitor |
DummyConstraintEditor<T> |
An editor that is always invalid.
DummyFieldFactory |
Generates Dummy Fields.
DumpMiscState |
DuplicateAnchorCollection |
DuplicateAnchorCollectionByHelpFile |
DuplicateAnchorCollectionByHelpTopic |
DuplicateFileException |
DuplicateFileException is thrown whenever a file or folder can't
be created because one with that name already exists at the same location.
DuplicateGroupException |
DuplicateGroupException is thrown when a fragment or child
is added to a module and that fragment or module is already a child.
DuplicateNameException |
Exception thrown whenever a method tries give something a name and that name is already used.
DWARFAbbreviation |
This class represents the 'schema' for a DWARF DIE record.
DWARFAccessibility |
DWARF accessibility consts from
DWARFAmbigNumericAttribute |
Stores a integer value (with ambiguous signedness) in a long, with a mask that will
allow the consumer at a later time to treat the value as signed or unsigned.
DWARFAttribute |
DWARFAttributeFactory |
DWARFAttributeSpecification |
Information about a single DWARF attribute.
DWARFAttributeValue |
Base interface for all DWARF attribute value implementations.
DWARFBlobAttribute |
DWARF attribute with binary bytes.
DWARFBooleanAttribute |
DWARF boolean attribute.
DWARFChildren |
DWARF child determination consts from
DWARFCompilationUnit |
A DWARF "CompilationUnit" is a contiguous block of DIE records found
in a ".debug_info" section of an ELF program.
DWARFCompileUnit |
DWARFCompileUnit hold some values retrieved from a DWARF DW_TAG_compile_unit DIE.
DWARFDataTypeImporter |
Creates Ghidra DataType s using information from DWARF debug entries.
DWARFDataTypeManager |
Manages mappings between DWARF DIEs and Ghidra DataTypes.
DWARFDeferredStringAttribute |
DWARF string attribute, where getting the value from the string table is deferred
until requested for the first time.
DWARFEncoding |
DWARF attribute encoding consts from
DWARFEndianity |
DWARF Endianity consts from
DWARFException |
DWARFExpression |
A DWARFExpression is an immutable list of operations and some factory methods to read
an expression from its binary representation.
DWARFExpressionEvaluator |
Evaluates a subset of DWARF expression opcodes.
DWARFExpressionException |
DWARFExpressionOpCodes |
DWARF expression opcode consts from
DWARFExpressionOperandType |
Enumeration that represents the different type of operands that a
opcode can take.
DWARFExpressionResult |
DWARF attribute encoding consts from
DWARFFunctionImporter |
Iterates through all DIEAs in a DWARFProgram and creates Ghidra functions
and variables.
DWARFIdentifierCase |
DWARF identifier case consts from
DWARFImportOptions |
Import options exposed by the DWARFAnalyzer
DWARFImportSummary |
Information about what actions were performed during a DWARF import.
DWARFIndirectAttribute |
DWARF indirect attribute.
DWARFInline |
DWARF inline encodings from
DWARFFile is used to store file information for each entry in the line section header.
DWARFLocation |
DWARFNameInfo |
DWARFNumericAttribute |
DWARF numeric attribute.
DWARFParser |
Performs a DWARF datatype import and a DWARF function import, under the control of the
DWARFImportOptions .
DWARFPreconditionException |
Thrown when a precondition to successfully processing DWARF information is not
DWARFProgram |
DWARFRange |
Holds the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) addresses of a range.
DWARFRegisterMappings |
Immutable mapping information between DWARF and Ghidra.
DWARFRegisterMappingsManager |
DwarfSectionNames |
DWARFSectionNames |
DWARFSectionProvider |
A DWARFSectionProvider is responsible for allowing access to DWARF section data of
a Ghidra program.
DWARFSectionProviderFactory |
DWARFSourceInfo |
Small class to hold the filename and line number info values from
DWARFSourceLanguage |
DWARF source lang consts from
DWARFStringAttribute |
DWARF string attribute.
DWARF uses a series of debugging information entries to define a
low-level representation of a source program.
DWordDataType |
Provides a definition of a Double Word within a program.
DyldArchitecture |
DyldCacheAccelerateInfo |
Represents a dyld_cache_accelerate_info structure.
DyldCacheAcceleratorDof |
Represents a dyld_cache_accelerator_dof structure.
DyldCacheAcceleratorInitializer |
Represents a dyld_cache_accelerator_initializer structure.
DyldCacheConstants |
DyldCacheHeader |
Represents a dyld_cache_header structure.
DyldCacheImageInfo |
Represents a dyld_cache_image_info structure.
DyldCacheImageInfoExtra |
Represents a dyld_cache_image_info_extra structure.
DyldCacheImageTextInfo |
Represents a dyld_cache_image_text_info structure.
DyldCacheLoader |
A Loader for DYLD shared cache files.
DyldCacheLocalSymbolsEntry |
Represents a dyld_cache_local_symbols_entry structure.
DyldCacheLocalSymbolsInfo |
Represents a dyld_cache_local_symbols_info structure.
DyldCacheMappingInfo |
Represents a dyld_cache_mapping_info structure.
DyldCacheProgramBuilder |
Builds up a DYLD Cache Program by parsing the DYLD Cache headers.
DyldCacheRangeEntry |
Represents a dyld_cache_range_entry structure.
DyldCacheSlideInfo1 |
Represents a dyld_cache_slide_info structure.
DyldCacheSlideInfo2 |
Represents a dyld_cache_slide_info2 structure.
DyldCacheSlideInfo3 |
Represents a dyld_cache_slide_info3 structure.
DyldCacheSlideInfoCommon |
Class for representing the common components of the various dyld_cache_slide_info structures.
DyldCacheUtils |
Utilities methods for working with Mach-O DYLD shared cache binaries.
DyldInfoCommand |
Represents a dyld_info_command structure.
DyldInfoCommandConstants |
Dynamic |
A DataType class that must compute its length based upon actual data.
DynamicColumnTableModel<ROW_TYPE> |
DynamicDataType |
Interface for dataTypes that don't get applied, but instead generate dataTypes
on the fly based on the data.
DynamicHash |
A hash utility to uniquely identify a temporary Varnode in data-flow
Most Varnodes can be identified within the data-flow graph by their storage address
and the address of the PcodeOp that defines them.
DynamicLibrary |
Represents a dylib structure.
DynamicLibraryCommand |
Represents a dylib_command structure.
DynamicLibraryModule |
DynamicLibraryReference |
Represents a dylib_reference structure.
DynamicLinkerCommand |
Represents a dylinker_command structure.
DynamicReference |
DynamicReference is a dynamically determined reference which
may not be explicitly added, deleted or modified
DynamicSortedTreeSet<E> |
A set where the ordering of elements may change over time, based on an alternative comparator
This is an implementation of Set where elements may be sorted by an alternative
comparator (usually by "cost"), rather than by the natural ordering.
DynamicSymbol |
Decompiler symbol whose references are encoded as dynamic hashes into the PcodeSyntaxTree
DynamicSymbol.Entry |
DynamicSymbolTableCommand |
Represents a dysymtab_command structure.
DynamicSymbolTableConstants |
DynamicTableColumnExtensionPoint<ROW_TYPE,COLUMN_TYPE,DATA_SOURCE> |
NOTE: ALL DynamicTableColumnExtensionPoint CLASSES MUST END IN "TableColumn".
DynamicTableModel<T> |
DynamicValueSortedTreeMap<K,V> |
A map that is sorted by value.
DynamicVariableStorage |
EclipseIntegrationService |
Service that provides Eclipse-related functionality.
Edge |
An Edge joins a pair of vertices.
EdgeHoverAnimator<V,E> |
EditFieldNameDialog |
EditListener |
Provides notification when a text edit is completed.
EditorInitializer |
EditorProvider<T> |
Class used by some generic constraints to fulfill their requirement to provide and editor.
EditorState |
EditorStateFactory |
EditRefTypeCmd |
Command to change the reference type of a memory reference
EditWindow |
A re-usable floating text edit window.
ElfAnalyzer |
ElfBinaryAnalysisCommand |
ElfConstants |
A collection of constants used in the ELF header.
ElfDataType |
ElfDefaultGotPltMarkup |
ElfDefaultGotPltMarkup provides the legacy/default implementation of ELF GOT/PLT processing
which handles a limited set of cases.
ElfDynamic |
A class to represent the Elf32_Dyn data structure.
ElfDynamicTable |
If an object file participates in dynamic linking, its program header table
will have an element of type PT_DYNAMIC.
ElfDynamicType |
ElfDynamicType.ElfDynamicValueType |
ElfException |
An exception class to handle encountering
invalid ELF Headers.
ElfExtension |
ElfExtensionFactory |
ELFExternalSymbolResolver |
ElfFileSection |
ElfHeader |
A class to represent the Executable and Linking Format (ELF)
header and specification.
ElfLoadAdapter |
ElfLoadAdapter provides the base ELF load adapter implementation
which may be extended to facilitate target specific behavior.
ElfLoader |
A Loader for processing executable and linking files (ELF).
ElfLoaderOptionsFactory |
ElfLoadHelper |
ElfLoadHelper exposes loader methods useful to ElfExtension
ElfProgramHeader |
An executable or shared object file's program header table is an
array of structures, each describing a segment
or other information the system needs to prepare the program for execution.
ElfProgramHeaderConstants |
ElfProgramHeaderType |
ElfRelocation |
A class to represent the Elf32_Rel and Elf64_Rel data structure.
ElfRelocationContext |
ElfRelocationContext provides a relocation handler context related
to the processing of entries contained within a specific relocation table.
ElfRelocationHandler |
ElfRelocationHandler provides the base class for processor specific
ELF relocation handlers.
ElfRelocationHandlerFactory |
ElfRelocationTable |
A container class to hold ELF relocations.
ElfSectionHeader |
A class to represent the Elf32_Shdr data structure.
ElfSectionHeaderConstants |
ElfSectionHeaderType |
ElfSectionProvider |
Fetches DWARF section data from ELF files, directly, without going through
the Ghidra memory block api.
ElfString |
ElfStringTable |
ElfSymbol |
A class to represent the ELF 32bit and 64bit Symbol data structures.
ElfSymbolTable |
A container class to hold ELF symbols.
EmptyAddressIterator |
Implementation for an AddressIterator that is empty.
EmptyAddressRangeIterator |
Implementation for an AddressIterator that is empty.
EmptyBigLayoutModel |
EmptyBorderButton |
Class that is a JButton that has an empty border and adds a mouse listener
so that the button looks raised when the mouse pointer enters the button,
and looks lowered when the mouse pointer exits the button.e
EmptyBorderToggleButton |
EmptyCodeUnitIterator |
CodeUnitIterator that represents an empty set of codeunits.
EmptyCompositeException |
Exception thrown if the composite data type is empty.
EmptyDataTypeLine |
EmptyDecompileData |
EmptyFieldBackgroundColorManager |
EmptyFieldElement |
Used to force a clip to happen when the max lines is exceeded in the VerticalLayoutTextField
EmptyIcon |
EmptyIteratorSTL<T> |
EmptyLayoutBackgroundColorManager |
EmptyListingModel |
EmptyProxy |
Used proxy a null value
EmptyRecordIterator |
Implementation of a RecordIterator that is always empty.
EmptyTextField |
A Text field that is blank.
EmptyTextLine |
EmptyThreadedTableModel<T> |
An empty implementation of the ThreadedTableModel.
EmptyVariableTextLine |
Emulate |
EmulateDisassemblerContext |
EmulateExecutionState |
EmulateInstructionStateModifier |
EmulateInstructionStateModifier defines a language specific
handler to assist emulation with adjusting the current execution state,
providing support for custom pcodeop's (i.e., CALLOTHER).
EmulateMemoryStateBuffer |
MemoryStateBuffer provides a MemBuffer for instruction parsing use
which wraps an emulator MemoryState.
Emulator |
EmulatorConfiguration |
EmulatorHelper |
EmulatorLoadData |
EmulatorTestRunner |
EmulatorTestRunner.DumpFormat |
EnableFieldAction |
Action for enabling disabled fields
EncryptedInformationCommand |
Represents an encryption_info_command structure.
EndAction |
Handles the actions required when the user presses the 'end' key; this moves the viewport
to the bottom of the file.
Endian |
EndianProjectDataColumn |
Column for the ProjectDataTable (Frontend) to display the endianess of a program.
EndianSettingsDefinition |
SettingsDefinition for endianess
EndInstructionValue |
The integer offset of the address following the current instruction
EndInstructionValueSolver |
"Solves" expressions of inst_next
Works like the constant solver, but takes the value of inst_next , which is given by the
assembly address and the resulting instruction length.
EndOfLineAction |
EndSymbol |
Symbol with semantic value equal to offset of address immediately
after current instruction
EnsureAreaVisibleAnimatorFunctionGraphJob<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
Entry |
EntryDescriptor |
EntryDescriptorID |
EntryFactory |
EntryPoint |
A class to represent a new-executable entry point.
EntryPointCommand |
Represents an entry_point_command structure.
EntryPointReference |
Reference object for entry points
EntryTable |
A class to represent a new-executable entry table.
EntryTableBundle |
A class to represent a new-executable entry table bundle.
Enum |
EnumColumnConstraint<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>> |
Column Constraint where acceptable column values are Enum values that match one of a set of
selected values from the Enum.
EnumConstraintEditor<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>> |
A constraint editor for enumerated-type values;
EnumDataType |
EnumDataTypeHTMLRepresentation |
EnumEditor |
EnumSettingsDefinition |
Interface for a SettingsDefinition with enumerated values.
EnumValuePartitioner |
This is a static utility class used to partition a set of long values into as many
non-intersecting BitGroups as possible.
EolCommentFieldFactory |
Generates End of line comment Fields.
EolCommentFieldLocation |
The EolCommentFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the EOL comment field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
EOLCommentTableColumn |
This table column displays the Label for either the program location or the address
associated with a row in the table.
EpsilonSymbol |
A pattern with no semantic or printing content, that will match
any pattern.
Equate |
An Equate associates a string with a scalar value in the program,
and contains a list of addresses and operand positions that refer
to this equate.
EquateDB |
Database object for an Equate.
EquateInfo |
Class to hold information about an Equate; it is used
in a ProgramChangeRecord when an equate is created and
when references to the Equate are updated.
EquateManager |
Implementation for the Equate Table.
EquateOperandFieldLocation |
EquateReference |
Interface to define an equate reference.
EquateSymbol |
EquateTable |
EquateTable manages all equates for program.
ErrLogDialog |
ErrLogExpandableDialog |
ErrLogExpandableDialog.ExcTreeTransferHandler |
ErrorDisplay |
ErrorFieldMouseHandler |
ErrorHandler |
Report database errors.
ErrorListingField |
ErrorLogger |
ErrorPropertyEditor |
ErrorReporter |
EventManager |
Helper class to manage the events that plugins consume and produce.
EventQueueID |
EventTrigger |
This class is used to provide information regarding the source of an event.
ExamplesPluginPackage |
ExceptionalCallback<E extends java.lang.Exception> |
A generic functional interface that is more semantically sound than Runnable .
ExceptionalConsumer<T,E extends java.lang.Exception> |
A generic functional interface that allows you to consume an item and potentially throw
an exception.
ExceptionalFunction<I,R,E extends java.lang.Exception> |
A generic functional interface that allows you to consume an item, return a result,
and potentially throw an exception.
ExceptionDataDirectory |
ExceptionHandler |
ExceptionStateX86_32 |
ExceptionStateX86_64 |
ExclusiveCheckoutException |
ExecutableFormatConstraint |
ExecutableKeyActionAdapter |
ExecutablePathProjectDataColumn |
ExecutableTaskStringHandler |
ExecutionListener |
ExportDataDirectory |
A class to represent the IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY
data structure defined in winnt.h .
ExportedSymbol |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
ExportedSymbolHashSlot |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
ExportedSymbolKey |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h * Exported Symbol Hash Key
Exporter |
The interface that all exporters must implement.
ExporterException |
ExportInfo |
A class to hold the information extracted from a
export data directory.
ExpressionEnvironment |
ExpressionTerm |
ExpressionValue |
ExtCodeBlockImpl |
ExtensionDetails |
Representation of a Ghidra extension.
ExtensionException |
ExtensionException.ExtensionExceptionType |
Provides more detail as to the specific source of the exception.
ExtensionFileFilter |
A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out
all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
ExtensionPoint |
NOTE: ExtensionPoint logistics have changed! It is no longer sufficient to
implement ExtensionPoint in order for the ClassSearcher to dynamically pick
up your class.
ExtensionPoint.Exclude |
ExtensionPoint.Util |
ExtensionTablePanel |
Container for the GTable that displays ghidra extensions.
ExtensionTableProvider |
Component Provider that shows the known extensions in Ghidra in a GTable .
ExtensionUtils |
Utility class for managing Ghidra Extensions.
ExternalConflictInfoPanel |
ExternalConflictInfoPanel appears above the 4 listings in the ListingMergeWindow.
ExternalEntryCmd |
Command for setting/unsetting an external entry point.
ExternalFunctionMerger |
Class for merging external function and label changes.
ExternalFunctionMerger.ExternalConflictType |
ExternalLanguageCompilerSpecQuery |
Analog to LanguageCompilerSpecQuery, for use with querying External Languages.
ExternalLocation |
ExternalLocation defines a location within an external
program (i.e., library).
ExternalLocationAdapter |
ExternalLocationDB |
ExternalLocationIterator |
Iterator interface for external locations.
ExternalManager |
External manager interface.
ExternalManagerDB |
Manages the database for external references.
ExternalPath |
ExternalProgramLocationPluginEvent |
Plugin event that is generated when a tool receives an external
ExternalProgramMerger |
Manages external program name changes and conflicts between the latest versioned
program and the modified program being checked into version control.
ExternalProgramSelectionPluginEvent |
Plugin event generated when a tool receives an
ProgramSelectionToolEvent; the selection in the external tool has
ExternalReference |
Interface for references to external locations.
ExternalReferencePluginEvent |
Plugin event used to navigate to a location in another program when following
a external reference.
ExternalsAddressTranslator |
ExternalsAddressTranslator is a translator that can be used for merging external functions and
Factory<K,V> |
A simple interface that can build, lookup or otherwise return a value V for a
key K .
FactoryBundledWithBinaryReader |
FactoryDataType |
A DataType class that creates data types dynamically should implement this interface.
FactoryStructureDataType |
Abstract class used to create specialized data structures that act like
a Structure and create a new Dynamic structure each time they are used.
FamilySymbol |
TripleSymbols whose semantic value and printing changes depending
on the pattern that they match
FatArch |
Represents a fat_arch structure.
FatHeader |
Represents a fat_header structure.
Field |
Field is an abstract data wrapper for use with Records.
Field |
Interface for display fields used by the FieldPanel
FieldBackgroundColorManager |
Interface for classes that manage the background color of fields.
FieldElement |
Used by Field s to combine text, attributes and location information (for example to and
from screen and data locations).
FieldFactory |
FieldFactoryNameMapper |
FieldFormatModel |
Maintains the size and ordering for a layout of fields.
FieldHeader |
Class to manage the tabbed panel for field formats.
FieldHeaderComp |
Class manage a header for the FieldViewer.
FieldHeaderLocation |
Class used to represent a location within the field header component.
FieldHighlightFactory |
Wrapper class to hold field factory information in the text field to be provided to the
highlightProvider to get highlights just before the field is painted.
FieldIndexTable |
FieldInputListener |
Interface implemented by objects that want to be notified when key events occur
in the FieldPanel.
FieldListener |
Listener interface for objects that are notified when a change is made to a Field, or Fields
were added or removed from a set of Fields.
FieldLocation |
Class to represent locations within the FieldViewer.
FieldLocationListener |
Listener interface for field location changes
FieldMatchQuery |
Query implementation used to test a field in a record to match a given value.
FieldMouseHandler |
FieldMouseHandlerExtension |
NOTE: ALL FieldMouseHandlerExtension CLASSES MUST END IN "FieldMouseHandler".
FieldMouseHandlerService |
FieldMouseListener |
Listener interface for mouse pressed events in the field panel.
FieldNameFieldFactory |
Generates Data Field (structure field names and array indexes) name Fields.
FieldNameFieldFactory.IndexFormat |
FieldNameFieldLocation |
The FieldNameFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function Name field within a program location.
FieldNavigator |
Helper class to navigate to an address when user double clicks in a
FieldOverlayListener |
Interface implemented by objects that want to be notified when an overlay
is removed from the FieldPanel.
FieldPanel |
FieldPanelCoordinator |
Coordinates the scrolling of a set of field panels by sharing bound scroll models.
FieldPanelOverLayoutEvent |
An event related to component layout over a FieldPanel .
FieldPanelOverLayoutListener |
A listener for field panel overlay events.
FieldPanelOverLayoutManager |
A LayoutManager that can be applied to a FieldPanel , allowing
Components to be placed over a given field location.
FieldRange |
Class to a range consisting of a start position within a start row to an end position within an
end row (exclusive).
FieldRangeQuery |
Query implementation used to test a field in a record to fall within a range of values.
FieldSelection |
Interface for reporting the FieldViewer selection.
FieldSelectionHelper |
FieldSelectionListener |
Listener interface for when the selection changes.
FieldStringInfo |
A simple data container class that contains a part string that is part of a parent string with the
index of the part string into the parent string.
FieldUtils |
A utility class for working with Field objects.
FileArchiveBasedDataTypeManager |
Extends DataTypeManager to provide methods specific to file data type archives (.gdt).
FileBasedDataTypeManager |
Extends DataTypeManager to provide methods specific to a data type manager that is file based.
FileBasedIcon |
FileBytes |
FileBytes provides access to the all the byte values (both original and modified) from an
imported file.
FileCache |
File caching implementation.
FileCacheEntry |
Simple class that contains a File and its MD5 string.
FileCacheNameIndex |
A best-effort cache of MD5 values of files, where the file is identified by its parent's
MD5 combined with the file's path inside its parent's 'namespace'.
FileChangeListener |
Defines a file change listener interface.
FileChannelLock |
FileChooserEditor |
Bean editor to show a text field and a browse button to bring
up a File Chooser dialog.
FileChooserToggleButton |
FileDataTypeManager |
DataTypeManager for a file.
FileDropDownSelectionDataModel |
FileEntry |
FileFingerprintCache |
A best-effort cache of MD5 values of local files based on their {name,timestamp,length} fingerprint.
FileHeader |
A class to represent the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER struct as
defined in winnt.h .
FileIconService |
Provides Icon s that represent the type and status of a file, based on
a filename mapping and caller specified status overlays.
FileIDFactory |
Factory class for generating unique file ID's.
FileImporterService |
Service for importing files into Ghidra.
FileInUseException |
FileInUseException indicates that there was contention
for a file which is in-use.
FileLocker |
FileOpenDataFlavorHandler |
Interface for classes that will handle drop actions for files dropped onto the tool
FileOpenDropHandler |
Handles drag/drop events on a given component such that a file
dropped on the component from the front end tool will cause
that file to be opened.
FileResolutionResult |
A simple class that holds info relating to the result of verifying a file's existence and
proper usage of case.
FileResolutionResult.FileResolutionStatus |
FileResource |
FileSystem |
FileSystem provides a hierarchical view and management of a
set of files and folders.
FileSystemBrowserPlugin |
A Plugin that supplies a filesystem browser component
that allows the user to view the contents of filesystems and perform actions on the
files inside those filesystems.x
FileSystemBrowserService |
A service to interact with file systems.
FileSystemCache |
FileSystemEventListener |
FileSystemFactoryMgr |
Statically scoped mugger that handles the dirty work of probing for and creating
GFileSystem instances.
FileSystemIndexHelper<METADATATYPE> |
A helper class used by GFilesystem implementors to track mappings between GFile
instances and the underlying container filesystem's native file objects.
FileSystemInfo |
Specifies the info needed of a GFileSystem implementation.
FileSystemInfoRec |
FileSystemInitializer |
FileSystemListener |
FileSystemListener provides a listener the ability
to be notified of folder and file changes within a FileSystem.
FileSystemListenerList |
FileSystemListenerList maintains a list of FileSystemListener's.
FileSystemProbeConflictResolver |
A callback interface used to choose which filesystem implementation to use when
multiple filesystem types indicate that they can open a container file.
FileSystemRef |
A handle to a GFileSystem which allows tracking the current users of the filesystem.
FileSystemRefManager |
FileSystemService |
Provides methods for dealing with GFilesystem files and filesystems .
FileTimeDataType |
A datatype to interpret the FILETIME timestamp
convention, which is based on the number of 100-nanosecond ticks
since January 1, 1601.
FileUtilities |
FileViewer |
UI for viewing the contents of very large files efficiently.
FileWatcher |
The FileWatcher *watches* a single file and fires a change notification whenever the file
is modified.
FilteredIterator<T> |
FilteredMemoryPageOverlay |
FilteredRegisterBank |
FilteringAccumulatorWrapper<T> |
A class that allows clients to wrap a given accumulator, only adding elements that pass the
given filter.
FilteringVisualGraph<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A graph implementation that allows clients to mark vertices and edges as filtered.
FilterJob<T> |
FilterListener |
An interface that will be called when the text filter changes.
FilterOptions |
FilterOptionsEditorDialog |
Dialog that allows the user to select options related to table filtering.
FilterPanelLayout |
Specialized layout for the TableFilterDialog panels.
FilterTextField |
A text field that is meant to be used in conjunction with tables that allow filter text.
FilterTransformer<T> |
FilterTypeConverter<COLUMN_TYPE,FILTER_TYPE> |
An interface that is meant to take the column type of of a DynamicTableColumn
and convert it to the specified type.
FilterVerticesJob<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
Uses the given filter to fade out vertices that do not pass.
FindCheckoutsAction |
FindCheckoutsDialog |
Dialog that shows all checkouts in a specific folder and all of its subfolders.
FindDialog |
FindDialogSearcher |
A simple interface for the FindDialog so that it can work for different search clients.
FindPathsAlgorithm<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
FindsPatternTextFilter |
A text filter that uses a pattern and performs a 'find' using that pattern.
FirstLinkerMember |
FitGraphToViewJob<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A job to scale one or more viewers such that the contained graph will fit entirely inside the
viewing area.
FixedBitSizeValueField |
FixedHandle |
The resulting data for a HandleTemplate after all the
placeholders have been resolved through context
FixedSizeHashMap<K,V> |
A simple implementation of a LRU map that will throw away entries that exceed the given
maximum size.
FixedSizeMRUCachingFactory<K,V> |
An object that will cache values returned from the given factory.
FixedSizeStack<E> |
Creates a fixed size stack.
FixedVirtualMemoryFileCommand |
Represents a fvmfile_command structure.
FixedVirtualMemorySharedLibraryCommand |
Represents a fvmlib_command structure.
Fixup |
FlatDecompilerAPI |
FlatProgramAPI |
This class is a flattened version of the Program API.
Float10DataType |
Float16DataType |
Float2DataType |
Float4DataType |
Float8DataType |
FloatArray |
Array of floats that grows as needed.
FloatArrayArray |
Array of float[] that grows as needed.
Floatclass |
FloatColumnTypeMapper |
Converts Float Column objects to Double objects so that column gets Double type column
FloatComplexDataType |
Provides a definition of a complex built-in data type consisting of two floating point
numbers in the IEEE 754 double precision format.
FloatDataType |
Provides a definition of a Float within a program.
FloatFormat |
FloatFormatFactory |
FloatingPointPrecisionSettingsDefinition |
SettingsDefinition to define the number of digits of precision to show.
FloatStateX86_32 |
FlowLayoutTextField |
This class provides a TextField implementation that takes multiple
AttributedStrings and places as many that will fit on a line without clipping
before continuing to the next line.
FlowOverride |
FlowType |
Class to define flow types for instruction (how it
flows from one instruction to the next)
FlowType.Builder |
FNV1a32MessageDigest |
FNV1a32MessageDigestFactory |
FNV1a64MessageDigest |
FNV1a64MessageDigestFactory |
FocusOwnerProvider |
An interface to provided the current focus owner.
FolderItem |
FolderItem represents an individual file
contained within a FileSystem and is uniquely identified
by a path string.
FolderNotEmptyException |
FolderNotEmptyException is thrown when an attempt is
made to remove a Folder which is not empty.
FollowFlow |
FollowFlow follows the program's code flow either forward or backward from an initial
address set.
FontPropertyEditor |
This Bean FontEditor displays a String with the current selected font name,
style and size attributes.
FormatManager |
Class to manage the set of format models.
FormatModelListener |
Interface for listeners to format model changes.
FormatProjectDataColumn |
FormatSettingsDefinition |
The settings definition for the numeric display format
FoundationInitializer |
FoundString |
FoundString.DefinedState |
FoundStringCallback |
FrontEndable |
Marker that allows a plugin to be added directly to the Ghidra Project
Window by the user.
FrontEndOnly |
Marker interface to indicate plugin is for Front-end use only.
FrontEndPlugin |
Main plugin component for the Ghidra Project Window, which is
a PluginTool.
FrontEndService |
Interface for accessing front-end functionality.
FrontEndTool |
Tool that serves as the the Ghidra Project Window.
FSBAction |
FSBActionContext |
FSBDirNode |
GTreeNode that represents a directory on a filesystem.
FSBFileNode |
GTreeNode that represents a file on a filesystem.
FSBNode |
Base interface for all filesystem browser gtree nodes.
FSBRootNode |
A GTreeNode that represents the root of a GFileSystem , and keeps the
filesystem pinned in memory with its FileSystemRef .
FSBUtils |
A _F_ile _S_ystem _R_esource _L_ocator, (name and string format patterned after URLs)
FSRLRoot |
A type of FSRL that is specific to the filesystem's identity.
FSUtilities |
FSUtilities.StreamCopyResult |
FullKeySet |
Implementation of the ShortKeySet interface that always contains
all the possible keys.
FullySelectedFieldBackgroundColorManager |
Function |
Interface to define methods available on a function.
Function.FunctionUpdateType |
FunctionAddressCorrelation |
This is the interface for a correlator that associates instructions from one function to
instructions from another function.
FunctionAnalyzer |
FunctionBodySizeTableColumn |
FunctionCallFixupFieldFactory |
Generates Function Call-Fixup Fields.
FunctionCallFixupFieldLocation |
The FunctionCallFixupFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function call-fixup field within a program location.
FunctionCallingConventionFieldLocation |
The FunctionCallingConventionFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function Calling Convention field within a program location.
FunctionCallingConventionTableColumn |
FunctionDataTypeHTMLRepresentation |
FunctionDB |
Database implementation of a Function.
FunctionDefinition |
Defines a function signature for things like function pointers.
FunctionDefinitionDataType |
Definition of a function for things like function pointers.
FunctionEndParametersFieldLocation |
The FunctionEndParametersFieldLocation class provides a field
for the close parenthesis of a function within a program location.
FunctionInlineFieldLocation |
The FunctionInlineFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function Inline field within a program location.
FunctionInlineSettingsDefinition |
FunctionIterator |
Interface for iterating over functions.
FunctionLocation |
FunctionLocation provides information about the location
in a program within a Function .
FunctionManager |
FunctionManagerDB |
Class that manages all functions within the program; there are some
convenience methods on Listing to create and access functions, but
all function related calls are routed to this class.
FunctionMerge |
FunctionNameFieldLocation |
The FunctionNameFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function Name field within a program location.
FunctionNameTableColumn |
This table field displays the Function Name containing either the program location or the address
associated with a row in the table.
FunctionNoReturnFieldLocation |
The FunctionNoReturnFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function noreturn field within a program location.
FunctionNoReturnSettingsDefinition |
FunctionOverlapException |
FunctionOverlapException is thrown in cases where
a function creation or change would result in overlapping functions.
FunctionParameterCountTableColumn |
FunctionParameterFieldLocation |
FunctionParameterNameFieldLocation |
FunctionPrototype |
High-level prototype of a function based on Varnodes, describing the inputs and outputs
of this function.
FunctionProxy |
Stores information about a function in a program such that the function can
be retrieved when needed.
FunctionPurgeAnalysisCmd |
Command for analyzing the Stack; the command is run in the background.
FunctionPurgeFieldFactory |
FunctionPurgeFieldLocation |
FunctionPurgeTableColumn |
This table field displays the Function Purge for either the program location or the address
associated with a row in the table.
FunctionRepeatableCommentFieldFactory |
Field for showing Function repeatable comments
FunctionRepeatableCommentFieldLocation |
The FunctionRepeatableCommentFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function Repeatable Comment field within a program location.
FunctionRepeatableCommentFieldMouseHandler |
FunctionResultStateStackAnalysisCmd |
Command for analyzing the Stack; the command is run in the background.
FunctionReturnTypeFieldLocation |
The FunctionReturnTypeFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function Return Type field within a program location.
FunctionSignature |
Interface describing all the things about a function that are portable
from one program to another.
FunctionSignatureDecompilerHover |
A hover service to show tool tip text for hovering over a function name in the decompiler.
FunctionSignatureDecompilerHoverPlugin |
A plugin to show tool tip text for hovering over function names in the decompiler.
FunctionSignatureFieldFactory |
Generates FunctionSignature Fields.
FunctionSignatureFieldLocation |
The FunctionSignatureFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function Signature field within a program location.
FunctionSignatureImpl |
FunctionSignatureParser |
Class for parsing function signatures.
FunctionSignatureSourceFieldFactory |
Generates Function Signature Source Fields.
FunctionSignatureSourceFieldLocation |
The FunctionSignatureFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function Signature field within a program location.
FunctionSignatureTableColumn |
This table field displays the Function Signature for either the program location or the address
associated with a row in the table.
FunctionStackAnalysisCmd |
Command for analyzing the Stack; the command is run in the background.
FunctionStartParametersFieldLocation |
The FunctionStartParametersFieldLocation class provides a field
for the open parenthesis of a function within a program location.
FunctionSymbol |
Symbol class for functions.
FunctionTag |
Represents a function tag object that can be associated with
FunctionTagChangeSet |
Defines a Function Tag Change set.
FunctionTagDB |
Database object for FunctionTagAdapter objects.
FunctionTagFieldFactory |
Generates a text label that lists the function tags for each Function .
FunctionTagFieldLocation |
Provides information about the location of an object that
represents the tag names assigned to a function.
FunctionTagListingMerger |
Handles merging of function tags when they are added/removed from
FunctionTagManager |
Interface for managing function tags.
FunctionTagManagerDB |
FunctionTagMerger |
Class for merging function tag changes.
FunctionTagTableColumn |
Table column for displaying all function tags associated with a given function.
FunctionThunkFieldLocation |
The FunctionThunkFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function Thunk field within a program location.
FunctionThunkSettingsDefinition |
FunctionUtility |
Utility methods for performing function related actions.
FVEvent |
FVEvent.EventType |
FVEventListener |
Extension of the Java Observer class that allows clients to send FVEvent
messages to subscribers.
FVSlider |
Custom slider that acts as the scroll bar for the FVTable .
FVSliderUI |
Custom UI for a slider that dynamically adjusts the thumb height based on the size of the
given JScrollPane and {JTable}.
FVTable |
FVTableModel |
The model that backs the FVTable table.
FVToolBar |
Toolbar that contains widgets for controlling the FileViewer .
GatherParamPanel |
GBooleanCellRenderer |
GCheckBox |
A JCheckBox that has HTML rendering disabled.
GClassLoader |
GClipboard |
Provides a place for clients to retrieve the Clipboard they should be using.
GColumnRenderer<T> |
GColumnRenderer.ColumnConstraintFilterMode |
An enum that signals how the advanced column filtering should work.
GComboBox<E> |
A JComboBox that disables HTML rendering.
GComponent |
GDHtmlLabel |
A 'dynamic' label (the text can be changed), with HTML rendering allowed.
GDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
GDLabel |
A 'dynamic' label (the text can be changed), with HTML rendering disabled.
GdtLoader |
Loads a packed Ghidra data type archive.
GDynamicColumnTableModel<ROW_TYPE,DATA_SOURCE> |
An abstract table model for showing DynamicTableColumns where each row is based on an
object of type ROW_TYPE.
GEdge<V> |
An edge in a (usually directed) graph
GEdgeWeightMetric<E extends GEdge<?>> |
A callback to get the weight of an edge
Analogous to Java's Comparator , this provides a means to override the weight of an edge
in a graph, or provide a weight in the absence of a natural weight, when executing various graph
algorithms, e.g., shortest path.
GenericAddress |
Generic implementation of the Address interface.
GenericAddressSpace |
Generic implementation of the AddressSpace interface.
GenericApplicationSettings |
GenericCallingConvention |
GenericCallingConvention identifies the generic calling convention
associated with a specific function definition.
GenericDataFlavor |
Generic data flavor class to override the equals(DataFlavor) method
in order to have data flavors support the same general class types
such as an ArrayList.
GenericDataType |
Base implementation for a generic data type.
GenericDateCellRenderer |
The JDK-provided DateRenderer does not inherit the backgrounds and such properly.
GenericDemangledAddressTable |
GenericDemangledArray |
GenericDemangledConstants |
GenericDemangledDataType |
A class to represent a demangled data type.
GenericDemangledException |
A class to handle exceptions that occur demangling.
GenericDemangledFunction |
A class to represent a demangled function.
GenericDemangledFunctionPointer |
A class to represent a demangled function pointer.
GenericDemangledMethod |
GenericDemangledObject |
A class to represent a demangled object.
GenericDemangledString |
GenericDemangledTemplate |
GenericDemangledType |
GenericDemangledVariable |
An interface to represent a demangled global variable.
GenericFactory |
GenericHeader |
GenericHelpTopics |
GenericInitializer |
GenericOptionsComponent |
GenericPluginCategoryNames |
GenericRunInfo |
GenericSaveable |
GenericSaveable is used by the DBPropertyMapManager
when the class can not be found and loaded for the class path name of a
property in the database.
GenericStandAloneApplication |
A simplified interface for stand alone applications.
GenericXMLOutputter |
A simple extension of XMLOutputter that sets default settings to fix common bugs.
GetVersionedObjectTask |
A modal task that gets a domain object for a specific version.
GFile |
GFileImpl |
GFileLocal |
GFile implementation that refers to a real on the local
file system.
GFileSystem |
Interface that represents a filesystem that contains files.
GFileSystemBase |
This is the original GFileSystem implementation abstract base class, with most of the
initially implemented filesystem types extending this class.
GFileSystemBaseFactory |
GFileSystemExtractAllTask |
Task that recursively extracts all files from a GFileSystem directory
and writes them to a local filesystem.
GFileSystemFactory<FSTYPE extends GFileSystem> |
An empty interface that is a common type for the real factory interfaces to derive from.
GFileSystemFactoryFull<FSTYPE extends GFileSystem> |
GFileSystemFactoryIgnore |
GFileSystemFactoryWithFile<FSTYPE extends GFileSystem> |
A GFileSystemFactory interface for filesystem implementations that can
be constructed using just a reference to the source File .
GFileSystemLoadKernelTask |
GFileSystemProbe |
An empty interface that is a common type for the real probe interfaces to derive from.
GFileSystemProbeBytesOnly |
A GFileSystemProbe interface for filesystems that can be detected using
just a few bytes from the beginning of the containing file.
GFileSystemProbeFull |
GFileSystemProbeWithFile |
A GFileSystemProbe interface for filesystems that only need a File
reference to the source file.
GFileSystemProgramProvider |
GFileSystem add-on interface that allows a filesystem publish the fact that
it supports an import feature allowing the caller to import binaries directly into
Ghidra without going through a Loader .
GFilterTable<ROW_OBJECT> |
GGlassPane |
A component that acts as the general purpose glass pane for Java windows.
GGlassPanePainter |
GHelpBroker |
Ghidra help broker that displays the help set; sets the Ghidra icon on
the help frame and attempts to maintain the user window size.
GHelpBuilder |
A class to build help for an entire 'G' application.
GHelpClassLoader |
A ClassLoader for loading help data.
GHelpHTMLEditorKit |
A class that allows Ghidra to intercept JavaHelp navigation events in order to resolve them
to Ghidra's help system.
GHelpSet |
Ghidra help set that creates a GhidraHelpBroker, installs some custom HTML handling code via
the GHelpHTMLEditorKit, and most importantly, changes how the JavaHelp system works with
regard to integrating Help Sets.
GhidraApplicationConfiguration |
GhidraApplicationInformationDisplayFactory |
GhidraApplicationLayout |
The Ghidra application layout defines the customizable elements of the Ghidra
application's directory structure.
GhidraBigEndianDataConverter |
GhidraClass |
Interface for representing class objects in the program.
GhidraClassLoader |
Custom Ghidra URL class loader which exposes the addURL method so we can add to the classpath
at runtime.
GhidraColorChooser |
GhidraComboBox<E> |
GhidraComboBox adds the following features:
1) ActionListeners are only invoked when the <Enter> key
is pressed within the text-field of the combo-box.
GhidraDataConverter |
GhidraDataFlavorHandlerService |
GhidraDataTypeArchiveMergeManagerFactory |
GhidraDBTransaction |
A convenience context for transaction IDs on a Ghidra program database
This is meant to be used idiomatically, as in a try-with-resources block:
GhidraException |
GhidraFile |
An extension of File that does not translate to the
native operating system's file separator.
GhidraFile |
GhidraFileChooser |
An implementation of a file chooser dialog.
GhidraFileChooserDirectoryModelIf |
GhidraFileChooserListener |
A listener for notifying when the contents
of the file chooser model have changed.
GhidraFileChooserMode |
Modes available for selecting files in the file chooser
GhidraFileChooserModel |
Interface for the GhidraFileChooser data model.
GhidraFileChooserPanel |
Panel for entering a file name that includes a title border, a text field
for entering a filename, and a button for bringing up a file chooser dialog.
GhidraFileChooserPanelListener |
A listener for notifying when the file in the file chooser panel have changed.
GhidraFileData |
GhidraFileFilter |
A interface that filters out all files
except for those type extensions that it knows about.
GhidraFileOpenDataFlavorHandlerService |
GhidraFilterTable<ROW_OBJECT> |
GhidraFolder |
GhidraHelpService |
Ghidra's help service.
GhidraJarApplicationLayout |
The Ghidra jar application layout defines the customizable elements of the Ghidra application's
directory structure when running in "single jar mode."
GhidraJarBuilder |
GhidraLanguagePropertyKeys |
GhidraLaunchable |
GhidraLauncher |
GhidraLittleEndianDataConverter |
GhidraOptions |
Contains miscellaneous defines used for options.
GhidraPrincipal |
GhidraPrincipal specifies a Ghidra user as a Principal
for use with server login/authentication.
GhidraProgramMultiUserMergeManagerFactory |
GhidraProgramTableModel<ROW_TYPE> |
GhidraProgramUtilities |
GhidraProject |
Helper class for using Ghidra in a "batch" mode.
GhidraProtocolConnector |
GhidraProtocolConnector provides an abtract implementation to access Ghidra
repositories using various underlying communication protocols.
GhidraProtocolHandler |
GhidraProtocolHandler provides the extension point for
Ghidra protocol extensions.
GhidraPythonInterpreter |
A python interpreter meant for Ghidra's use.
GhidraRandomAccessFile |
Instances of this class support both reading and writing to a
random access file.
GhidraRun |
Main Ghidra application class.
GhidraScreenShotGenerator |
GhidraScript |
Ghidra Script Development.
GhidraScript.AnalysisMode |
GhidraScriptAnalyzerAdapter |
GhidraScriptConstants |
A class to hold constants to be shared for clients of this package.
GhidraScriptProperties |
Handles processing for .properties files associated with a GhidraScript (.properties file and
script should share the same basename).
GhidraScriptProvider |
NOTE: ALL GhidraScriptProvider CLASSES MUST END IN "ScriptProvider".
GhidraScriptRunner |
A simple class for running scripts outside of Ghidra.
GhidraScriptSelectionDialog |
GhidraScriptService |
GhidraScriptUtil |
A utility class for managing script directories and ScriptInfo objects.
GhidraServerHandle |
GhidraServerHandle provides access to a remote server.
GhidraState |
Represents the current state of a Ghidra tool
GhidraSwinglessTimer |
The GhidraSwinglessTimer is similar to the javax.swing.Timer class.
GhidraSwingTimer |
GhidraTable |
Navigation is only supported if the underlying table model
implements ProgramTableModel and the setGoToService() method
has been called with a valid reference.
GhidraTableCellRenderer |
GhidraTableFilterPanel<ROW_OBJECT> |
This is a "program aware" version of GTableFilterPanel
GhidraTestApplicationLayout |
The Ghidra test application layout defines the customizable elements of the Ghidra
application's directory structure when running a test.
GhidraThreadedTablePanel<T> |
GhidraThreadGroup |
GhidraThreadGroup provides a means of catching all uncaught
exceptions which occur in any Ghidra thread.
GhidraTimer |
GhidraTimerFactory |
GhidraTOCFile |
GhidraTool |
Tool created by the workspace when the user chooses to create a new
GhidraToolState |
GhidraToolStateFactory |
GhidraToolTemplate |
Implementation for a tool template that has the class names of the
plugins that are part of the tool, and the tool's icon.
GhidraTransferable |
GhidraURL |
GhidraURLConnection |
GhidraURLWrappedContent |
GhidraURLWrappedContent provides controlled access to a Ghidra folder/file
associated with a Ghidra URL.
GHtmlCheckBox |
A JCheckBox that allows HTML rendering.
GHtmlLabel |
An immutable label (the text can NOT be changed), with HTML rendering allowed.
GHtmlTextPane |
A JTextPane for rendering HTML, as well as copying WYSIWYG text copying.
GIconLabel |
A label that only contains an image and no text.
GIconProvider |
GFileSystem add-on interface to allow filesystems to override how image files
are converted into viewable Icon instances.
GifDataType |
GIFResource |
Class for determining the size of a GIF image.
GImplicitDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
A directed graph that need not be constructed explicitly
GLabel |
An immutable label (the text can NOT be changed), with HTML rendering disabled.
GList<T> |
A sub-class of JList that provides an auto-lookup feature.
GListCellRenderer<E> |
Provides a common implementation of a list renderer, for use in both JList and JComboBox.
GlobalMenuAndToolBarManager |
GlobalNamespace |
The global namespace implementation class
GlobalPointerDataDirectory |
GlobalRegisterSymbol |
Symbols for global registers.
GlobalSymbol |
The global symbol implementation class
GlobalVariableSymbolDB |
GModule |
GMouseListenerAdapter |
A mouse listener implementation designed to provide consistent handling of triggers for
popups and double-clicking.
GnuConstants |
GNU Constants.
GnuVerdaux |
Auxiliary version information.
GnuVerdef |
Version definition sections.
GnuVernaux |
Auxiliary needed version information.
GnuVerneed |
Version dependency section.
GoToAddressLabelDialog |
GoToOverrideService |
GoToQuery |
GoToService |
The GoToService provides a general service for plugins to generate GoTo
GoToServiceImpl |
GoToServiceListener |
Listener that is notified when the GOTO completes.
GPickedState<V> |
This picked-state is a wrapper for PickedState that allows us to broadcast events
with the trigger of that event.
GProgressBar |
GRadioButton |
A JRadioButton that disables HTML rendering.
GraphAlgorithms |
A set of convenience methods for performing graph algorithms on a graph.
GraphAlgorithmStatusListener<V> |
An interface and state values used to follow the state of vertices as they are processed by
GraphAlgorithmStatusListener.STATUS |
GraphComponent<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>> |
A component that contains primary and satellite graph views.
GraphData |
Collection of edges and vertices that make up a graph.
GraphDisplay |
Handle object to a graph display.
GraphEdge |
Simple interface for a graph edge.
GraphException |
Exception thrown if a failure occurs while generating a Graph.
GraphFactory |
Graphics2DWrapper |
A simple wrapper object that changes colors passed to Graphics2D .
GraphicsUtils |
GraphIterator<T extends KeyedObject> |
Interface for VertexSet and EdgeSet iterators.
GraphJob |
A graph job is an item of work that needs to be performed.
GraphJobListener |
GraphJobRunner |
GraphLoopShape |
GraphNavigator<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
The methods on this interface are meant to enable graph traversal in a way that allows
the underlying graph to be walked from top-down or bottom-up.
GraphPath<V> |
Class for storing paths with fast "contains" method.
GraphPathSet<V> |
GraphPerspectiveInfo<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
An object that allows for storing and restoring of graph perspective data, like the zoom
level and the position of the graph.
GraphPluginPackage |
GraphSatelliteListener |
GraphSelectionHandler |
Handler for selection/location event mappings from/to Ghidra and Renoir.
GraphService |
Service for getting a Graph display.
GraphVertex |
Simple interface for a graph vertex.
GraphViewer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
The base viewer for the Graph module.
GraphViewerUtils |
This class houses various methods for translating location and size data from the various
graph coordinate spaces.
GRepaintManager |
A repaint manager that can be plugged-in to Java's RepaintManager in order to
change how we paint colors.
GridLocationMap<V,E> |
An object that maps vertices to rows and columns and edges to their articulation points.
Group |
The interface for groupings of code units that may have attributes such
as names and comments.
GroupIconResourceDataType |
GroupInfo |
GroupingVisualGraph<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A visual graph with methods needed to facilitate grouping of vertices.
GroupPath |
The GroupPath is a class to represent a unique path in a tree for a Group.
GroupView |
Class to define a selection of GroupPath objects.
GScheduledTask |
Class for tracking scheduled GTasks.
GTable |
A sub-class of JTable that provides navigation and auto-lookup.
GTableCellRenderer |
A default table cell renderer that relies on the toString() method
when rendering the cells of the table.
GTableCellRenderingData |
A state object to provide a table cell renderer with data beyond the standard Java
TableCellRenderer interface.
GTableColumnModel |
GTableFilterPanel<ROW_OBJECT> |
This class is a panel that provides a label and text field that allows users to input text that
filters the contents of the table.
GTableHeader |
A special header for GhidraTables to handle things like tooltips and hover information.
GTableHeaderRenderer |
The header renderer for GhidraTable.
GTableMouseListener |
GTableTextCellEditor |
GTableToCSV |
GTableWidget<T> |
A GUI that provides a filterable table.
GTask |
GTaskGroup |
Class for grouping several GTask s that all should be
executed before any new group of tasks are
executed, regardless of priority.
GTaskListener |
Interface used to track the state of a GTaskManager
GTaskListenerAdapter |
A Dummy implementation to that listeners can subclass this and not have to fill in methods they
don't need.
GTaskListModel<T> |
GTaskManager |
Class for managing a queue of tasks to be executed, one at a time, in priority order.
GTaskManagerFactory |
Factory class managing a single GTaskManager for an UndoableDomainObject.
GTaskManagerPanel |
Main component for managing and viewing the state of a GTaskManager.
GTaskMonitor |
Implementation of a TaskMontor that can be "attached" to a GProgressBar.
GTaskResult |
Class to represent the result state of a GTask, such as whether it was cancelled or an exception
GTaskResultPanel |
GThreadedTablePanel<T> |
A convenience component designed specifically for rendering threaded table models.
GThreadPool |
Class for managing and sharing thread pools.
GTimer |
GTimerMonitor |
Monitor object returned from a GTimer.schedule() call
GTree |
Class for creating a JTree that supports filtering, threading, and a progress bar.
GTreeBulkTask |
GTreeCellEditor |
GTreeClearSelectionTask |
GTreeClearTreeFilterTask |
GTreeCollapseAllTask |
A GTree task to fully collapse a tree
GTreeDragNDropAdapter |
GTreeDragNDropHandler |
GTreeExpandAllTask |
GTreeExpandNodeToDepthTask |
A GTree task to fully expand a tree node to a maximal depth.
GTreeExpandPathsTask |
GTreeFilter |
GTreeFilterFactory |
GTreeFilterProvider |
GTreeFilterTask |
GTreeLazyNode |
Base class for GTNodes that want to use a lazy loading approach.
GTreeLoadChildrenTask |
GTreeModel |
GTreeNode |
GTreeNodeListener |
GTreeNodeTransferable |
A transferable for sharing data via drag/drop and clipboard operations for GTrees
GTreeRenderer |
GTreeRestoreTreeStateTask |
GTreeRootNode |
Root nodes must implement this interface.
GTreeSelectionEvent |
GTreeSelectionEvent.EventOrigin |
An enum that contains the origin of the GTreeSelectionEvent (see each enum for more
GTreeSelectionListener |
GTreeSelectionModel |
This class was created so that GTree users can know the origin of tree selections.
GTreeSelectNodeByNameTask |
GTreeSelectPathsTask |
GTreeSlowLoadingNode |
Base class for GTNodes that want to use a lazy loading approach, but the loading may
be slow and therefor should be done in another thread.
GTreeStartEditingTask |
GTreeState |
A class to remember the current state of the tree, for things like expanded paths,
selected paths and the view location.
GTreeTask |
GTreeTextFilterFactory |
GTreeTransferHandler |
A generic transfer handler used by GTrees to handle transfering drag/drop data and clipboard
GUIDs identify objects such as interfaces, manager entry-point vectors (EPVs),
and class objects.
GuidDataType |
GuidInfo |
GuidUtil |
GuidUtil.GuidType |
GValidatedTextField |
GValidatedTextField.LongField |
GValidatedTextField.LongField.LongValidator |
GValidatedTextField.MaxLengthField |
GValidatedTextField.TextValidator |
GValidatedTextField.ValidatedDocument |
GValidatedTextField.ValidationFailedException |
GValidatedTextField.ValidationMessageListener |
GVertex |
GWeightedEdge<V> |
An edge having a natural weight
param the type of vertices
GzfExporter |
GzfLoader |
Loads a packed Ghidra program.
Handle |
Handler |
Handler provides a "ghidra" URL protocol handler which
corresponds to the GhidraURLConnection implementation.
HandleTemplate |
HandleTpl |
Placeholder that resolves for a specific InstructionContext into
a FixedHandle representing the semantic value of a Constructor
HasConsoleText |
HasConsoleText.Util |
Hash |
This encodes the main hash value for an n-gram, and the number of Instructions hashed
HashCalculator |
Interface for hashing across sequences of Instructions in different ways
HashedFunctionAddressCorrelation |
Correlator to construct a 1-1 map between the Instructions of two similar Functions.
HashEntry |
HashEntry |
Cross-reference container for different n-grams that share a particular hash
HashingOutputStream |
A filtering OutputStream that calculates the hash of the bytes being
HashMapPreprocessorDefinitionsAdapter |
HashStore |
HashStore is a sorted, basic-block aware, store for Instruction "n-grams" to help quickly match similar
sequences of Instructions between two functions.
HashStore.NgramMatch |
Class explicitly labeling (one-side of) a matching n-gram pair.
HashUtilities |
Hcs12DisassembleCommand |
Command object for performing HCS12/XGate disassembly
HeaderCursor |
The cursor values used when drag-n-dropping dockable components
HeadlessAnalyzer |
The class used kick-off and interact with headless processing.
HeadlessClientAuthenticator |
HeadlessClientAuthenticator provides the ability to install a Ghidra Server
authenticator needed when operating in a headless mode.
HeadlessGhidraApplicationConfiguration |
HeadlessOptions |
HeadlessOptions .
HeadlessScript |
This class is analogous to GhidraScript, except that is only meant to be used with
the HeadlessAnalyzer.
HeadlessScript.HeadlessContinuationOption |
Options for controlling disposition of program after the current script completes.
HeadlessTimedTaskMonitor |
Monitor used by Headless Analyzer for "timeout" functionality
Help |
Creates the HelpManager for the application.
HelpAction |
HelpActionManager |
Register help for a specific component.
HelpBuildUtils |
HelpBuildUtils.HelpFilesFilter |
HelpBuildUtils.Stringizer<T> |
HelpDescriptor |
HelpFile |
HelpLocation |
Class to identify where help can be located for some object.
HelpManager |
Class that uses JavaHelp browser to show context sensitive help.
HelpMissingScreenShotReportGenerator |
HelpModuleCollection |
A class that is meant to hold a single help input directory and 0 or more
external, pre-built help sources (i.e., jar file or directory).
HelpModuleLocation |
HelpScreenShotReportGenerator |
HelpService |
HelpService defines a service for displaying Help content by
an ID or URL.
HelpTopic |
HelpTopics |
Topics for Help.
HexIntegerFormatter |
HexIntegerFormatter.HexAllowedPositiveValueIntgerDocumentFilterWrapper |
HexLong |
HexOrDecimalInput |
HiddenDockingFrame |
Hack to fix:
JFrames cannot be invisible
HighConstant |
A constant that has been given a datatype (like a constant that is really a pointer)
HighFunction |
High-level abstraction associated with a low level function made up of assembly instructions.
HighFunctionDBUtil |
HighFunctionDBUtil provides various methods for updating the state of a
function contained within a program database.
HighGlobal |
All references (per function) to a single global variable
Highlight |
HighlightFactory |
HighlightProvider |
Provider of Highlight objects appropriate for the text, object, and FieldFactory class.
HighLocal |
HighOther |
Other forms of variable, these are typically compiler infrastructure
like the stackpointer or saved registers
HighParam |
High-level function parameter
HighParamID |
High-level abstraction associated with a low level function made up of assembly instructions.
HighSymbol |
HighVariable |
A High-level variable (as in a high-level language like C/C++)
built out of Varnodes (low-level variables).
HintTextArea |
Simple text area that shows a text hint when the field is empty.
HintTextField |
Simple text field that shows a text hint when the field is empty.
HistoryList<T> |
An object meant to track items with the ability to go back and forth within the list of
HomeAction |
Handles the actions required when the user presses the 'home' key; this moves the viewport
to the top of the file.
HorizontalLayout |
LayoutManager for arranging components in a single row.
HorizontalRuleAction |
An action that can be added to a menu in order to separate menu items into groups
HourglassAnimationPanel |
Panel that displays an animation of a spinning hourglass
HoverHandler |
HoverProvider |
HoverService |
HoverService provides the ability to popup data Windows over a Field viewer
in response to the mouse hovering over a single Field.
HTMLDataTypeRepresentation |
HTMLDataTypeRepresentationDiffInput |
HTMLElement |
HtmlExporter |
An implementation of exporter that creates
an HTML representation of the program.
HTMLFileParser |
HtmlLineSplitter |
Splits into lines a given String that is meant to be rendered as HTML.
HTMLResourceDataType |
HTMLUtilities |
A helper class providing static methods for formatting text with common HTML tags.
HttpUtil |
HyperlinkComponent |
A component that acts like a label, but adds the ability to render HTML anchors and the
ability for clients to add anchor handlers.
ICategory |
IconMaskResourceDataType |
IconProvider |
A class that knows how to provide an icon and the URL for that icon.
IconResource |
IconResourceDataType |
Icons |
A class to get generic icons for standard actions.
IconWrapper |
IconWrapper provides a simple icon wrapper which
delays icon construction until its first use.
IdentCommand |
Represents a ident_command structure.
IDFLookup |
IllegalFieldAccessException |
An illegal access has been performed on a field.
IllegalHModuleAssociationIMGInvalidLink |
IllegalPanelStateException |
IllegalPanelStateException allows unexpected IOExceptions and other errors
to be thrown during Wizard panel transitions
IllegalRenameException |
Exception thrown if a data type does not allow its name to be changed.
ImageBaseOffset32DataType |
ImageBaseOffset64DataType |
ImageCor20Header |
typedef struct IMAGE_COR20_HEADER
// Header versioning
DWORD cb; // Size of the structure
WORD MajorRuntimeVersion; // Version of the CLR Runtime
WORD MinorRuntimeVersion; // Version of the CLR Runtime
// Symbol table and startup information
IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY MetaData; // A Data Directory giving RVA and Size of MetaData
DWORD Flags;
union {
DWORD EntryPointRVA; // Points to the .NET native EntryPoint method
DWORD EntryPointToken; // Points to the .NET IL EntryPoint method
// Binding information
IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY Resources; // A Data Directory for Resources, which are referenced in the MetaData
IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY StrongNameSignature; // A Data Directory for unique .NET assembly signatures
// Regular fixup and binding information
IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY CodeManagerTable; // Always 0
IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY VTableFixups; // Not well documented VTable used by languages who don't follow the common type system runtime model
IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY ExportAddressTableJumps; // Always 0 in normal .NET assemblies, only present in native images
// Precompiled image info (internal use only - set to zero)
ImageCor20Header.ImageCor20Flags |
ImageDialogProvider |
ImageFactoryField |
Class for displaying images in fields.
ImageFactoryFieldMouseHandler |
ImageIconWrapper |
ImageIconWrapper provides the ability to instantiate
an ImageIcon with delayed loading.
ImageLocation |
A class that represents the original location of an IMG tag along with its location
resolution within the help system.
ImageManager |
Static helper to register and load Icons for the file system browser plugin and its
child windows.
ImagePanel |
Creates a panel that displays an Image .
Images |
ImageTransferable |
Provides drag-n-drop support for Images
ImageUtils |
ImportAddressTableDataDirectory |
ImportBatchTask |
Performs a batch import using the data provided in the BatchInfo object which
specifies what files and the import language that should be used.
ImportByName |
A class to represent the IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME
data structure defined in winnt.h .
ImportDataDirectory |
Points to the imports (an array of IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR structures).
ImportDescriptor |
union {
DWORD Characteristics; // 0 for terminating null import descriptor
DWORD OriginalFirstThunk; // RVA to original unbound IAT (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)
DWORD TimeDateStamp;
DWORD ForwarderChain; // -1 if no forwarders
DWORD FirstThunk; // RVA to IAT (if bound this IAT has actual addresses)
ImportedLibrary |
Imported Libraries
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
ImportedNameTable |
A class to represent the new-executable imported name table.
ImportedSymbol |
ImporterDialog |
Dialog for importing a file into Ghidra as a program.
ImporterLanguageDialog |
ImporterPlugin |
A Plugin that supplies menu items and tasks to import files into Ghidra.
ImporterUtilities |
Utilities for importing files.
ImportInfo |
ImportStateCache |
ImproperUseException |
Exception class to be used when API calls are improperly used (i.e., GhidraScript.askProjectFolder() method is
being used in Headless mode).
IncomingReferenceEndpoint |
Marker row object that signals to the table API that the references contained therein all
share the to address, with each row showing the from address.
IncomingReferencesTableModel |
IncompatibleLanguageException |
Exception thrown when attempting to replace one language in a program with another that
is not "address space" compatable.
IncompatibleMaskException |
An IncompatibleMaskException is thrown when operations
are attempting involving two masks of different lengths.
IncorrectIMGFilenameCaseInvalidLink |
IncrementalLoadJob<ROW_OBJECT> |
InDateRangeColumnConstraint |
Column Constraint where acceptable column values are within some range defined by a min value and
a max value.
IndentField |
Field responsible for drawing +/- symbols when over an aggregate datatype that
can be opened or closed.
IndentFieldLocation |
The IndentFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the indent field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
IndexedAddressIterator |
Iterates over a FieldIterator; the field is the address but not
the key; the column for the field must be indexed.
IndexedDynamicDataType |
Indexed Dynamic Data Type template.
IndexedLocalFileSystem |
IndexedLocalFileSystem implements a case-sensitive indexed filesystem
which uses a shallow storage hierarchy with no restriction on file name or path
IndexedLocalFileSystem.BadStorageNameException |
BadStorageNameException invalid storage name
IndexedLocalFileSystem.IndexReadException |
IndexReadException occurs when an error occurs
while reading/processing the filesystem index
IndexedLocalFileSystem.IndexVersionException |
IndexReadException occurs when an error occurs
while reading/processing the filesystem index
IndexedPropertyFile |
IndexedScrollable |
IndexedScrollPane |
IndexedV1LocalFileSystem |
IndexedLocalFileSystem implements a case-sensitive indexed filesystem
which uses a shallow storage hierarchy with no restriction on file name or path
IndexMapper |
Interface for mapping indexes when the LayoutModel changes.
IndexRange |
Class for holding a begin and end index.
IndexRangeIterator |
Iterator interface for index ranges.
IndexScrollListener |
IndexToAddressRangeIteratorAdapter |
InetNameLookup |
InformationBlock |
A class to respresent the Information Block
defined in the Windows new-style executable.
InitializeCircuitsRunnable<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>> |
A task to find all the loops in a graph.
InjectContext |
InjectPayload |
InjectPayload encapsulates a semantic (p-code) override which can be injected
into analyses that work with p-code (Decompiler, SymbolicPropagator)
The payload typically replaces either a subroutine call or a userop
InjectPayload.InjectParameter |
InjectPayloadCallfixup |
InjectPayloadCallother |
InjectPayloadSleigh |
InjectPayloadSleigh defines an InjectPayload of p-code which is defined via
a String passed to the sleigh compiler
InlineComponentTitledPanel |
A panel with a component-containing border.
InMemoryRangeMapAdapter |
InProgressGTreeNode |
InProgressGTreeRootNode |
InputBlockStream |
InputBlockStream provides a BufferFile input block stream.
InputDialog |
A dialog that has text fields to get user input.
InputDialogListener |
Listener that is notified when the OK button is hit on the input dialog.
InputListType |
Cspec prototype model input listtype
InputStreamByteProvider |
A ByteProvider implementation that wraps an InputStream , allowing
data to be read, as long as there are no operations that request data from a previous
InputWithChoicesDialog |
A dialog that has text fields to get user input.
InRangeColumnConstraint<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
Column Constraint where acceptable column values are within some range defined by a min value and
a max value.
InsertRowAction |
Action class that inserts a new row into a FieldModel.
InstructHash |
This class is the container for hashing information about a particular instruction, including all the
n-grams it is currently involved in within the HashStore.
Instruction |
Interface to define an instruction for a processor.
InstructionBlock |
Represents a block of instructions.
InstructionBlockFlow |
InstructionBlockFlow.Type |
InstructionContext |
InstructionContext is utilized by a shared instruction prototype to
access all relevant instruction data and context-register storage needed during
instruction parse and semantic pcode generation.
InstructionDB |
Database implementation for an Instruction.
InstructionDecodeException |
InstructionError |
InstructionError.InstructionErrorType |
InstructionIterator |
Interface to define an iterator over over some set of instructions.
InstructionMaskValueFieldFactory |
InstructionMaskValueFieldLocation |
InstructionPattern |
Matches against the actual instruction bit stream
InstructionPcodeOverride |
InstructionPrototype |
InstructionPrototype is designed to describe one machine level instruction.
InstructionRecordIterator |
Converts a record iterator into an instruction iterator.
InstructionSet |
A set of instructions organized as a graph of basic blocks.
InstructionSkipper |
InstructionStub |
InstructionStub can be extended for use by tests.
InstructionUtils |
InsufficientBytesException |
An InsufficientBytesException indicates that there were not enough
consecutive bytes available to fully parse an instruction.
IntArray |
Array of ints that grows as needed.
IntArrayArray |
Array of int[] that grows as needed.
IntArrayList |
An ArrayList type object for ints.
IntEditor |
An editor for Boolean properties.
Integer16DataType |
A fixed size 16 byte signed integer (commonly referred to in C as int128_t)
Integer3DataType |
Integer5DataType |
Integer6DataType |
Integer7DataType |
IntegerAttribute<T extends KeyedObject> |
This class provides a storage mechanism for integer-valued information about
the elements of a KeyIndexableSet, e.g.
IntegerConstraintEditor<T extends java.lang.Number> |
A constraint editor for specifying comparison with a single integer-type value (Byte, Short,
Integer, and Long).
IntegerDataType |
Basic implementation for an signed Integer dataType
IntegerEditorProvider<T extends java.lang.Number & java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
Base class for providing single value numeric editors.
IntegerFormatter |
IntegerFormatter.PosiviteValueIntegerDocumentFilterWrapper |
IntegerRangeConstraintEditor<T extends java.lang.Number> |
A constraint editor for specifying ranges of integer-type numbers (Byte, Short, Integer,
and Long).
IntegerRangeEditorProvider<T extends java.lang.Number & java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
Base class for providing numeric range editors.
IntegerSignednessFormattingModeSettingsDefinition |
The settings definition for the numeric display format for handling signed values.
IntegerSpinner |
Creates a component for editing Integer values using an integerTextField and a Jspinner.
IntegerTextField |
TextField for entering integer numbers, either in decimal or hex.
IntelHexExporter |
Exports the current program (or program selection) as bytes in Intel Hex format.
IntelHexLoader |
IntelHexRecord |
IntelHexRecordReader |
IntelHexRecordWriter |
InteriorSelection |
Specifies a selection that consists of components inside a structure.
InternalDataTypeComponent |
IntField |
IntField provides a wrapper for 4-byte signed integer data
which is read or written to a Record.
IntIndexManager |
Class to generate int indexes to be used for arrays or tables.
IntIntHashtable |
Class that implements a hashtable with int keys and int values.
IntKeyIndexer |
This class converts arbitrary int keys into compacted int indexes suitable
for use as indexes into an array or table.
IntListIndexer |
Class to manage multiple linked lists of int indexes.
IntObjectHashtable<T> |
Class that implements a hashtable with int keys and Object values.
IntPropertyMap |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
int type.
IntPropertyMapDB |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
int type and stored with a database table.
IntPropertySet |
Handles general storage and retrieval of int values indexed by long keys.
IntRangeMap |
IntRangeMapDB |
IntSet |
Class for storing a set of integers
InvalidAnnotatedStringHandler |
An annotated string handler that is used to display an error message string when there is a
problem creating an annotated string.
InvalidatedListener |
InvalidDataTypeException |
Exception thrown if a data type is not valid for the operation being performed.
InvalidHREFLink |
InvalidIMGLink |
InvalidInputException |
Exception thrown if input is invalid.
InvalidLink |
InvalidNameException |
Exception thrown if a name has invalid characters.
InvalidNTHeaderException |
An exception class to handle encountering
invalid NT Headers.
InvalidPrototype |
Class to represent an invalid instruction prototype.
InvalidRuntimeIMGFileInvalidLink |
A link that represents the case where the HTML tried to reference a runtime Java image, but
that value is not found
InvalidWindowsHeaderException |
An exception class to handle encountering
invalid Windows Headers.
InvertedTableFilter<ROW_OBJECT> |
InvertedTextFilter |
InvertedTreeFilter |
InvokeInSwingTask |
A task that will simply invoke the given runnable later in the Swing thread.
IOCancelledException |
An IO operation was cancelled by the user.
IsolatedEntrySubModel |
IsolatedEntryCodeSubModel (S-model) defines subroutines with a
unique entry point, which may share code with other subroutines.
Issue |
IssueListener |
ItemCheckoutStatus |
ItemCheckoutStatus provides immutable status information for a
checked-out item.
ItemDeserializer |
ItemDeserializer facilitates the reading of a compressed data stream
contained within a "packed" file.
ItemSerializer |
ItemSerializer facilitates the compressing and writing of a data stream
to a "packed" file.
IterativeFindPathsAlgorithm<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
Finds all paths between two vertices for a given graph.
IteratorSTL<T> |
JarArchiveBuilder |
JarEntryFilter |
JarEntryNode |
JarEntryRootNode |
JarHelpModuleLocation |
JarResource |
JarRun |
JarWriter |
JarWriter is a class for writing to a jar output stream.
JavaEnumSettingsDefinition<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>> |
JavaFileListHandler |
A drag-and-drop handler for trees that is specific to List<File>.
JavaHelpFilesBuilder |
This class:
Creates a XXX_map.xml file (topic IDs to help files)
Creates a XXX_TOC.xml file from a source toc.xml file
Finds unused images
JavaHelpSetBuilder |
JavaHelpValidator |
JavaScriptClassLoader |
JavaScriptProvider |
JavaSourceFile |
JavaSourceLine |
Job |
JohnsonCircuitsAlgorithm<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
Finds all circuits (loops) in the given graph.
JPEGDataType |
JSONError |
JSONParser |
JSONToken |
JSONType |
JTreeMouseListenerDelegate |
JumpTable |
JumpTable found as part of the decompilation of a function
JungDirectedGraph<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
JungDirectedVisualGraph<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
JungLayout<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
JungLayoutProvider<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends JungDirectedVisualGraph<V,E>> |
JungLayoutProviderFactory |
JungToGDirectedGraphAdapter<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
JungWrappingVisualGraphLayoutAdapter<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A wrapper that allows for existing Jung layouts to be used inside of the Visual Graph system.
KandL |
Translated from the C++ version.
KeyBindingAction |
KeyBindingData |
KeyBindingPrecedence |
An enum that holds the values for order of keybinding precedence, in order from
highest priority to lowest.
KeyBindingsManager |
A class that organizes system key bindings by mapping them to assigned DockingActionIf s.
KeyBindingsPanel |
Panel to show the key bindings for the plugin actions.
KeyBindingType |
Allows clients to signal their support for the assigning of key binding shortcut keys.
KeyBindingUtils |
A class to provide utilities for system key bindings, such as importing and
exporting key binding configurations.
KeyedObject |
The KeyedObject class is used as a base class for objects which have keys.
KeyedObjectFactory |
The KeyedObjectFactory class is responsible for ensuring that no two
vertices or edges have the same keys.
KeyEntryDialog |
Dialog to set the key binding on an action; it is popped up when the F4 key
is hit.
KeyEntryListener |
Interface used to notify listener when a keystroke was entered in the
KeyEntryTextField |
Text field captures key strokes and notifies a listener to process the key entry.
KeyIndexableSet<T extends KeyedObject> |
Interface for sets of graph objects which have keys such as vertices
and edges.
KeyRange |
Class for holding a range of database keys (long values)
KeyStorePasswordProvider |
KeyStrokeConsumer |
KeyActionConsumer identifies a Component which may want to limit the
use of actions associated with a KeyStroke when that Component has focus.
KeyToRecordIterator |
Label |
To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":
LabelCodeUnitFormat |
LabelFieldFactory |
Generates label Fields.
LabelFieldLocation |
The LableFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the LABEL field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
LabelHistory |
Container for history information about what happened to a label.
LabelString |
LabelString.LabelType |
LabelTableColumn |
This table column displays the Label for either the program location or the address
associated with a row in the table.
Language |
LanguageCompilerSpecPair |
Represents an opinion's processor language and compiler.
LanguageCompilerSpecQuery |
LanguageConstraint |
LanguageDescription |
LanguageID |
Represents an opinion's processor language (x86:LE:32:default, 8051:BE:16:default, etc).
LanguageNotFoundException |
Exception class used when the named language cannot be found.
LanguagePostUpgradeInstructionHandler |
LanguagePostUpgradeInstructionHandler provides an abstract implementation
of a post language-upgrade instruction modification handler.
LanguageProjectDataColumn |
LanguageProvider |
NOTE: ALL LanguageProvider CLASSES MUST END IN "LanguageProvider".
LanguageService |
Service that provides a Language given a name, and
information about the language.
LanguageSortedTableModel |
LanguageTranslator |
NOTE: ALL LanguageTranslator CLASSES MUST END IN "LanguageTranslator".
LanguageTranslatorAdapter |
LanguageTranslatorAdapter provides a default language translator
behavior which may be extended to provide customized language translations.
LanguageTranslatorFactory |
LanguageTranslatorFactory manages all language translators within Ghidra.
LanguageTranslatorFactoryMinion |
LaunchErrorDialog |
Layout |
Interface for a set of data fields that represent one indexable set of information
in the model.
LayoutBackgroundColorManager |
Interface for classes that manage the background color of a layout.
LayoutBackgroundColorManagerAdapter |
LayoutCache |
Cache for MultiLayout objects
LayoutColorMapFactory |
LayoutListener |
LayoutListener<V,E> |
A listener for layout changes.
LayoutListener.ChangeType |
LayoutLocationMap<V,E> |
A class that holds row and column data for each vertex and edge.
LayoutLockedFieldPanelCoordinator |
A LayoutLockedFieldPanelCoordinator is an extension of a LineLockedFieldPanelCoordinator that
handles the fact that field panel layouts vary in size.
LayoutModel |
The Big Layout Model interface.
LayoutModelIterator |
An Iterator returning Layout objects that hides the details of using LayoutModel 's
indexing methods.
LayoutModelListener |
LayoutPositions<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
Simple container class to hold vertex locations (points) and edge articulation locations
LayoutProvider<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>> |
LazyBindProcessor |
LazyBindState |
LazyLoadingCachingMap<K,V> |
Instances of this class will provide a simple map interface to a cached set of key,value
Lcs<T> |
Abstract class for finding the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) between two
sequences of Matchable objects, x and y .
LcsHintLoadSpecChooser |
LcsSelectionEvent |
LcsSelectionListener |
LEB128 |
LeftShiftExpression |
Form new expression by left shifting PatternExpression the amount
determined by another PatternExpression
LeftShiftExpressionSolver |
Solves expressions of the form A << B
LengthStringOrdinalSet |
A class to hold a length/string/ordinal set.
LengthStringSet |
A class to store a length/string set,
where the string is not null-terminated
and the length field determines the string
LexerMultiplexer |
Library |
Interface for a Library namespace.
LibraryLookupTable |
LibraryPathsDialog |
Dialog for editing Library Search Paths which are used by the importer to locate referenced
shared libraries.
LibrarySearchPathManager |
A simple class for managing the library search path
and avoiding duplicate directories.
LibrarySymbol |
Class for library symbols.
LimitedByteBuffer |
Class for accumulating bytes into an automatically expanding buffer with an explicit upper limit to the size
LinearDataAddressCorrelation |
LinearExecutable |
A class to manage loading Linear Executables (LX).
LineArrayListWriter |
LineLockedFieldPanelCoordinator |
A LineLockedFieldPanelCoordinator coordinates the scrolling of a set of field panels by sharing
bound scroll models that are locked together by a set of line numbers.
LinkDatabase |
LinkEditDataCommand |
Represents a linkedit_data_command structure.
LinuxFileUrlHandler |
A special handler to deal with files dragged from Linux to Ghidra.
ListAccumulator<T> |
Listing |
This interface provides all the methods needed to create,delete, retrieve,
modify code level constructs (CodeUnits, Macros, Fragments, and Modules).
ListingActionContext |
ListingAddressCorrelation |
This is the interface for a correlator that associates addresses from one program with
addresses from another program or it can associate addresses from one part of a program
with addresses from another part of the same program.
ListingBackgroundColorModel |
This interface extends the BackgroundColorModel exclusively for BackgroundColorModels used by
the ListingPanel.
ListingCodeComparisonOptions |
ListingCodeComparisonPanel |
Panel that displays two listings for comparison.
ListingComparisonFieldPanelCoordinator |
Coordinates cursor location and scrolling between the two sides of a ListingCodeComparisonPanel.
ListingComparisonProvider |
Provider for displaying a ListingCodeComparisonPanel.
ListingContextAction |
ListingDiff |
Determines where instructions couldn't be matched and where they differ between sets of
addresses as provided by a ListingAddressCorrelation.
ListingDiffActionManager |
Manages the actions that control a ListingDiff.
ListingDiffChangeListener |
Interface defining a listener that gets notified when the ListingDiff's set of differences
and unmatched addresses has changed.
ListingDiffHighlightProvider |
ListingDisplayOptionsEditor |
Class for editing Listing display properties.
ListingField |
Interface that extends the Field interface to add addition information that
the browser needs from the fields.
ListingHoverProvider |
ListingMergeConstants |
ListingMergeConstants is an interface that provides constants
that are used throughout all of the Listing merge managers for multi-user.
ListingMergeManager |
Manages program listing changes and conflicts between the latest versioned
program (LATEST) and the modified program (MY) being checked into version control.
ListingMergePanel |
ListingMergePanelPlugin |
ListingMergePanelProvider |
ListingModel |
ListingModelAdapter |
ListingModelConverter |
ListingModelListener |
ListingPanel |
ListingPanelContainer |
ListingStub |
ListingStub can be extended for use by tests.
ListingTextField |
ListingField implementation for text fields.
ListIterator<T> |
ListLinked<T> |
A better linked list implementation than provided by java.util.
ListNodeSTL<T> |
ListPanel |
This class provides a panel that contains a JList component.
ListRendererMouseEventForwarder |
A listener designed to forward events from a JList to its renderer.
ListSelectionDialog<T> |
ListSelectionTableDialog<T> |
ListSTL<T> |
LittleEndianDataConverter |
Helper class to convert a byte array to a Java primitive in Little endian
order, and to convert a primitive to a byte array.
LiveMemoryHandler |
Live memory handler interface.
LiveMemoryListener |
LoadCommand |
Represents a load_command structure.
LoadCommandString |
Represents an lc_str union.
LoadCommandTypes |
Constants for the cmd field of all load commands, the type
LoadConfigDataDirectory |
LoadConfigDirectory |
A class to represent the IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY
data structure which is defined in winnt.h .
Loader |
An interface that all loaders must implement.
LoaderArgsOptionChooser |
An option chooser that applies loader options that were passed in as command line arguments.
LoaderInfoHeader |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
LoaderOpinionException |
LoaderRelocationHeader |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
LoaderService |
Factory and utility methods for working with Loader s.
LoaderTier |
LoadImage |
LoadImageFunc |
LoadJob<T> |
LoadSpec |
Represents a possible way for a Loader to load something.
LoadSpecChooser |
LoadSpecificDataJob<T> |
LocalBufferFile |
LocalBufferFile implements a BufferFile as block-oriented
random-access file.
LocalDatabaseItem |
LocalDatabaseItem provides a FolderItem implementation
for a local database.
LocalDataFile |
LocalDataFile provides a FolderItem implementation
for a local serialized data file.
LocalDataFileHandle |
LocalDataFileHandle provides random access to
a local File.
LocalDateSpinnerModel |
Spinner Model for LocalDate
LocalDateTextField |
Text field for entering dates.
LocalFileChooserModel |
A default implementation of the file chooser model
that browses the local file system.
LocalFileSystem |
A GFileSystem implementation giving access to the user's operating system's
local file system.
LocalFileSystem |
LocalFileSystem provides access to FolderItem's which
exist within a File-based directory structure.
LocalFileSystem.ItemStorage |
LocalFileSystemSub |
A GFileSystem interface to a part of the user's local / native file system.
LocalFilesystemTestUtils |
LocalFolderItem |
LocalFolderItem provides an abstract implementation of a folder
item which resides on a local file-system.
LocalManagedBufferFile |
LocalManagedBufferFile implements a BufferFile as block-oriented
random-access file which utilizes a BufferFileManager to
identify and facilitate versioning of buffer files.
LocalSymbolMap |
Local variables visible to a function.
LocalTreeNodeHandler |
LocalVariable |
LocalVariableDB |
LocalVariableImpl |
LocalVersionInfoHandler |
Location |
Location |
LocationClangHighlightController |
Class to handle location based highlights for a decompiled function.
LocationMemento |
LocationUtil |
Locator |
Lock |
Ghidra synchronization lock.
LockException |
Indicates a failure to obtain a required lock.
LockFactory |
LockFile |
Provides for the creation and management of a named lock file.
Log4jDevelopmentPatternConverter |
Pattern converter for Log4j 2.x that adds a hyperlink for the calling class
of the current log message.
Log4jErrorLogger |
LoggingInitialization |
LogicOperation |
LogLevelTableCellRenderer |
Renderer for the FVTable that will set the background color based on
the text contents.
LogListener |
An interface that allows clients to receive log messages.
LogPanel |
A JPanel that contains a label to show the last message displayed.
LogPanelAppender |
Log4j appender that writes messages to the log panel in the main Ghidra window.
LongArray |
Array of longs that grows as needed.
LongArrayArray |
Array of long[] that grows as needed.
LongArrayList |
An ArrayList for longs.
LongAttribute<T extends KeyedObject> |
This class provides a storage mechanism for long-valued information about
the elements of a KeyIndexableSet, e.g.
LongComparator |
Interface that defines a method for comparing two long values.
LongConverter<T> |
Interface used by number constraints.
LongDataType |
Basic implementation for a Signed Long Integer dataType
LongDoubleComplexDataType |
Provides a definition of a complex built-in data type consisting of two LongDouble
numbers in the IEEE 754 double precision format.
LongDoubleDataType |
Provides a definition of a Long Double within a program.
LongDoubleHashtable |
Class that implements a hashtable with long keys and double values.
LongEditorProvider |
Class for providing editor for long columns.
LongField |
LongField provides a wrapper for 8-byte signed long data
which is read or written to a Record.
LongIntHashtable |
Class that implements a hashtable with long keys and int values.
LongIterator |
Iterator over a set of Java-type long values.
LongKeyIndexer |
This class converts arbitrary long keys into compacted int indexes suitable
for use as indexes into an array or table.
LongLongDataType |
Basic implementation for an Signed LongLong Integer dataType
LongLongHashtable |
Class that implements a hashtable with long keys and long values.
LongNamesMember |
A string table that contains the full filenames of COFF archive members who's actual
filenames can not fit in the fixed-length name
field .
LongObjectHashtable<T> |
Class that implements a hashtable with long keys and Object values.
LongPropertyMap |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
long type.
LongPropertyMapDB |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
long type and stored with a database table.
LongPropertySet |
Handles general storage and retrieval of long values indexed by long keys.
LongRangeEditorProvider |
Class for providing range editor for long columns.
LowlevelError |
LRUMap<K,V> |
A LRU (Least Recently Used) map that maintains access-order (newest to oldest)
iteration over the elements.
LRUSet<T> |
An ordered set-like data structure.
LSHCosineVector |
LSHCosineVectorAccum |
A cosine vector where we can accumulate the (feature,weight) pairs over time
using the addHash method.
LSHCosineVectorAccum.Entry |
LSHMemoryModel |
LSHVector |
LSHVectorFactory |
MacException |
MachConstants |
MachException |
An exception class to handle encountering
invalid Mach-O Headers.
MachHeader |
Represents a mach_header structure.
MachHeaderFileTypes |
MachHeaderFlags |
Constants for the flags field of the mach_header
MachineConstants |
PE machine ID constants defined by standard header file 'ntimage.h'
MachoAnalyzer |
MachoBinaryAnalysisCommand |
MachoLoader |
MachoPrelinkProgramBuilder |
Builds up a PRELINK Mach-O Program by parsing the Mach-O headers.
MachoPrelinkUtils |
Utilities methods for working with Mach-O PRELINK binaries.
MachoProgramBuilder |
Builds up a Mach-O Program by parsing the Mach-O headers.
MacintoshTimeStampDataType |
A datatype to interpret the Mac OS timestamp
convention, which is based on the number of
seconds measured from January 1, 1904.
MagePanel<T> |
MakeProgramSelectionAction |
An action to make a program selection based on the given table's selection.
ManagedBufferFile |
BufferFile facilitates read/write access to buffer oriented file.
ManagedBufferFileAdapter |
ManagedBufferFileAdapter provides a ManagedBufferFile implementation which
wraps a ManagedBufferFileHandle.
ManagedBufferFileHandle |
ManagedBufferFileHandle facilitates access to a ManagedBufferFile
ManagedDataTable |
Data table that keeps track of rows that are occupied.
ManagePluginsDialog |
ManagerDB |
Interface that all subsection managers of a program must implement.
MangledLocalFileSystem |
MangledLocalFileSystem implements the legacy project data storage
scheme which utilizes a simplified name mangling which provides case-sensitive
file-naming with support for spaces.
ManualEntry |
ManualViewerCommandEditor |
ManualViewerCommandWrappedOption |
MapIteratorSTL<K,V> |
MapLoader |
A Loader for processing Microsoft MAP files.
MappedColumnConstraint<T,M> |
Class that maps one type of column constraint into another.
MappedColumnConstraintEditor<T,M> |
A constraint editor that supports object type conversions, wrapping the editor for the
converted-to type.
MappedProgramLocationTableColumn<ROW_TYPE,EXPECTED_ROW_TYPE,COLUMN_TYPE> |
MappedSymbol |
A class that is an Adapter in order to allow for the use of existing
DynamicTableColumn s when the actual row type of the table is
not the same as the row type that the DynamicTableColumn supports.
MapSTL<K,V> |
MarginProvider |
Interface for objects that want to add a component to the listings left margin.
MarkerListener |
Listener for MarkerManager's created from the MarkerService.
MarkerLocation |
Object generated when pointer is over a particular marker in the browser
navigation bars.
MarkerService |
Service to manage navigation markers displayed around a scrollable window
like the codebrowser.
MarkerSet |
Defines methods for working with a set of addresses that correspond to
Mask |
The Mask class is used to perform some basic bit tests on an
array of bits.
MaskedLong |
A 64-bit value where each bit is 0 , 1 , or x (undefined)
MaskImpl |
Implements the Mask interface as a byte array.
MatchesExactlyTextFilter |
A filter that will pass text when it matches exactly.
MatchesExactlyTextFilterFactory |
A filter factory that creates TextFilter s that will pass text when it matches
the filter exactly.
MatchesPatternTextFilter |
A text filter that uses a pattern and performs a 'matches' using that pattern.
MathUtilities |
MaximizeSpecificColumnGridLayout |
MaximizeSpecificColumnGridLayout is a row oriented grid type of layout.
Md5ProjectDataColumn |
MD5Utilities |
MemBuffer |
MemBuffer provides an array like interface into memory at a
specific address.
MemBufferImageInputStream |
ImageInputStream for reading images that wraps a MemBuffer to get the bytes.
Memory |
Interface for Memory.
MemoryAccessException |
An MemoryAccessException indicates that the attempted
memory access is not permitted.
MemoryAccessFilter |
MemoryAddressSetCharSequence |
This class implements the CharSequence interface using Memory and an AddressSet.
MemoryBank |
MemoryBlock |
Interface that defines a block in memory.
MemoryBlockDB |
MemoryBlockDefinition |
TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
MemoryBlockDiff |
MemoryBlockDiff determines the types of differences between two memory blocks.
MemoryBlockException |
Exception thrown for memory block-related problems.
MemoryBlockListener |
Methods for a listener that is called when changes are made to a
MemoryBlockMap |
MemoryBlockSourceInfo |
Describes the source of bytes for a memory block.
MemoryBlockStartFieldFactory |
Generates a text label on each CodeUnit that marks the start of a memory block.
MemoryBlockStartFieldLocation |
BlockStartLocation provides information about the location
(within a program) of an object that represents the start of a memory block.
MemoryBlockStub |
MemoryBlockStub can be extended for use by tests.
MemoryBlockType |
MemoryBlockUtils |
Convenience methods for creating memory blocks.
MemoryBufferImpl |
MemBufferImpl implements the MemBuffer interface.
MemoryByteIterator |
Class to iterate over the bytes in memory for an address set.
MemoryByteProvider |
A Byte Provider implementation based on Memory.
MemoryConflictException |
Exception for overlapping memory blocks.
MemoryConstants |
Memory Constants
MemoryDiff |
MemoryDiff determines where the memory differs between two programs as well as the
types of differences.
MemoryFaultHandler |
MemoryImage |
MemoryLoadable |
MemoryLoadable is a marker interface which identifies a file format
object which uniquely identifies a memory loadable portion of a binary file.
MemoryLoadImage |
MemoryMapDB |
The database memory map manager.
MemoryMapDBAdapterV3 |
MemoryMap adapter for version 3.
MemoryMergeManager |
Merge memory blocks that have changes to the name, permissions or comments.
MemoryMutableByteProvider |
A Byte Provider implementation based on Memory.
MemoryOffsetSettingsDefinition |
MemoryPage |
MemoryPage is allows the contents/data of a memory page
to be maintained along with an initializedMask.
MemoryPageBank |
MemoryPageOverlay |
MemoryRangeDiff |
MemoryBlockDiff determines the types of differences between two memory blocks.
MemorySearchAlgorithm |
An interface to unify the different methods for searching memory.
MemorySearchService |
MemorySectionProgramLocationBasedTableColumn |
MemorySectionResolver |
MemoryState |
All storage/state for a pcode emulator machine
Every piece of information in a pcode emulator machine is representable as a triple
MemoryStub |
MemoryStub can be extended for use by tests.
MemoryTypeProgramLocationBasedTableColumn |
MemReferenceImpl |
Implementation for a reference, not associated with a program.
MemSearcherAlgorithm |
Search memory using the provided search text.
MemSearcherTask |
MemSearchResult |
A class that represents a memory search hit at an address.
MenuBarData |
MenuBarManager |
Manages the main menu bar on the main frame
MenuBarMenuHandler |
MenuData |
MenuGroupListener |
MenuGroupMap |
Maps menuPaths to groups
MenuHandler |
MenuHandler provides a listener interface for menus.
MenuManager |
Class to manage a hierarchy of menus.
MenuResourceDataType |
MergeableBackgroundCommand |
MergeConstants |
MergeFolderCmd |
Command to merge a Folder with its Parent folder.
MergeManager |
Top level object that manages each step of the merge/resolve conflicts
MergeManagerPlugin |
Plugin that provides a merge component provider.
MergeProgressModifier |
MergeProgressPanel |
The MergeProgressPanel displays the name of each merge phase along with an icon indicating
whether the phase is Pending, In Progress or Completed.
MergeResolver |
Interface for resolving domain object merge conflicts.
MergeUtilities |
MergeUtilities provides generic static methods for use by the
multi-user program merge managers.
MessageDigest |
MessageDigestFactory |
MessageLog |
A simple class to handle logging messages and exceptions.
MessageLogContinuesFactory |
MessageLogExceptionHandler |
MessageType |
MiddleLayout |
Puts the first child of the given component in the middle of the component, both vertically
and horizontally.
MinLengthCharSequenceMatcher |
Instances of this class will find sequences of characters that are in the given char set and
of a minimum length.
MinMaxRowColumn |
MinusExpression |
Form new expression by taking twos complement of a PatternExpression
MinusExpressionSolver |
Solves expressions of the form -A
MipsDisassembleCommand |
Command object for performing Arm/Thumb disassembly
MiscellaneousPluginPackage |
MissingAnchorInvalidLink |
MissingArchiveDataTypeHTMLRepresentation |
MissingBuiltInDataType |
Provides an implementation of a data type that stands-in for a missing Built-In data type.
MissingFileInvalidLink |
MissingIMGFileInvalidLink |
MissingTOCDefinitionInvalidLink |
MissingTOCTargetIDInvalidLink |
MixedFieldBackgroundColorManager |
MixedLayoutBackgroundColorManager |
MnemonicFieldFactory |
Generates Mnemonic Fields.
MnemonicFieldLocation |
The MnemonicFieldLocation class contains specific location
information within the MNEMONIC field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
MnemonicFieldMouseHandler |
MnemonicHashCalculator |
Hash function hashing only the mnemonic of an individual Instruction
ModalPluginTool |
PluginTool that is used by the Merge process to resolve conflicts
when a file is being checked into a server repository.
ModuleAlgorithmCmd |
Command that applies the "module" algorithm to a specified Module or
ModuleDefinitionsAdapter |
ModuleDefinitionsMap |
ModuleInitializer |
An ExtensionPoint that users can implement to perform work before the application
is loaded.
ModuleManifestFile |
ModuleReferenceTable |
A class to represent the new-executable module reference table.
ModuleUtilities |
Utility methods for module related things.
MonitoredInputStream |
An InputStream which utilizes a TaskMonitor to indicate input progress and
allows the operation to be cancelled via the TaskMonitor.
MonitoredOutputStream |
An OutputStream which utilizes a TaskMonitor to indicate output progress and
allows the operation to be cancelled via the TaskMonitor.
MonitoredRunnable |
MotorolaHexLoader |
MouseClickedPaintableShape |
A debugging shape painter that allows the user to see where a mouse clicked happened.
MouseDebugPaintable |
MouseDraggedLinePaintableShape |
MouseDraggedPaintableShape |
MouseWheelAction |
Invoked when the user scrolls the mouse wheel either up or down.
MoveBlockListener |
Listener that is notified when a move block completed or some state
has changed.
MoveBlockTask |
Command that runs in the background to move a memory block, as the move may
be a time consuming operation.
MoveVertexToCenterAnimatorFunctionGraphJob<V,E> |
MoveVertexToCenterTopAnimatorFunctionGraphJob<V,E> |
MoveViewAnimatorFunctionGraphJob<V,E> |
MoveViewToLayoutSpacePointAnimatorFunctionGraphJob<V,E> |
MoveViewToViewSpacePointAnimatorFunctionGraphJob<V,E> |
MSCoffLoader |
MSDataTypeUtils |
An abstract class containing static utility methods for creating structure data types.
Msg |
Class with static methods to report errors as either a short message or a
more detailed message (e.g., stacktrace).
MSProductType |
MUIResourceDataType |
MultEntSubModel |
MultEntSubModel (M-model) defines subroutines which do not share code with
any other subroutine and may have one or more entry points.
MultExpression |
Form new expression by multiplying two PatternExpressions
MultExpressionSolver |
Solves expressions of the form A * B
MultiActionDockingAction |
A class that supports multiple sub-actions, as well as a primary action.
MultiActionDockingActionIf |
MultiAddressIterator |
MultiAddressIterator is a class for iterating through multiple
address iterators simultaneously.
MultiAddressRangeIterator |
MultiAddressRangeIterator is a class for iterating through multiple
address range iterators simultaneously.
MultiByteCharMatcher |
MultiCodeUnitIterator |
MultiCodeUnitIterator is a class for iterating through multiple
code unit iterators simultaneously.
MultiComparableArrayIterator<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
MultiComparableArrayIterator takes multiple arrays of comparable
objects and iterates through them simultaneously.
MultiIcon |
Icon class for for displaying overlapping icons.
MultiIconBuilder |
A builder to allow for easier creation of an icon that is composed of a base icon, with
other icons overlayed.
MultiIterator<T> |
MultiLineInputDialog |
MultiLineLabel |
Class to render a String that has new line characters as a multiline
MultiLineMessageDialog |
MultiListingLayoutModel |
Class for creating multiple coordinated ListingModels for multiple programs.
MultiMapSTL<K,V> |
MultipleActionDockingToolbarButton |
MultipleCauses |
Use an instance of this class as the cause when you need to record several causes of an
MultipleCauses.Util |
MultipleKeyAction |
Action that manages multiple PluginActions mapped to this action's key binding.
MultipleOptionsDialog<T> |
MultipleProgramsException |
MultipleProgramsStrategy |
MultiRowLayout |
Handles layouts with muliple rows.
MultiSetSTL<K> |
MultiStateDockingAction<T> |
An action that can be in one of multiple states.
MultitermEvaluationMode |
MultiTextFilterTableFilter<ROW_OBJECT> |
MultiTextFilterTreeFilter |
MutabilitySettingsDefinition |
The settings definition for the numeric display format
MutableByteProvider |
An interface for a generic random-access byte provider, plus mutation methods.
MutableGDirectedGraphWrapper<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
A class that can wrap a GDirectedGraph and allows for vertex and edge additions
without changing the underlying graph.
MutableGDirectedGraphWrapper.DummyEdge |
MutableMemBuffer |
The MutableMemBuffer interface facilitates
repositioning of a MemBuffer object.
MySwitchAnalyzer |
MzLoader |
A Loader for processing Microsoft DOS MZ files.
NamedDaemonThreadFactory |
NamedDaemonThreadFactory is a thread factory which forms daemon threads
with a specified name prefix for the Java concurrent Executors pools.
Namespace |
The Namespace interface.
NamespaceColumnTypeMapper |
Converts Namespace Column objects to Strings so that column gets String type column
NamespaceManager |
Class to manage namespaces.
NamespacePath |
Represents a hierarchical path of containers that hold names of objects.
NamespacePropertyEditor |
NamespaceSymbol |
Symbol class for namespaces.
NamespaceTableColumn |
NamespaceUtils |
A class to hold utility methods for working with namespaces.
NamespaceWrappedOption |
An option class that allows the user to edit a related group of options pertaining to
namespace display.
NameSymbol |
A ValueSymbol whose printing aspect is determined by looking
up the context value of the symbol in a table of strings
NamingUtilities |
Utility class with static methods for validating project file names.
Navigatable |
Interface for ComponentProviders to implement if they support basic navigation and selection
NavigatableActionContext |
NavigatableComponentProviderAdapter |
NavigatableContextAction |
NavigatableIconFactory |
NavigatableRangeActionContext |
Marker interface to signal a context specifically for actions that work on a range of
program locations.
NavigatableRegistry |
NavigatableRemovalListener |
NavigationActionContext |
An interface that signals the client supports navigation.
NavigationDirection |
NavigationHistoryService |
The ToolStateHistoryService maintains a stack of locations that the user
has visited via a navigation plugin.
NavigationUtils |
NeedsBackfillException |
An exception to indicate that the solution of an expression is not yet known
Furthermore, it cannot be determined whether or not the expression is even solvable.
NeLoader |
A Loader for processing Microsoft New Executable (NE) files.
NestedDelaySlotException |
NewExecutable |
A class to manage loading New Executables (NE).
NewFunctionStackAnalysisCmd |
Command for analyzing the Stack; the command is run in the background.
NewGuid |
NewLanguagePanel |
NewTestApp |
NextRangeAction |
NightlyCategory |
NList |
Represents an nlist and nlist_64 structure.
NListConstants |
NonExistentIMGFileInvalidLink |
NonResidentNameTable |
A class to represent the new-executable non-resident name table.
NonThreadedXmlPullParserImpl |
NonToolbarMultiStateAction<T> |
A class for clients that wish to create a button that has multiple states, controlled by a
drop-down menu.
NoPreLinkSectionException |
NoProjectNode |
NoRegisteredEditorPropertyEditor |
NormalizedAddressSet |
AddressSetView implementation that handles image base changes.
NoSuchIndexException |
Exception thrown if a requested index does not exist.
NotConnectedException |
NotConnectedException indicates that the server connection
is down.
NotEmptyException |
exception thrown whenever some container is expected to be empty and it isn't.
NotExpression |
Form new expression by complementing a PatternExpression
NotExpressionSolver |
Solves expressions of the form ~A
NotFoundException |
Exception thrown when an object is not found.
NotInDateRangeColumnConstraint |
Column Constraint where acceptable column values are not within some range defined by a min value and
a max value.
NotInRangeColumnConstraint<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
Column Constraint where acceptable column values are outside some range defined by a min value and
a max value.
NotOwnerException |
Exception thrown if user is not the owner of a file or
data object being accessed.
NotQuery |
Negates the given query such that this query is the logical "NOT" of the given query.
NoTransactionException |
NoTransactionException occurs when a database modification is
attempted when no transaction exists.
NotYetImplementedException |
NotYetImplementedException is used during development of a class.
NoValueException |
Exception thrown if there is no value at a
requested index.
NTHeader |
A class to represent the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 and
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 structs as defined in
winnt.h .
NullDataTypeHTMLRepresentation |
NullOutputStream |
A OutputStream that discards all bytes written to it.
NullPrintWriter |
NullSectionProvider |
NullTableFilter<ROW_OBJECT> |
A table filter that represents the state of having no filter.
NullWriter |
An implementation of Writer to use when you wish to not use any writing, but to also
avoid null checks.
NumberColumnConstraintProvider |
Provides number related column constraints.
NumberInputDialog |
DialogComponentProvider that provides information to create a modal dialog
to prompt for a number (int) to be input by the user.
NumberUtil |
NumericUtilities |
ObjectArray |
Array of objects that grows as needed.
ObjectAttribute<T extends KeyedObject> |
This class provides a storage mechanism for Object-valued information about
the elements of a KeyIndexableSet, e.g.
ObjectCache |
ObjectClass provides a fixed-size long-key-based object cache.
ObjectChooserDialog<T> |
ObjectIntHashtable<T> |
Class that implements a hashtable with Object keys and int values.
ObjectiveC_Method |
ObjectiveC_MethodList |
ObjectiveC_MethodType |
ObjectiveC1_Category |
ObjectiveC1_Class |
ObjectiveC1_Constants |
ObjectiveC1_InstanceVariable |
ObjectiveC1_InstanceVariableList |
ObjectiveC1_MetaClass |
ObjectiveC1_Method |
ObjectiveC1_MethodList |
ObjectiveC1_Module |
ObjectiveC1_Protocol |
ObjectiveC1_ProtocolList |
ObjectiveC1_ProtocolMethod |
ObjectiveC1_ProtocolMethodList |
ObjectiveC1_State |
ObjectiveC1_SymbolTable |
ObjectiveC1_TypeEncodings |
ObjectiveC1_Utilities |
ObjectiveC2_Cache |
ObjectiveC2_Category |
ObjectiveC2_Class |
ObjectiveC2_ClassRW |
ObjectiveC2_Constants |
ObjectiveC2_ImageInfo |
ObjectiveC2_Implementation |
ObjectiveC2_InstanceVariable |
ObjectiveC2_InstanceVariableList |
ObjectiveC2_MessageReference |
ObjectiveC2_Method |
ObjectiveC2_MethodList |
ObjectiveC2_Property |
ObjectiveC2_PropertyList |
ObjectiveC2_Protocol |
ObjectiveC2_ProtocolList |
ObjectiveC2_State |
ObjectKeyIndexer<T> |
This class converts arbitrary Objects into compacted int indexes suitable
for use as indexes into an array or table.
ObjectLongHashtable<T> |
Class that implements a hashtable with Object keys and long values.
ObjectPropertyMap |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
Object type.
ObjectPropertyMapDB |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
a Saveable Object type and store within a database table.
ObjectPropertySet |
Handles general storage and retrieval of object values indexed by long keys.
ObjectRangeMap<T> |
Associates objects with long index ranges.
ObjectSelectedListener<T> |
ObjectStorage |
Methods for saving and restoring Strings and Java primitives or arrays of
Strings and primitives.
ObjectStorageAdapter |
Convenience adapter implementation for saving and restoring Strings and
Java primitives or arrays of Strings and primitives for a row of a data table.
ObjectStorageAdapterDB |
ObjectStorageAdapterDB provides an ObjectStorage
implementation for use by Saveable objects.
ObjectStorageStreamAdapter |
Implementation for ObjectStorage to save and restore Strings and
Java primitives using an ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream,
ObjectToStringMapper<T> |
ObjectValueRange<T> |
Associates an integer value with a numeric range.
ObsoleteCommand |
ObsoleteException |
ObsoleteProgramPropertiesService |
OffcutReferenceCountToAddressTableColumn |
This table field displays the number of references to the location that was found
Offset |
OffsetReference |
OffsetReference is a memory reference whoose "to" address is
computed from a base address plus an offset.
OffsetValidator |
OkDialog |
A dialog with an OK button.
OldBookmark |
OldFunctionManager |
This class only exists to support upgrading Ghidra Version 2.1 and earlier.
OldGenericNamespaceAddress |
OldGenericNamespaceAddress provides a means of instantiating namespace
oriented addresses which were previously used for External, Stack and Register addresses.
OldLanguageFactory |
OldLanguageMappingService |
OldProgramContextDB |
ProgramContextDB defines a processor context over an address
space using database range maps for storage.
OldStyleExecutable |
A class to manage loading Old-style (MZ) Executables.
OldVariableStorageDBAdapterV0 |
OldVariableStorageDBAdapterV1 |
OldVariableStorageManagerDB |
OMFAlignSym |
A class to represent the Object Module Format (OMF) alignment symbol.
OmfComdefRecord |
OmfCommentRecord |
OmfData |
Object representing data loaded directly into the final image.
OmfEnumeratedData |
OmfException |
OmfExternalSymbol |
OmfFileHeader |
OMFFileIndex |
A class to represent the Object Module Format (OMF) File Index data structure.
OmfFixupRecord |
OmfFixupRecord.FixupState |
OmfFixupRecord.FixupSubrecord |
OmfFixupRecord.FixupTarget |
OmfFixupRecord.Subrecord |
OmfFixupRecord.ThreadSubrecord |
OMFGlobal |
A class to represent the Object Module Format (OMF) Global data structure.
OmfGroupRecord |
OmfGroupRecord.GroupSubrecord |
OmfIteratedData |
OmfIteratedData.DataBlock |
OMFLibrary |
A class to represent the Object Module Format (OMF) Library data structure.
OmfLibraryRecord |
OmfLibraryRecord.MemberHeader |
OmfLineNumberRecord |
OmfLineNumberRecord.LineSubrecord |
OmfLoader |
OMFModule |
typedef struct OMFModule {
unsigned short ovlNumber; // overlay number
unsigned short iLib; // library that the module was linked from
unsigned short cSeg; // count of number of segments in module
char Style[2]; // debugging style "CV"
OMFSegDesc SegInfo[1]; // describes segments in module
char Name[]; // length prefixed module name padded to long word boundary
} OMFModule;
OmfModuleEnd |
OmfNamesRecord |
OmfRecord |
OMFSegDesc |
A class to represent the Object Module Format (OMF) Segment Descriptor data structure.
OMFSegMap |
typedef struct OMFSegMap {
unsigned short cSeg; // total number of segment descriptors
unsigned short cSegLog; // number of logical segment descriptors
OMFSegMapDesc rgDesc[0]; // array of segment descriptors
OMFSegMapDesc |
A class to represent the Object Module Format (OMF) Segment Mapping Descriptor data structure.
OmfSegmentHeader |
OMFSrcModule |
A class to represent the Object Module Format (OMF) Source Module data structure.
OMFSrcModuleFile |
A class to represent the Object Module Format (OMF) Source Module File data structure.
OMFSrcModuleLine |
A class to represent the Object Module Format (OMF) Source Module Line data structure.
OmfSymbol |
OmfSymbolRecord |
Op<T> |
Operation interface for clients to visit nodes in a ByteTrie.
OpBehavior |
OpBehaviorBoolAnd |
OpBehaviorBoolNegate |
OpBehaviorBoolOr |
OpBehaviorBoolXor |
OpBehaviorCopy |
OpBehaviorEqual |
OpBehaviorFactory |
OpBehaviorFloatAbs |
OpBehaviorFloatAdd |
OpBehaviorFloatCeil |
OpBehaviorFloatDiv |
OpBehaviorFloatEqual |
OpBehaviorFloatFloat2Float |
OpBehaviorFloatFloor |
OpBehaviorFloatInt2Float |
OpBehaviorFloatLess |
OpBehaviorFloatLessEqual |
OpBehaviorFloatMult |
OpBehaviorFloatNan |
OpBehaviorFloatNeg |
OpBehaviorFloatNotEqual |
OpBehaviorFloatRound |
OpBehaviorFloatSqrt |
OpBehaviorFloatSub |
OpBehaviorFloatTrunc |
OpBehaviorInt2Comp |
OpBehaviorIntAdd |
OpBehaviorIntAnd |
OpBehaviorIntCarry |
OpBehaviorIntDiv |
OpBehaviorIntLeft |
OpBehaviorIntLess |
OpBehaviorIntLessEqual |
OpBehaviorIntMult |
OpBehaviorIntNegate |
OpBehaviorIntOr |
OpBehaviorIntRem |
OpBehaviorIntRight |
OpBehaviorIntSborrow |
OpBehaviorIntScarry |
OpBehaviorIntSdiv |
OpBehaviorIntSext |
OpBehaviorIntSless |
OpBehaviorIntSlessEqual |
OpBehaviorIntSrem |
OpBehaviorIntSright |
OpBehaviorIntSub |
OpBehaviorIntXor |
OpBehaviorIntZext |
OpBehaviorNotEqual |
OpBehaviorOther |
OpBehaviorOtherNOP |
OpBehaviorPiece |
OpBehaviorSubpiece |
OpenCloseField |
FactoryField class for displaying the open/close field.
OpenCloseFieldFactory |
Generates Open/Close Fields.
OpenCloseFieldMouseHandler |
OpenCloseManager |
Manages the open/close state of structures and arrays at specific addresses.
OpenMode |
OpenProgramPluginEvent |
Event for telling a tool (program mgr) to open a program
OpenProgramTask |
OpenVersionedFileDialog |
Dialog to open a file that is versioned and allow a version to be
Operand |
OperandFieldFactory |
Generates Operand Fields.
OperandFieldLocation |
The OperandFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the OPERAND field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
OperandFieldMouseHandler |
OperandRepresentationList |
OperandRepresentation provides a list for operand sub-elements.
OperandSymbol |
Variable representing an operand to a specific Constructor
OperandType |
Helper class for testing operand related flags in an integer.
OperandValue |
OperandValue |
An Expression representing the value of a Constructor operand
OperandValueSolver |
Solves expressions of an operand value
These are a sort of named sub-expression, but they may also specify a shift in encoding.
OperatingSystem |
OpinionException |
A class to represent an error when processing an opinion.
OpTemplate |
Option |
Container class to hold a name, value, and class of the value.
Option |
OptionalHeader |
OptionalHeaderImpl |
typedef struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER {
BYTE MajorLinkerVersion;
BYTE MinorLinkerVersion;
DWORD SizeOfCode;
DWORD SizeOfInitializedData;
DWORD SizeOfUninitializedData;
DWORD AddressOfEntryPoint; // MANDATORY
DWORD BaseOfCode;
DWORD BaseOfData;
DWORD SectionAlignment; // MANDATORY
DWORD FileAlignment; // MANDATORY
WORD MajorOperatingSystemVersion; // MANDATORY
WORD MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
WORD MajorImageVersion;
WORD MinorImageVersion;
WORD MajorSubsystemVersion;
WORD MinorSubsystemVersion;
DWORD Win32VersionValue;
DWORD CheckSum;
WORD Subsystem; // MANDATORY
WORD DllCharacteristics;
DWORD SizeOfStackReserve;
DWORD SizeOfStackCommit;
DWORD SizeOfHeapReserve;
DWORD SizeOfHeapCommit;
DWORD LoaderFlags;
DWORD NumberOfRvaAndSizes; // USED
OptionalHeaderROM |
A class to represent the IMAGE_ROM_OPTIONAL_HEADER
data structure.
OptionChooser |
OptionDialog |
A utility class to easily show dialogs that require input from the user.
OptionDialogBuilder |
Class for creating OptionDialogs using the builder pattern.
OptionException |
Exception thrown if there was a problem accessing an Option, or if
an informational message is to be conveyed.
OptionListener |
Notification that an Option changed.
Options |
OptionsBasedDataTypeDisplayOptions |
OptionsChangeListener |
Interface for notifying listeners when options change.
OptionsDialog |
Dialog for editing options within a tool.
OptionsDialog |
Dialog for editing the import options for a selected importer format.
OptionsEditor |
Interface to define methods for an editor that supplies its own
component to be displayed in the OptionsDialog.
OptionsEditorListener |
Listener that is notified when the "apply" button is hit.
OptionsEditorPanel |
Panel that shows each property in an Options category or a Group in an
Options category.
OptionsEditorPanel |
Editor Panel for displaying and editing options associated with importing or exporting.
OptionsGui |
Class for displaying and manipulating field colors and fonts.
OptionsManager |
Created by PluginTool to manage the set of Options for each category.
OptionsPanel |
OptionsService |
Provides a service interface that allows the user to get Options and to check for the
existence of options.
OptionsVetoException |
OptionType |
OptionType.ByteArrayStringAdapter |
OptionUtils |
Utility class for providing convenience methods for working with Option 's.
OptionValidator |
Callback interface for validating a list of options with values.
OpTpl |
Placeholder for what will resolve to a PcodeOp
for a specific InstructionContext
OpTplWalker |
Class for walking pcode templates OpTpl in the correct order
Supports walking the tree of an entire SleighInstructionPrototype or just a single ConstructTpl
OrExpression |
Form new expression by ORing together two PatternExpressions
OrExpressionSolver |
Solves expressions of the form A | B
OrPattern |
A pattern that can be matched by matching any of a list of subpatterns
OrQuery |
Combines two queries such that this query is the logical "OR" of the two queries.
OutgoingReferenceEndpoint |
Marker row object that signals to the table API that the references contained therein all
share the from address, with each row showing the to address.
OutputBlockStream |
OutputBlockStream provides a BufferFile output block stream.
OvalBackgroundColorIcon |
OvalColorIcon |
OverlapCodeSubModel |
OverlapCodeSubModel (O-model) defines subroutines with a
unique entry point, which may share code with other subroutines.
OverlappingFunctionException |
OverlappingNamespaceException |
OverlayAddressSpace |
OverlayHelpTree |
A class that will take in a group of help directories and create a tree of
help Table of Contents (TOC) items.
OverviewProvider |
Interface implemented by classes that provide overview components to the right side
of the listing.
PackedBytes |
A class for dynamically collecting a stream of bytes and then later dumping those bytes to a stream
It allows the bytes to be edited in the middle of collection
PackedDatabase |
PackedDatabase provides a packed form of Database
which compresses a single version into a file.
PackedDatabaseCache |
PackedDataOpcodes |
Packed Data Contents
See Apple's -- IOPEFInternals.h
PackedDBHandle |
DBHandle provides access to a PackedDatabase.
PaddingSettingsDefinition |
The Settings definition for setting the padded/unpadded setting
PageDownAction |
Handles the actions required when the user presses the page down key.
PageDownSelectionAction |
Handles the actions required when the user presses the page down key.
PageUpAction |
Handles the actions required when the user presses the page up key.
PageUpSelectionAction |
Handles the actions required when the user presses the page up key.
PaintableShape |
A base class for shapes that can be painted on the graph.
PaintContext |
Miscellaneous information needed by fields to paint.
Pair<T1,T2> |
Pair |
PairLayout |
LayoutManger for arranging components into exactly two columns.
PanelManager |
Interface to define methods that control what panel is displayed in a
ParallelDecompiler |
ParallelInstructionFieldFactory |
Generates Parallel execution marks '||' for those language which have a
ParallelFieldLanguageHelper class and have specified the corresponding
language property in the pspec.
ParallelInstructionLanguageHelper |
ParallelInstructionLanguageHelper provides the ability via a language
specified property to identify certain parallel instruction attributes.
ParallelInstructionLocation |
ParamEntry |
Parameter |
Interface for function parameters
ParameterDefinition |
ParameterDefinition specifies a parameter which can be
used to specify a function definition.
ParameterDefinitionImpl |
ParameterImpl |
Generic implementation of Parameter.
ParameterReceiver |
A generic interface to represent
object that support parameters.
ParameterReceiver |
A generic interface to represent
object that support parameters.
ParamList |
A group of ParamEntry that form a complete set for passing parameters (in one direction)
ParamList.WithSlotRec |
ParamListStandard |
Standard analysis for parameter lists
ParamListStandardOut |
ParamMeasure |
ParserContext |
ParserContext represents a language provider specific parser context
which may be cached.
ParserWalker |
Class for walking the Sleigh Parser tree.
ParsingEnvironment |
Partition |
PartitionCodeSubModel |
PartitionCodeSubModel (Model-P) defines subroutines which do not share code with
other subroutines and may have one or more entry points.
PascalString255DataType |
A length-prefixed string DataType (max 255 bytes) with char size of 1 byte,
user setable charset (default ASCII),
unbounded (ignores containing field size, relies on embedded length value).
PascalStringDataType |
A length-prefixed string DataType (max 64k bytes) with char size of 1 byte,
user setable charset (default ASCII),
unbounded (ignores containing field size, relies on embedded length value).
PascalStringSearcher |
PascalUnicodeDataType |
A length-prefixed string DataType (max 64k bytes) with char size of 2 bytes,
UTF-16 charset, unbounded
(ignores containing field size, relies on embedded length value).
PascalUtil |
PasswordChangeDialog |
PasswordClientAuthenticator |
PasswordClientAuthenticator provides a fixed username/password
authentication response when connecting to any Ghidra Server or accessing
a protected PKI keystore.
PasswordDialog |
PasswordDialog is a modal dialog which
prompts a user for a password.
PasteFileTask |
Task to paste files at given destination folder.
Path |
A class to represent a PATH item.
Path |
PathHighlighterWorkPauser |
A simple boolean supplier that signals if path highlighting work should not take place
PathHighlightListener |
PathHighlightMode |
An enum that lists possible states for highlighting paths between vertices in a graph.
PathManager |
Component that has a table to show pathnames; the panel includes buttons to control
the order of the paths, and to add and remove paths.
PathManagerListener |
PathnameTablePanel |
Component that has a table to show pathnames; the panel includes buttons to control
the order of the paths, and to add and remove paths.
Pattern |
A pattern which either matches or doesnt match a particular
PatternBlock |
A mask/value pair viewed as two bitstreams
PatternExpression |
An expression which results in a pattern for a specific InstructionContext
PatternlessSymbol |
Symbols with semantic value, but with no pattern aspect,
PatternValue |
This is a PatternExpression which can be interpreted as an
integer value.
PcodeBlock |
Blocks of PcodeOps
PcodeBlock.BlockEdge |
PcodeBlockBasic |
A basic block constructed from PcodeOps
PcodeDataTypeManager |
Class for making Ghidra DataTypes suitable for use with pcode
PcodeEmit |
Class for converting ConstructTpl into a pcode ops given
a particular InstructionContext
PcodeEmitObjects |
PcodeEmitPacked |
PcodeException |
Exception generated from problems with Pcode.
PcodeFactory |
Interface for classes that build PcodeOps and Varnodes
PcodeFieldLocation |
PcodeFieldMouseHandler |
PcodeFormatter |
PcodeInjectLibrary |
PcodeOp |
Pcode Op describes a generic machine operation.
PcodeOpAST |
Some extra things attached to PcodeOp for ease of walking the syntax tree
PcodeOpBank |
Container for PcodeOpAST's
PcodeOpEntryVisitor |
An interface for visiting Pcode operations in a SLEIGH language
PcodeOpRaw |
PcodeOverride |
PcodeSyntaxTree |
Varnodes and PcodeOps in a coherent graph structure
PCodeTestAbstractControlBlock |
PCodeTestAbstractControlBlock data is models the general capabilities
of the TestInfo data structure which is used for different puposes as handled
by extensions of this class.
PCodeTestAbstractControlBlock.FunctionInfo |
PCodeTestCombinedTestResults |
PCodeTestControlBlock |
PCodeTestControlBlock data is read from each binary test file and
identified by the MAIN_CONTROL_BLOCK_MAGIC 64-bit character field value at the start of the
data structure.
PCodeTestFile |
PCodeTestGroup |
PCodeTestGroup identifies a test group function and its corresponding
PCodeTestGroupControlBlock |
PCodeTestGroupControlBlock corresponds to each test group contained within
a binary test file and identified by the GROUP_CONTROL_BLOCK_MAGIC 64-bit character
field value at the start of the data structure.
PCodeTestResults |
PcodeXMLException |
Exception thrown when pcode cannot be restored from XML.
PdbFactory |
PdbInfoDotNetIface |
PdbInfoIface |
PdbParserConstants |
PeDataType |
A datatype for creating portable executable data structures.
PeekableIterator<T> |
An iterator that allows you to peek at the next item on the iterator.
PefAnalyzer |
PefBinaryAnalysisCommand |
PefConstants |
PefDebug |
PefException |
An exception class to handle encountering
invalid PEF Headers.
PefLoader |
PeLoader |
Microsoft Portable Executable (PE) loader.
PeLoader.CompilerOpinion |
PeLoader.CompilerOpinion.CompilerEnum |
PeMarkupable |
Common interface for standardizing the markup of a PE structure.
PERichTableDataType |
Permissions |
PeSubsystem |
PeUtils |
PhaseProgressPanel |
The PhaseProgressPanel provides a title, progress bar and message for the current phase that is
in progress
PickListener<V> |
PickListener.EventSource |
PickToolDialog |
PinSymbolCmd |
PlaceholderInstaller |
PlaceHolderLine |
Marker interface for lines that are generic place holders for diffing
PlateFieldFactory |
Class for showing plate comments
PlateFieldLocation |
The PlateFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the Plate field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
Platform |
Identifies the current platform (operating system and architecture) and
identifies the appropriate module OS directory which contains native binaries
Playable |
PluggableServiceRegistry |
PluggableServiceRegistryException |
Plugin |
Plugins are a basic building block in Ghidra, used to bundle features or capabilities
into a unit that can be enabled or disabled by the user in their Tool.
PluginCategoryNames |
PluginClassManager |
PluginConfigurationModel |
PluginConstants |
Miscellaneous defined constants
PluginConstructionException |
Exception thrown when a an error occurs during the construction
of a plugin.
PluginDescription |
Class to hold meta information about a plugin, derived from meta-data attached to
each Plugin using a @PluginInfo annotation.
PluginEvent |
Event generated by a plugin.
PluginEventListener |
Listener that is notified when an event is generated.
PluginException |
Exception thrown if plugin was not found.
PluginInfo |
Information about a Ghidra Plugin .
PluginInstallerDialog |
Dialog that displays plugins in a tabular format, allowing users to install or uninstall them.
PluginManagerComponent |
PluginPackage |
PluginPackageState |
PluginStatus |
PluginTool |
Base class that is a container to manage plugins and their actions, and to coordinate the
firing of plugin events and tool events.
PluginToolMacAboutHandler |
A plugin-level about handler that serves as the callback from the Dock's 'About' popup action.
PluginToolMacQuitHandler |
A plugin-level quit handler that serves as the callback from the Dock's 'Quit' popup action.
PluginUtils |
Utility class for plugin-related methods.
PlusExpression |
Expression formed by adding together two PatternExpressions
PlusExpressionSolver |
Solves expressions of the form A + B
PngDataType |
Pointer |
Interface for pointers
Pointer16DataType |
Pointer16 is really a factory for generating 2-byte pointers.
Pointer24DataType |
Pointer16 is really a factory for generating 2-byte pointers.
Pointer32DataType |
Pointer16 is really a factory for generating 2-byte pointers.
Pointer40DataType |
Pointer16 is really a factory for generating 5-byte pointers.
Pointer48DataType |
Pointer16 is really a factory for generating 6-byte pointers.
Pointer56DataType |
Pointer16 is really a factory for generating 7-byte pointers.
Pointer64DataType |
Pointer16 is really a factory for generating 2-byte pointers.
Pointer8DataType |
Pointer16 is really a factory for generating 2-byte pointers.
PointerDataType |
Basic implementation for a pointer dataType
PointerDataTypeHTMLRepresentation |
PopupActionManager |
PopupActionProvider |
Provides notification when the popup action menu is displayed.
PopupKeyStorePasswordProvider |
PopupMenuData |
PopupMenuHandler |
PopupWindow |
PortableExecutable |
A class to manage loading Portable Executables (PE).
PortableExecutable.SectionLayout |
Indicates how sections of this PE are laid out in the underlying ByteProvider.
PortableExecutableAnalyzer |
PortableExecutableBinaryAnalysisCommand |
PortSensitiveCategory |
Position |
To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":
PostCommentFieldFactory |
Generates post comment Fields.
PostCommentFieldLocation |
The EolCommentFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the EOL comment field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
PowerPCDisassembleCommand |
Command object for performing PPC disassembly when VLE instructions are supported.
PrebindChecksumCommand |
Represents a prebind_cksum_command structure.
PreboundDynamicLibraryCommand |
Represents a prebound_dylib_command structure.
PreCommentFieldFactory |
Generates pre-comment fields.
Preferences |
Uses Properties to manage user preferences as name/value pairs.
PreferenceState |
An implementation of SaveState that exists primarily to signal its intended usage.
PrelinkConstants |
Taken from:
PrelinkMap |
PrelinkParser |
PreMappedViewToIndexMapper |
PreprocessorException |
PrettyPrinter |
This class is used to convert a C language
token group into readable C code.
PreviewDataTableCellRenderer |
A custom renderer used to display what is at the ProgramLocation similarly to
how it is displayed in the Listing window..
PreviewTableCellData |
A generic data type used by table models in order to signal that the data should render
a preview for a given ProgramLocation , where the preview is what is displayed in
the Listing.
PreviewTableColumn |
This table column displays a preview of the ProgramLocation with a row in the table.
PreviousRangeAction |
Prime |
Class that provides a static nextPrime method that gives out prime numbers
that are useful in a buffer doubling strategy with all buffer sizes being prime.
PrimitiveTypeListing |
A class to convert from debug data types into Ghidra data types.
PriorityJob |
PriorityQueue<T> |
Maintains a list of objects in priority order where priority is just
an integer value.
PriorityWorker |
Executes a single job at a time in priority order.
PrivateDatabase |
PrivateDatabase corresponds to a non-versioned database.
PrivateSaveable |
A class that signals this saveable is not meant to broadcast its changes.
Processor |
ProcessorContext |
Defines the interface for an object containing the state
of all processor registers relative to a specific address.
ProcessorContextImpl |
An implementation of processor context which contains the state of all
processor registers.
ProcessorContextView |
Defines the interface for an object containing the state
of all processor registers relative to a specific address.
ProcessorEmulatorTestAdapter |
ProcessorEmulatorTestAdapter provides an abstract JUnit test implementation
for processor-specific test cases.
ProcessorInfo |
Miscellanious address space defines for language providers.
ProcessorNotFoundException |
ProcessorProjectDataColumn |
ProcessorSymbolType |
Program |
This interface represents the main entry point into an object which
stores all information relating to a single program.
ProgramActionContext |
ProgramActivatedPluginEvent |
Plugin event class for notification of programs being created, opened, or
ProgramAddressFactory |
ProgramAnnotatedStringHandler |
ProgramaticUseOnly |
Marker interface for plugins that only get constructed programatically for specific purposes.
ProgramBasedDataTypeManager |
Extends DataTypeManager to include methods specific to a data type manager for
a program.
ProgramBasedDynamicTableColumn<ROW_TYPE,COLUMN_TYPE> |
ProgramBasedDynamicTableColumnExtensionPoint<ROW_TYPE,COLUMN_TYPE> |
NOTE: ALL ProgramBasedDynamicTableColumnExtensionPoint CLASSES MUST END IN "TableColumn".
ProgramBigListingModel |
ProgramBuilder |
ProgramChangeRecord |
Event data for a DomainObjectChangeEvent generated by a Program.
ProgramChangeSet |
Interface for a Program Change set.
ProgramClosedPluginEvent |
Plugin event class for notification of programs being created, opened, or
ProgramColumnConstraintProvider |
Class for providing Program related column type constraints.
ProgramConflictException |
Exception for incompatible programs when comparing programs for differences
or when merging program differences.
ProgramConstraint |
ProgramContentHandler |
ProgramContentHandler converts between Program instantiations
and FolderItem storage.
ProgramContext |
Interface to define a processor register context over the address space.
ProgramContextAction |
ProgramContextImpl |
Implementation for a processor context over the address space
ProgramContextMergeManager |
ProgramContextMergeManager merges register value changes
for multi-user program versions.
ProgramCoordinator |
ProgramDataTypeManager |
Class for managing data types in a program
ProgramDB |
Database implementation for Program.
ProgramDecisionTree |
ProgramDiff |
ProgramDiff is a class for comparing two programs and
determining where there are differences between them.
ProgramDiffDetails |
ProgramDiffDetails is used to determine the detailed differences between
two programs at a particular address.
ProgramDiffFilter |
The ProgramDiffFilter is used when determining or working with
differences between two programs.
ProgramDropProvider |
Generic interface to handle drag and drop.
ProgramExaminer |
Wrapper for Ghidra code to find images (and maybe other artifacts later) in a program
ProgramFragment |
A ProgramFragment is a set of CodeUnit s that have been
bundled together with some additional information such as a name, comment,
alias, etc.
ProgramHighlightPluginEvent |
Plugin event generated when the highlight in a program changes.
ProgramInfo |
This class stores values pulled from the
PROGRAM, INFO_SOURCE, and LANGUAGE tag inside a ghidra program XML file.
ProgramLoadImage |
ProgramLocation |
ProgramLocation provides information about a location in a
program in the most generic way.
ProgramLocationActionContext |
ProgramLocationColumnTypeMapper |
Converts ProgramLocation Column objects to Addresses so that column gets Address type column
ProgramLocationComparator |
ProgramLocationContextAction |
ProgramLocationListener |
Listener interface for when the program location changes.
ProgramLocationPair |
A simple object that contains a ProgramLocation and its associated Program
ProgramLocationPluginEvent |
This plugin event class provides program location information.
ProgramLocationPreviewTableModel |
Table model that shows a location, label, and a preview column to
show a preview of the code unit.
ProgramLocationTableColumn<ROW_TYPE,COLUMN_TYPE> |
An table column that knows how to generate ProgramLocation objects for a give row type.
ProgramLocationTableColumnExtensionPoint<ROW_TYPE,COLUMN_TYPE> |
ProgramLocationTableRowMapper<ROW_TYPE,EXPECTED_ROW_TYPE> |
NOTE: ALL TableRowMapper CLASSES MUST END IN "TableRowMapper".
ProgramLocationToAddressTableRowMapper |
ProgramLocationToFunctionContainingTableRowMapper |
ProgramLocationToSymbolTableRowMapper |
ProgramManager |
Service for managing programs.
ProgramMappedLoadImage |
ProgramMappedMemory |
ProgramMappingService |
Provides a best-effort [1] mapping / association between Ghidra Program/DomainFile objects and
GFilesystem files (identified by their FSRL ).
ProgramMemoryComparator |
ProgramMemoryComparator is a class for comparing two programs and
determining the address differences between them.
ProgramMemoryUtil |
ProgramMemoryUtil contains some static methods for
checking Memory block data.
ProgramMerge |
ProgramMerge is a class for merging the differences between two
ProgramMergeFilter |
The ProgramMergeFilter is used to specify which portions of a
program should be merged into another program.
ProgramMergeManager |
ProgramMergeManager is a class for merging the differences between two
programs as specified by a ProgramMergeFilter and the address
ranges to be merged.
ProgramMergeManagerPlugin |
Plugin that provides a merge component provider.
ProgramModule |
A ProgramModule is a group of ProgramFragment s
and/or other ProgramModule s together with some related
information such as a name, comment, and alias.
ProgramMultiUserMergeManager |
Top level object that manages each step of the merge/resolve conflicts
ProgramMultiUserMergeManagerFactory |
ProgramOpenedPluginEvent |
Plugin event class for notification of programs being created, opened, or
ProgramProcessorContext |
Implementation for the program processor context interface
ProgramProviderContext |
ProgramRegisterContextDB |
ProgramSelection |
Class to define a selection for a program.
ProgramSelectionListener |
Listener that is notified when the program selection changes
ProgramSelectionPluginEvent |
Plugin event generated when the selection in a program changes.
ProgramSpecificAddressTranslator |
ProgramStructureProviderContext |
ProgramSymbolActionContext |
ProgramSymbolContextAction |
ProgramTableModel |
An interface for translating table rows and columns
into program locations and selections.
ProgramTask |
Task for operating on programs.
ProgramTreeChangeSet |
Interface for a Program Tree Change set.
ProgramTreeMergeManager |
Manages changes and conflicts between the latest versioned Program and the
Program that is being checked into version control.
ProgramTreeService |
Service provided by the program tree plugin to get the current view
(address set shown in the Code Browser),
and the name of the tree currently being viewed.
ProgramUserData |
ProgramUtilities |
General utility class that provides convenience methods
to deal with Program objects.
ProgramVisibilityChangePluginEvent |
Event for telling a tool (program mgr) to open a program
ProgramXmlMgr |
The manager responsible for reading and writing a program in XML.
Project |
Interface to define methods to manage data and tools for users working on a
particular effort.
ProjectAccessPanel |
Panel that shows the users for a given repository and the users associated with the current
shared project.
ProjectArchiveBasedDataTypeManager |
Extends DataTypeManager to provide methods specific to project data type archives.
ProjectArchiveExporter |
ProjectData |
The ProjectData interface provides access to all the data files and folders
in a project.
ProjectDataActionContext |
ProjectDataCollapseAction |
ProjectDataColumn<T> |
ProjectDataContextAction |
ProjectDataContextToggleAction |
ProjectDataCopyAction |
ProjectDataCopyCutBaseAction |
ProjectDataCutAction |
ProjectDataDeleteAction |
ProjectDataDeleteTask |
ProjectDataExpandAction |
ProjectDataNewFolderAction |
ProjectDataOpenDefaultToolAction |
ProjectDataOpenToolAction |
ProjectDataPasteAction |
ProjectDataReadOnlyAction |
ProjectDataRefreshAction |
ProjectDataRenameAction |
ProjectDataSelectAction |
ProjectDataService |
Interface for providing the ProjectData
ProjectDataTableDnDHandler |
ProjectDataTableModel |
ProjectDataTablePanel |
ProjectDataTreeActionContext |
ProjectDataTreeContextAction |
ProjectDataTreePanel |
Panel that contains a DataTree for showing project data.
ProjectDataTypeManager |
Class for managing data types in a project archive
ProjectDataUtils |
ProjectDataUtils.DomainFileIterator |
A not-thread-safe DomainFile iterator that recursively walks a
project's data and returns each DomainFile that is
ProjectDataUtils.DomainFolderIterator |
ProjectFileManager |
Helper class to manage files within a project.
ProjectInfoDialog |
Dialog to show project information.
ProjectInitializer |
ProjectListener |
Listener that is notified when a project is opened, closed.
ProjectLocator |
Lightweight descriptor of a local Project storage location.
ProjectManager |
Interface for methods to create, open, and delete projects; maintains a
list of known project views that the user opened.
ProjectTestUtils |
Ghidra framework and program test utilities
PropertyBasedBackgroundColorModel |
Default BackgroundColorModel for the ListingPanel where the color returned
for an index is based on that corresponding address having a color set in the
program's database.
PropertyBoolean |
An implementation of PropertyComponent that is represented as a text field.
PropertyConstraint |
PropertyFile |
Class that represents a file of property names and values.
PropertyListMergeManager |
Manages options changes and conflicts between the latest versioned
Program and the Program that is being checked into version control.
PropertyMap |
Interface to define a map containing properties over a set of addresses.
PropertyMapDB |
Abstract class which defines a map containing properties over a set of addresses.
PropertyMapManager |
Interface for managing a set of PropertyManagers.
PropertySelector |
An implementation of a PropertyComponent that is represented as a
combo box.
PropertySet |
Base class for managing properties that are accessed by an index.
PropertySetIndexRangeIterator |
Iterator over Property Set Index ranges that have the same value
PropertyText |
An implementation of PropertyComponent that is represented as a text field.
PropertyTypeMismatchException |
PropertyVisitor |
PropertyVisitor is an interface for use with user defined
properties when you know the name of the property but not its
ProtectedAddressSpace |
Address Space for (intel) 16-bit protected mode programs.
PrototypeModel |
A function calling convention model.
PrototypeModelMerged |
This model serves as a placeholder for multiple model
Currently all the models being selected between must share the same output model
ProxyObj<T> |
Implementing objects of this interface hold an object from a program (e.g.
PseudoData |
"Fake" data generated by the PseudoDisassembler.
PseudoDisassembler |
Useful for disassembling and getting an Instruction or creating Data
at a location in memory when you don't want the program to be changed.
PseudoDisassemblerContext |
PseudoFlowProcessor |
Defines methods for flow as if the code were actually being disassembled.
PseudoInstruction |
Pseudo (i.e., fake) instruction that is generated by the Disassembler.
PyDevUtils |
PythonCodeCompletionFactory |
Generates CodeCompletions from Python objects.
PythonPlugin |
This plugin provides the interactive Python interpreter.
PythonRun |
Launcher entry point for running Ghidra from within Jython.
PythonScript |
PythonScriptProvider |
PythonUtils |
Python utility method class.
QCallback<I,R> |
Interface that defines the callback to work on the items given to the
ConcurrentQ#add(I) methods.
QItemListener<I,R> |
Callback for when items have completed processing.
QProgressListener<I> |
Interface for listeners who want progress and transient message information from QWorkers while
processing items.
QResult<I,R> |
Class for holding the result of processing an Item in a ConcurrentQ.
QRunnable<I> |
Interface that defines the Runnable to work on the items given to the
ConcurrentQ#add(I) methods.
QRunnableAdapter<I> |
Quad<T1,T2,T3,T4> |
Query |
Query interface used to test a record for some condition.
QueryData |
QueryOpinionService |
QueryOpinionServiceHandler |
QueryRecordIterator |
Iterator that only returns records from another iterator that match the given query.
QueryResult |
QueueStub<E> |
A do-nothing, stubbed version of the Queue interface.
QWordDataType |
Provides a definition of a Quad Word within a program.
RadixBigInteger |
RandomAccessByteProvider |
An implementation of ByteProvider where the underlying
bytes are supplied by a random access file.
RandomAccessMutableByteProvider |
An implementation of ByteProvider where the underlying
bytes are supplied by a random access file.
Range |
A class for holding a minimum and maximum signed int values that define a range.
RangeColumnConstraint<T> |
Abstract base class for range constraints.
RangeMap |
Stores ranges of int values throughout "long" space.
RangeMapAdapter |
ReadOnlyDataTypeComponent |
DataTypeComponents from dataTypes that can not be modified.
ReadOnlyException |
Exception thrown if a method attemps to change an object that is marked as read-only.
ReadOnlyProcessorContext |
ReadTextDialog |
General purpose modal dialog to display text in a text area.
RecipeEditorDialog |
Recognizer |
NOTE: ALL Recognizer CLASSES MUST END IN "Recognizer".
RecognizerService |
Record |
Record provides a portable container for data
associated with a fixed schema defined by a list of Fields.
RecordFilter |
RecordIterator |
RecordIterator provides the ability to iterate over
data records within a table.
RecordTranslator |
RecursiveDescentSolver |
This singleton class seeks solutions to PatternExpression s
It is called naive, because it does not perform algebraic transformations.
RecursiveFindPathsAlgorithm<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
Finds all paths between two vertices for a given graph.
RedBlackEntry<K,V> |
RedBlackKeySet |
A RedBlack Tree implementation of the ShortKeySet interface.
RedBlackLongKeySet |
A RedBlack Tree implementation of a long key set.
RedBlackNode<K,V> |
RedBlackTree<K,V> |
A RedBlack Tree implementation with K type keys and place to store V type values.
RedBlackTree<K extends java.lang.Comparable<K>,V> |
A RedBlack Tree implementation with K type keys and place to store V type values.
ReducingLcs<I,T> |
Calculates the longest common subsequence (LCS) between two sequences of Matchable
objects, x and y .
ReducingListBasedLcs<T> |
An implementation of the ReducingLcs that takes as its input a list of items, where
the list is the 'sequence' being checked for the Longest Common Subsequence.
RefdFile |
Reference |
Base class to hold information about a referring address.
ReferenceAddressPair |
ReferenceCountToAddressTableColumn |
This table field displays the number of references to the location that was found
ReferenceDBManager |
Reference manager implementation for the database.
ReferenceDecompilerHover |
ReferenceDecompilerHoverPlugin |
A plugin to show tool tip text for hovering over references in the decompiler.
ReferenceEndpoint |
ReferenceEndpointToAddressTableRowMapper |
ReferenceEndpointToProgramLocationTableRowMapper |
ReferenceEndpointToReferenceTableRowMapper |
ReferenceFromAddressTableColumn |
This table field displays the FromAddress for the reference or possible reference address pair
associated with a row in the table.
ReferenceFromBytesTableColumn |
This table field displays the bytes of the code unit at the FromAddress
for the reference or possible reference address pair
associated with a row in the table.
ReferenceFromFunctionTableColumn |
This table field displays the name of the function containing the from address for the reference.
ReferenceFromLabelTableColumn |
This table field displays the primary symbol at the FromAddress
for the reference or possible reference address pair
associated with a row in the table.
ReferenceFromPreviewTableColumn |
ReferenceIterator |
Iterator that gives out MemReference objects.
ReferenceIteratorAdapter |
ReferenceListener |
Interface to define methods that are called when references are
added or removed.
ReferenceListEntry |
ReferenceManager |
Interface for managing references.
ReferencesFromTableModel |
Table model for showing the 'from' side of passed-in references.
ReferenceTagProcessor |
ReferenceToAddressTableColumn |
This table field displays the ToAddress for the reference or possible reference address pair
associated with a row in the table.
ReferenceToBytesTableColumn |
ReferenceToPreviewTableColumn |
ReferenceToReferenceAddressPairTableRowMapper |
ReferenceTypeTableColumn |
This table field displays the reference type for the reference
associated with a row in the table.
ReflectionUtilities |
RefRepeatComment |
RefRepeatCommentFieldLocation |
The RefRepeatCommentFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the Referenced Repeatable comments of an EOL comment field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
RefType |
Class to define reference types.
RefTypeFactory |
Factory class to create RefType objects.
RegExMemSearcherAlgorithm |
Search memory using the provided regular expression.
Register |
Class to represent a processor register.
RegisterBuilder |
RegisterChangeSet |
Interface for a Register Change set.
RegisterFieldFactory |
Field to show register values at the function entry point.
RegisterFieldLocation |
ProgramLocation for the Register Field.
RegisterManager |
RegisterState |
RegisterTransitionFieldFactory |
Generates Mnemonic Fields.
RegisterTransitionFieldLocation |
ProgramLocation for the Register Field.
RegisterTranslator |
RegisterTree |
The RegisterTree class builds and represents relationships between registers.
RegisterValue |
Class for representing register values that keep track of which bits are actually set.
RegisterValueStore |
This is a generalized class for storing register values over ranges.
RegularExpressionTextFilterFactory |
RelativeJumpTableSwitch |
RelayoutFunctionGraphJob<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
RelayoutOption |
ReloadDialog |
Simple warning dialog for letting the user know when the input file has been updated.
Relocation |
The high-order 7 bits for the currently defined relocation opcode values.
Relocation |
A class to store the information needed for a single
program relocation.
RelocationDBAdapterV4 |
RelocationFactory |
RelocationFactory |
RelocationHandler |
NOTE: ALL RelocationHandler CLASSES MUST END IN "RelocationHandler".
RelocationInfo |
Represents a relocation_info structure.
RelocationManager |
An implementation of the relocation table interface.
RelocationState |
This class maintains the running state while
applying relocations.
RelocationTable |
An interface for storing the relocations defined in a program.
RelocationTypeARM |
RelocationTypeARM64 |
RelocationTypeGeneric |
RelocationTypePPC |
RelocationTypeX86_32 |
RelocationTypeX86_64 |
RelocationUtil |
RelocByIndexGroup |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
RelocBySectDWithSkip |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
RelocIncrPosition |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
RelocLgByImport |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
RelocLgRepeat |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
RelocLgSetOrBySection |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
RelocSetPosition |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
RelocSmRepeat |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
RelocUndefinedOpcode |
RelocValueGroup |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat.h
RemoteAdapterListener |
RemoteAdapterListener provides a listener interface
which facilitates notifcation when the connection
state of a remote server/repository adapter changes.
RemoteBufferFileHandle |
RemoteBufferFileHandle facilitates access to a remote BufferFile
via RMI.
RemoteDatabaseItem |
RemoteDatabaseItem provides a FolderItem implementation
for a remote database.
RemoteFileSystem |
RemoteFileSystem provides access to versioned FolderItem's which
exist within a Repository-based directory structure.
RemoteFolderItem |
RemoteFolderItem provides an abstract FolderItem implementation
for an item contained within a remote Repository.
RemoteManagedBufferFileHandle |
RemoteManagedBufferFileHandle facilitates access to a ManagedBufferFile
via RMI.
RemoteRepositoryHandle |
RepositoryHandle provides access to a remote repository via RMI.
RemoteRepositoryServerHandle |
RepositoryServerHandle provides access to a remote repository server via RMI.
RemoveAllFieldsAction |
Action for adding all fields to the current format.
RemoveAllReferencesCmd |
Command to remove all references at an address or for a particular operand
index at an address.
RemoveExternalNameCmd |
Command to remove an external program name from the reference manager.
RemoveExternalRefCmd |
Command for removing external references.
RemoveFieldAction |
Action for removing fields
RemoveFunctionTagCmd |
Command for removing a tag from a function.
RemoveReferenceCmd |
Command for removing memory references.
RemoveRowAction |
Action for removing empty rows.
RemoveStackDepthChangeCommand |
RenameCmd |
Command for renaming a fragment or a module in listing.
RenameDataFieldCmd |
Command to rename a component in a data type.
RenameLabelCmd |
Command for renaming labels.
RenameTreeCmd |
Command to rename a tree in a program; this does not affect
the root module of the tree.
RenderUnicodeSettingsDefinition |
Settings definition for controlling the display of UNICODE characters.
RenderUnicodeSettingsDefinition.RENDER_ENUM |
ReorderModuleCmd |
Command to reorder children in a module.
RepeatableComment |
Interface to define a comment that can be shared by more
than one code unit.
RepeatableCommentFieldLocation |
The RepeatableCommentFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the Repeatable comment of an EOL comment field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
RepeatCountDataType |
Base abstract data type for a Dynamic structure data type that contains
some number of repeated data types.
RepeatedDynamicDataType |
Template for a repeated Dynamic Data Type.
RepeatedStringDataType |
Some number of repeated strings.
RepeatInstructionByteTracker |
RepeatInstructionByteTracker provides pseudo-disassemblers the ability to track
repeated bytes during disassembly of a block of instructions.
RepositoryAdapter |
RepositoryAdapter provides a persistent wrapper for a remote RepositoryHandle
which may become invalid if the remote connection were to fail.
RepositoryChangeEvent |
Repository change event (used by server only).
RepositoryHandle |
RepositoryHandle provides access to a repository.
RepositoryInfo |
RepositoryItem |
RepositoryItemStatus provides status information for a
repository folder item.
RepositoryLogger |
RepositoryPanel |
Panel that shows a list of existing repositories, or allows the user
to enter the name of a new repository to be created.
RepositoryServerAdapter |
RepositoryServerAdapter provides a persistent wrapper for a
RepositoryServerHandle which may become invalid if the
remote connection were to fail.
RepositoryServerHandle |
RepositoryServerHandle provides access to a repository server.
ReservedKeyBindings |
ResetAllFormatsAction |
Action for adding all fields to the current format.
ResetFormatAction |
Action for adding all fields to the current format.
ResetTranslationAction |
An action to re-center the image on a NavigableImagePanel.
ResidentNameTable |
A class to represent the new-executable resident name table.
Resource |
Resource |
An implementation of the new-executable TNAMEINFO structure.
Resource |
Identifies code units that are resources, such as Bitmap, jpeg, png, etc.
ResourceDataDirectory |
Points to the root resource directory.
ResourceDataEntry |
DWORD OffsetToData;
DWORD CodePage;
DWORD Reserved;
ResourceDirectory |
DWORD Characteristics;
DWORD TimeDateStamp;
WORD MajorVersion;
WORD MinorVersion;
WORD NumberOfNamedEntries;
WORD NumberOfIdEntries;
ResourceDirectoryEntry |
union {
struct {
DWORD NameOffset:31;
DWORD NameIsString:1;
union {
DWORD OffsetToData;
struct {
DWORD OffsetToDirectory:31;
DWORD DataIsDirectory:1;
ResourceDirectoryString |
WORD Length;
CHAR NameString[ 1 ];
ResourceDirectoryStringU |
WORD Length;
WCHAR NameString[ 1 ];
ResourceFile |
Class for representing file object regardless of whether they are actual files in the file system or
or files stored inside of a jar file.
ResourceFileFilter |
ResourceFileJavaFileManager |
ResourceFileJavaFileObject |
ResourceHeader |
ResourceInfo |
A class to hold the information extracted from a
resource data directory.
ResourceManager |
General resource management class that provides a convenient
way of accessing external resources used in Ghidra.
ResourceMap |
ResourceName |
A class for storing new-executable resource names.
ResourceStringInfo |
A class to hold the information extracted from a
resource data directory.
ResourceStringTable |
A class for storing new-executable resource string tables.
ResourceTable |
A class for storing the new-executable resource table.
ResourceType |
ResourceType |
An implementation of the TTYPEINFO structure.
ResourceTypeFactory |
ResourceTypes |
RestrictedAddressSetContext |
ResultsState |
RethrowContinuesFactory |
RethrowExceptionHandler |
ReturnParameterDB |
ReturnParameterImpl |
ReturnParameterImpl represent the function return value.
ReverseClippingTextField |
Field for showing multiple strings, each with its own attributes in a field,
on a single line, clipping the beginning of the text as needed to fit within the field's width.
ReversedListIterator<E> |
Wraps a ListIterator so that the operations are reversed.
ReverseLineReader |
Reads in a single line of text from a given input file, in reverse order.
ReverseMapIteratorSTL<K,V> |
ReverseSetIterator<T> |
RichHeader |
The "Rich" header contains encoded metadata about the tool chain used to generate the binary.
RichHeaderRecord |
RichHeaderUtils |
RichProduct |
RichTable |
RightShiftExpression |
Form new expression by right shifting a PatternExpression the amount
determined by another PatternExpression
RightShiftExpressionSolver |
Solves expressions of the form A >> B
RightSidedSquishyBuddyLayout |
Layout for two components laid out horizontally where the first component gets its preferred width
and the second component gets the remaining space up to its preferred width.
RMIServerPortFactory |
RollbackException |
Exception thrown when a transaction should be rolled back.
RootDecisionNode<T> |
Special root node for a decision tree.
RootGhidraFolder |
RootGhidraFolderData |
RotateIcon |
RoutinesCommand |
Represents a routines_command and routines_command_64 structure.
Row<V> |
A row in a grid.
RowColLocation |
Simple class to return a row, column location.
RowColumnLayout |
This layout arranges components in rows, putting as many components as possible on a
row and using as many rows as necessary.
RowFilterTransformer<ROW_OBJECT> |
Instances of this class converts table rows into lists of strings.
RowLayout |
RowLayout handles a single row layout that may be part of a multiple row layout that
is generic enough to be used by the SingleRowLayout or the MultiRowLayout.
RowLayout |
This layout arranges components in rows, putting as many components as possible on a
row and using as many rows as necessary.
RowObject |
An object that represents a row in a table.
RowObjectFilterModel<ROW_OBJECT> |
RowObjectSelectionManager<T> |
A class to track and restore selections made in a table.
RowObjectTableModel<T> |
An interface to mark that the given model uses a single object to represent each row in the
RowToColumnComparator<T> |
A comparator for a specific column that will take in a T row object, extract the value
for the given column and then call the give comparator
RTTI0DataType |
The RTTI0 data type represents a TypeDescriptor structure.
RTTI1DataType |
RTTI2DataType |
RTTI3DataType |
RTTI4DataType |
RTTIDataType |
An abstract class that each RTTI data type should extend to get common functionality.
RunManager |
Helper class to execute a Runnable in a separate thread and provides a
progress monitor component that is shown as needed.
RunPathCommand |
Represents a rpath_command structure.
A class to represent the S_BPREL32_NEW data structure.
A class to represent the S_GPROC32_NEW data structure.
SatelliteGraphViewer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A graph viewer that shows a scaled, complete rendering of the graph with which it is
Saveable |
Save and restore elements that are compatible with ObjectStorage objects.
SaveableColor |
SaveableObjectPropertySet |
Handles general storage and retrieval of saveable objects indexed by long
SaveablePoint |
SaveDataDialog |
Modal dialog to display a list of domain objects that have changed.
SaveImageAction |
An action to save the image from a NavigableImagePanel to a file.
SaveState |
Class for saving values in "serializable safe" way.
SaveToolConfigDialog |
Shows the modal dialog to save tool configuration to the current
name or to a new name.
Scalar |
The Scalar defines a immutable fixed bit signed integer.
ScalarFormat |
This class exists just to make it easy to hold onto sensible
groupings and conventions for formatting scalars.
ScalarOverflowException |
A ScalarOverflowException indicates that some precision would
be lost.
ScalarToLongColumnTypeMapper |
ScalarValueDecompilerHover |
ScalarValueDecompilerHoverPlugin |
A plugin to show tool tip text for hovering over scalar values in the decompiler.
ScaledImageIconWrapper |
ScatteredRelocationInfo |
Represents a scattered_relocation_info structure.
ScheduledTaskPanel |
Schema |
Class for definining the columns in a Ghidra Database table.
ScreenElement |
ScriptInfo |
This class parses the meta-data about a script.
ScriptMessage |
A simple Message implementation that allows us to use the filtering capability
of log4j.
ScriptTaskListener |
ScrollableOptionsEditor |
Panel that shows each property in an Options category or a Group in an Options category
ScrollableTextArea |
A JScrollPane wrapper for a text area that can be told to scroll to bottom
ScrollingListChoicesPanel |
ScrollingListChoicesPanel provides a table type of format for resolving
Each row that has choices represents the choices for a single conflict.
ScrollpaneAlignedHorizontalLayout |
ScrollpanelResizeablePanelLayout |
SearchInfo |
SearchLocation |
An object that describes a search result.
SearchResult<P,T> |
A search result container class used with ByteTrie.
SecondLinkerMember |
Section |
Represents a section and section_64 structure.
SectionAttributes |
SectionFlags |
SectionHeader |
A class to the represent the IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
struct as defined in winnt.h .
SectionHeader |
See Apple's -- PEFBinaryFormat
SectionKind |
Values for the sectionKind field.
SectionNames |
SectionShareKind |
Values for the shareKind field.
SectionTypes |
SecureRandomFactory |
SecureRandomFactory provides a static singleton instance of SecureRandom
SecurityCertificate |
A class to represent the WIN_CERTIFICATE
struct as defined in winbase.h .
SecurityDataDirectory |
Segment |
A class to represent a new-executable segment.
SegmentCommand |
Represents a segment_command and segment_command_64 structure.
SegmentConstants |
SegmentedAddress |
Address class for dealing with (intel) segmented addresses.
SegmentedAddressSpace |
Address Space for dealing with (intel) segmented address spaces.
SegmentedCodePointerDataType |
SegmentMismatchException |
SegmentMismatchException is thrown when two
addresses with different segments are used in an operation
that requires the same segment.
SegmentNames |
SegmentRelocation |
A class to represent a new-executable segment relocation.
SegmentTable |
A class to represent the new-executable segment table.
SelectBeginningOfLineAction |
SelectChangedToolDialog |
SelectColumnsDialog |
SelectEndOfLineAction |
SelectFromListDialog<T> |
Dialog that presents the user with a list of strings and returns the object
associated with the user-picked element.
SelectionManager |
A class to track and restore selections made in a table.
SelectionManagerListener |
SelectionNavigationAction |
This action is used by GhidraTable s to allow the user to trigger navigation when
selections are made.
SelectionStorage<T> |
SelectionTransferable |
Defines data that is available for drag/drop and clipboard transfers.
SelectionTransferData |
Data that is the transferable in SelectionTransferable; it contains an address set and the
path of the program.
SelectLanguageDialog |
SelectLanguagePanel |
A generic reusable panel for selecting a language.
SelectLanguagePanelListener |
A listener for the SelectLanguagePanel
SelfComparator<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
SemanticLexer |
SemanticLexer_BaseLexer |
SeparateDebugHeader |
WORD Signature;
WORD Flags;
WORD Machine;
WORD Characteristics;
DWORD TimeDateStamp;
DWORD CheckSum;
DWORD ImageBase;
DWORD SizeOfImage;
DWORD NumberOfSections;
DWORD ExportedNamesSize;
DWORD DebugDirectorySize;
DWORD SectionAlignment;
DWORD Reserved[2];
SeparatorFieldFactory |
Generates Separator Fields.
Sequence |
SequenceNumber |
Basically a unique address for a PcodeOp
It is unique, maintains original assembly instruction address, and is comparable
within a basic block
SequenceRange |
ServerInfo |
Container for a host name and port number.
ServerInfoComponent |
Component that allows the user to specify the host name and port
number for the remote repository server.
ServerInfoPanel |
Wizard panel that allows the user to specify the host name and port
number for the remote repository server.
ServiceInfo |
Meta-data about a Plugin's Service.
ServiceInterfaceImplementationPair |
ServiceListener |
Notifications for when services are added to or removed from a PluginTool.
ServiceManager |
Class for managing plugin services.
ServiceProvider |
Interface for providing Services
ServiceProviderDecorator |
ServiceProviderStub |
SetAccumulator<T> |
SetCommentCmd |
Command to set a specific type of comment on a code unit.
SetCommentsCmd |
Command for editing and removing comments at an address.
SetEquateCmd |
Command for setting an equate at a location.
SetEquateDialog |
SetEquateDialog.SelectionType |
SetEquateTableModel |
SetExternalNameCmd |
Command for setting the external program name and path.
SetExternalRefCmd |
Command class for adding external references.
SetFallThroughCmd |
Command for setting the fallthrough property on an instruction.
SetFlowOverrideCmd |
Command for setting the fallthrough property on an instruction.
SetFunctionNameCmd |
Command to set the name of a function.
SetFunctionPurgeCommand |
A simple command to set the stack purge size of a function.
SetFunctionRepeatableCommentCmd |
Command to set the Function's Repeatable Comment.
SetFunctionVarArgsCommand |
A simple command to set whether or not a function has VarArgs.
SetIterator<T> |
SetLabelNamespaceCmd |
Command for changing the scope of a label.
SetLabelPrimaryCmd |
Command to make a label the primary label at an address.
SetPrimaryRefCmd |
Command class for setting a reference to be primary.
SetRegisterCmd |
Command for setting the value of a register over a range of addresses.
SetReturnDataTypeCmd |
Command for setting a function's return type.
SetRootNodeTask |
SetSpacerTextAction |
SetStackDepthChangeCommand |
SetSTL<K> |
SettableApplicationInformationDisplayFactory |
SettableColorSwatchChooserPanel |
Settings |
Settings objects store name-value pairs.
SettingsDefinition |
Generic interface for defining display options on data and dataTypes.
SettingsDialog |
SettingsImpl |
Basic implementation of the Settings object
SettingsPropertyMap |
Property map interface for storing Settings objects.
SetVariableCommentCmd |
Command to set the comment on a function varible.
SetVariableDataTypeCmd |
Command to set the datatype on a stack variable.
SetVariableNameCmd |
Command to rename a stack variable.
SharedActionRegistry |
A place used to hold DockingActionIf s that are meant to be used by components.
SharedRangeMapDB |
SharedReturnAnalysisCmd |
Identifies functions to which Jump references exist and converts
the associated branching instruction flow to a CALL-RETURN
SharedStubKeyBindingAction |
A stub action that allows key bindings to be edited through the key bindings options.
ShiftedAddressDataType |
Provides a definition of a Double Word within a program.
ShiftedReference |
ShiftedReference is a memory reference whoose "to" address is
computed from a base value left shifted by a shift amount.
ShortArray |
Array of shorts that grows as needed.
ShortArrayArray |
Array of byte[] that grows as needed.
ShortDataType |
Basic implementation for a Short Integer dataType
ShortField |
ShortField provides a wrapper for 2-byte signed short data
which is read or written to a Record.
ShortKeyIndexer |
This class converts arbitrary short keys into compacted short indexes suitable
for use as indexes into an array or table.
ShortKeySet |
The ShortKeySet provides an interface for managing a set of ordered short keys
between the values of 0 and N.
ShortListIndexer |
Class to manage multiple linked lists of short indexes.
ShortLongHashtable |
Class that implements a hashtable with Short keys and long values.
ShortObjectHashtable |
Class that implements a hashtable with short keys and Object values.
ShortPropertySet |
Handles general storage and retrieval of short values indexed by long keys.
ShortRangeMap |
Stores ranges of short values throughout "long" space.
ShortStringHashtable |
Class that implements a hashtable with short keys and String values.
ShowAllComponentsAction |
ShowFocusCycleAction |
ShowFocusInfoAction |
ShutdownHookRegistry |
ShutdownHookRegistry.ShutdownHook |
ShutdownHook wrapper class for shutdown callback
ShutdownPriority |
SideKickVerticalScrollbar |
A Vertical JScrollbar that displays an additional component to its right and sized such that
its top is just below the top button of the scrollbar and its bottom is just above the bottom
button of the scrollbar.
SignatureCallback |
SignatureCallback provides a Callback implementation used
to perform PKI authentication.
SignedByteDataType |
Provides a definition of a Signed Byte within a program.
SignedCharDataType |
Provides a definition of a primitive signed char data type.
SignedDWordDataType |
Provides a definition of a Signed Double Word within a program.
SignednessFormatMode |
Defines how the sign of integer-type numbers is to be interpreted for rendering.
SignedQWordDataType |
Provides a definition of a Signed Quad Word within a program.
SignedToken |
SignedToken provides the result of a signed token byte array.
SignedWordDataType |
Provides a basic implementation of a signed word datatype
SimpleBlockIterator |
SimpleBlockIterator is an implementation of
CodeBlockIterator capable of iterating in
the forward direction over "simple blocks".
SimpleBlockModel |
This BlockModel implements the simple block model.
SimpleCRC32 |
SimpleDestReferenceIterator |
This iterator is implemented by getting the flows from the instruction
and iterating over those flows (plus the fallthrough).
SimpleDiffUtility |
SimpleImageField |
Field to display an image.
SimpleSourceReferenceIterator |
SimpleSourceReferenceIterator is a unidirectional iterator over the CodeBlockReference s
for a CodeBlock.
SimpleTextField |
The simplest possible Text field.
SimpleWeightedDigraph |
A simple graph is a graph with no parallel edges or loops.
SingleAddressSetCollection |
A simple implementation of AddressSetCollection that contains exactly one AddressSet.
SingleEntSubIterator |
SingleEntSubIterator is an implementation of
CodeBlockIterator capable of iterating in
the forward direction over subroutine code blocks.
SingleFileSystemIndexHelper |
A helper class used by GFilesystem implementors that have a single file to handle lookups
and requests for that file.
SingleLoaderFilter |
SingleResourceData |
Format of resource data for a single resource.
SingleRowLayout |
Convienence class for SingleRowLayout.
SingleValueColumnConstraint<T> |
Abstract base class for single value constraints such as "At Most" or "At Least"
SizeLimitedAccumulatorWrapper<T> |
SledException |
Exceptions generated from parsing the SLED/SSL configuration files (load time)
SleighAssembler |
SleighAssemblerBuilder |
SleighCompiler |
SleighCompiler.Block_scope |
SleighCompiler.code_block_scope |
SleighCompiler.contextdef_scope |
SleighCompiler.ctorstart_scope |
SleighCompiler.fielddef_scope |
SleighCompiler.id_or_nil_return |
SleighCompiler.identifier_return |
SleighCompiler.Jump_scope |
SleighCompiler.macrodef_scope |
SleighCompiler.Return_scope |
SleighCompiler.semantic_scope |
SleighCompiler.spacedef_scope |
SleighCompiler.tokendef_scope |
SleighCompilerSpecDescription |
SleighConstructorTraversal |
A class to traverse SLEIGH constructors in a language
SleighConstructorTraversal.SubVisitor |
SleighDebugLogger |
SleighDebugLogger provides the ability to obtain detailed instruction
parse details.
SleighDebugLogger.SleighDebugMode |
SleighEcho |
SleighEcho.endian_return |
SleighException |
TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
SleighInstructionPrototype |
The InstructionPrototype for sleigh languages.
SleighInstructionPrototype.FlowRecord |
SleighInstructionPrototype.FlowSummary |
SleighLanguage |
SleighLanguageDescription |
Class for holding Language identifiers
SleighLanguageProvider |
Searches resources for spec files and provides LanguageDescriptions for these
SleighLanguages |
A collection of utility functions for traversing constructors and Pcode operations of SLEIGH
SleighLanguages.ConsVisitForPcode |
SleighLanguageValidator |
SleighLexer |
SleighParser |
SleighParser_DisplayParser |
SleighParser_DisplayParser.concatenate_return |
SleighParser_DisplayParser.display_return |
SleighParser_DisplayParser.pieces_return |
SleighParser_DisplayParser.printpiece_return |
SleighParser_DisplayParser.special_return |
SleighParser_DisplayParser.whitespace_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.add_op_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.assignment_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.booland_op_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.build_stmt_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.call_stmt_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.code_block_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.compare_op_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.cond_stmt_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.constant_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.crossbuild_stmt_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.declaration_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.eq_op_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.export_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_add_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_and_op_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_and_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_apply_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_booland_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_boolor_op_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_boolor_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_comp_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_eq_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_func_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_mult_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_operands_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_or_op_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_or_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_shift_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_term_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_unary_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_xor_op_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.expr_xor_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.funcall_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.goto_stmt_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.jumpdest_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.label_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.lvalue_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.mult_op_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.outererror_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.return_stmt_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.section_def_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.semantic_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.semanticbody_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.sembitrange_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.shift_op_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.sizedexport_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.sizedstar_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.statement_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.statements_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.unary_op_return |
SleighParser_SemanticParser.varnode_return |
SleighParser.aligndef_return |
SleighParser.arguments_return |
SleighParser.bitpat_or_nil_return |
SleighParser.bitpattern_return |
SleighParser.bitrange_return |
SleighParser.bitrangedef_return |
SleighParser.bitranges_return |
SleighParser.constraint_op_return |
SleighParser.constraint_return |
SleighParser.constructor_return |
SleighParser.constructorlike_return |
SleighParser.constructorlikelist_return |
SleighParser.contextblock_return |
SleighParser.contextdef_return |
SleighParser.contextfielddef_return |
SleighParser.contextfielddefs_return |
SleighParser.contextfieldmod_return |
SleighParser.contextfieldmods_return |
SleighParser.ctorsemantic_return |
SleighParser.ctorstart_return |
SleighParser.ctxassign_return |
SleighParser.ctxlval_return |
SleighParser.ctxstmt_return |
SleighParser.ctxstmts_return |
SleighParser.def_or_conslike_return |
SleighParser.definition_return |
SleighParser.endian_return |
SleighParser.endiandef_return |
SleighParser.fielddef_return |
SleighParser.fielddefs_return |
SleighParser.fieldmod_return |
SleighParser.fieldmods_return |
SleighParser.id_or_nil_return |
SleighParser.id_or_wild_return |
SleighParser.identifier_return |
SleighParser.identifierlist_return |
SleighParser.intblist_return |
SleighParser.intbpart_return |
SleighParser.integer_return |
SleighParser.key_as_id_return |
SleighParser.macrodef_return |
SleighParser.nameattach_return |
SleighParser.neginteger_return |
SleighParser.oplist_return |
SleighParser.pcodeopdef_return |
SleighParser.pequation_and_op_return |
SleighParser.pequation_and_return |
SleighParser.pequation_atomic_return |
SleighParser.pequation_ellipsis_return |
SleighParser.pequation_ellipsis_right_return |
SleighParser.pequation_or_op_return |
SleighParser.pequation_or_return |
SleighParser.pequation_return |
SleighParser.pequation_seq_op_return |
SleighParser.pequation_seq_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_add_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_add_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_and_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_and_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_apply_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_func_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_mult_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_mult_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_operands_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_or_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_or_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_shift_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_shift_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_term_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_unary_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_unary_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_xor_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression_xor_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_add_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_add_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_and_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_and_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_apply_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_func_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_mult_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_mult_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_operands_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_or_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_or_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_shift_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_shift_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_term_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_unary_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_unary_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_xor_op_return |
SleighParser.pexpression2_xor_return |
SleighParser.pfuncall_return |
SleighParser.qstring_return |
SleighParser.sizemod_return |
SleighParser.spacedef_return |
SleighParser.spacemod_return |
SleighParser.spacemods_return |
SleighParser.spec_return |
SleighParser.strict_id_return |
SleighParser.stringorident_return |
SleighParser.stringoridentlist_return |
SleighParser.tokendef_return |
SleighParser.type_return |
SleighParser.typemod_return |
SleighParser.valueattach_return |
SleighParser.varattach_return |
SleighParser.varnodedef_return |
SleighParser.wildcard_return |
SleighParser.withblock_return |
SleighParser.wordsizemod_return |
SleighParserContext |
All the recovered context for a single instruction
The main data structure is the tree of constructors and operands
SleighParserRun |
SleighPreprocessor |
SleighRecognizerConstants |
SleighToken |
SleighUtil |
Utilities for Collection s
SmallBorderButton |
Class that is a JButton that has an empty border and adds a mouse listener
so that the button looks raised when the mouse pointer enters the button,
and looks lowered when the mouse pointer exits the button.
SoftCacheLongKeyMap |
Soft reference cache class that caches objects for long keys.
SoftCacheMap<K,V> |
Class to manage a "soft" HaspMap that keeps its keys as soft references so
they can be reclaimed if needed.
SoftwareModelingInitializer |
SolverException |
An exception that indicates no solution is possible
SolverHint |
A type for solver hints
Hints inform "sub-"solvers of the techniques already being applied by the calling solvers.
SortedRangeList |
Provides a list of integer ranges that are maintained in sorted order.
SortedTableModel |
A table model that allows for setting the sorted column(s) and direction
SortJob<T> |
SortListener |
SourceArchive |
DataTypeSource holds information about a single data type archive which supplied a data type
to the program.
SourceArchiveDB |
SourceArchiveUpgradeMap |
SourceType |
SourceTypeTableColumn |
SourceVersionCommand |
Represents a source_version_command structure.
SpaceFieldFactory |
Generates empty line Fields.
SpaceFieldLocation |
The SpaceFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the Space field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
SpacerFieldFactory |
Generates Spacer Fields.
SpacerFieldLocation |
The SpacerFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within a spacer field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
SpecialAddress |
Class used represent "special addresses"
SpecialOpBehavior |
SpecificSymbol |
This is a TripleSymbol whose semantic value can be determined
at compile time (i.e.
SpecXmlUtils |
Utilities for encoding and decoding XML datatypes for use in specification files that
are validated by RelaxNG.
SplashScreen |
Splash screen window to display version information about the current release of
the Ghidra application.
SplitPanel |
SSHKeyManager |
SSHSignatureCallback |
SSHSignatureCallback provides a Callback implementation used
to perform SSH authentication.
SSLContextInitializer |
Initialize the default SSLContext for use by SSL connections (e.g., https).
SSLContextInitializer.HttpsHostnameVerifier |
HttpsHostnameVerifier is required by HttpsURLConnection even
if it does nothing.
Stack<E> |
The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of objects.
StackDepthFieldLocation |
StackFrame |
Definition of a stack frame.
StackReference |
StackVariableComparator |
Compares stack variable offsets; has a static factory method to get
a StackVariableComparator.
StandAloneApplication |
StandAloneDataTypeManager |
Basic implementation of the DataTypeManger interface
StandAlonePluginTool |
StartInstructionValue |
The offset value of the current instructions address
StartInstructionValueSolver |
"Solves" expression of inst_start
Works like the constant solver, but takes the value of inst_start , which is given by the
assembly address.
StartsWithTextFilter |
A filter that will pass text when it starts with the filter text.
StartsWithTextFilterFactory |
StartSymbol |
TripleSymbol with semantic value equal to offset of instruction's
current address
StateMachine |
StatementProgramInstructions |
StatementProgramPrologue |
StatusBar |
Provides a status bar panel which has a text area to the left.
StatusBarSpacer |
A class to handle the space requirements on the status bar that vary for different OSes.
StatusListener |
StatusListener is a general purpose status listener
responsible for displaying and/or recording status messages
StretchLayout |
A layout manager that gives the affect of CENTER in BorderLayout.
StringArray |
Array of Strings that grows as needed.
StringArrayArray |
Array of String[] that grows as needed.
StringAttribute<T extends KeyedObject> |
This class provides a storage mechanism for String-valued information about
the elements of a KeyIndexableSet, e.g.
StringBasedFileEditor |
A PropertyEditor that allows the user to edit strings by way of a File editor, as is
done by StringBasedFileEditor .
StringChoices |
StringEnum objects represent a choice from a limited set of options.
StringColumnConstraint |
Base class for various String constraints.
StringColumnConstraintProvider |
Provides String related column constraints.
StringColumnDisplay |
StringConstraintEditor |
A constraint editor for String-type values.
StringContainsColumnConstraint |
String column constraint for matching column values if they contain the constraint value pattern.
StringDataInstance |
Represents an instance of a string in a MemBuffer .
StringDataInstance.StaticStringInstance |
StringDataType |
A fixed-length string DataType with a user setable
charset (default ASCII).
StringDiff |
Container object that holds a start and end position within a string.
StringEditor |
StringEndsWithColumnConstraint |
String column constraint for matching column values if they end with the constraint value pattern.
StringField |
StringField provides a wrapper for variable length String data which is read or
written to a Record.
StringFormat |
Class with static methods formatting values in hex.
StringIntHashtable |
Class that implements a hashtable with String keys and int values.
StringIsEmptyColumnConstraint |
String column constraint for matching when the value is null or the empty string.
StringIsNotEmptyColumnConstraint |
String column constraint for matching when the value is not null and not the empty string.
StringKeyIndexer |
This class converts arbitrary Strings into compacted int indexes suitable
for use as indexes into an array or table.
StringLayoutEnum |
StringMatcherColumnConstraint |
String column constraint for matching column values if they match a full regular expression pattern.
StringMatchQuery |
Query for matching string fields with wildcard string.
StringNotContainsColumnConstraint |
String column constraint for matching column values if they don't contain the constraint value pattern.
StringNotEndsWithColumnConstraint |
String column constraint for matching column values if they don't end with the constraint value pattern.
StringNotStartsWithColumnConstraint |
String column constraint for matching column values if they don't start with the constraint value pattern.
StringPropertyMap |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
String type.
StringPropertyMapDB |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
String type and stored with a database table.
StringPropertySet |
Handles general storage and retrieval of Strings indexed by long keys.
StringRenderBuilder |
Helper class used to build up a formatted (for human consumption) string representation returned
by Unicode and String data types.
StringSearcher |
StringSelectionListener |
StringStartsWithColumnConstraint |
String column constraint for matching column values if they start with the constraint value pattern.
StringTable |
A offset-to-String string table backed by a simple byte array (encoded as UTF-8).
StringTransferable |
StringTransformer<T> |
StringTranslationService |
Interface for providing string translating services.
StringUTF8DataType |
StringUtilities |
Class with static methods that deal with string manipulation.
StringWithChoicesEditor |
StructConverter |
Allows a class to create a structure
datatype equivalent to its class members.
StructConverterUtil |
Structure |
The structure interface.
Structure.BitOffsetComparator |
Structure.OffsetComparator |
OffsetComparator provides ability to compare an Integer offset
with a DataTypeComponent object.
Structure.OrdinalComparator |
OrdinalComparator provides ability to compare an Integer ordinal
with a DataTypeComponent object.
StructureDataType |
Basic implementation of the structure data type
StructuredDynamicDataType |
Structured Dynamic Data type.
StructureFactory |
SubClientCommand |
Represents a sub_client_command structure.
SubDataFieldFactory |
Generates data value Fields for data subcomponents.
SubDataFieldLocation |
The SubDataFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the Sub-data field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
SubExpression |
New expression formed by subtracting two PatternExpressions
SubExpressionSolver |
Solves expressions of the form A - B
SubFrameworkCommand |
Represents a sub_framework_command structure.
SubLibraryCommand |
Represents a sub_library_command structure.
SubOptions |
SubroutineBlockModel |
Subroutine block model.
SubroutineDestReferenceIterator |
SubroutineDestReferenceIterator is a unidirectional iterator over
the destination CodeBlockReference s for a CodeBlock.
SubroutineModelCmd |
Command that organizes a Module or Fragment according to a specified block
SubroutineSourceReferenceIterator |
SubroutineSourceReferenceIterator is a unidirectional iterator over
the source CodeBlockReference s for a CodeBlock.
SubtableEntryVisitor |
An interface for visiting constructors in a SLEIGH subtable
SubtableSymbol |
A collection of Constructors or a Symbol representing
one out of a family of Constructors, choosen based on InstructionContext
SubUmbrellaCommand |
Represents a sub_umbrella_command structure.
Swing |
A utility class to handle running code on the AWT Event Dispatch Thread
SwingAnimationCallback |
A simple interface that allows implementing clients to get called back from the animation
SwingExceptionHandler |
Class to handle exceptions caught within the Swing event dispatch thread.
SwingRunnable |
Runnable that has a method that may need to be run in the Swing AWT thread.
SwingUpdateManager |
A class to allow clients to buffer events.
Switch |
Symbol |
Base class for symbols in sleigh
Symbol |
Interface for a symbol, which associates a string value with
an address.
SymbolAnnotatedStringHandler |
SymbolChangeSet |
Interface for a Symbol Change set.
SymbolClass |
Imported and exported symbol classes
SymbolColumnTypeMapper |
Converts Symbol Column objects to Strings so that column gets String type column
SymbolCommand |
Represents a symseg_command structure.
SymbolDB |
Base class for symbols
SymbolicPropogator |
SymbolInspector |
Class for coloring symbols.
SymbolIterator |
Iterator defined to return Symbol objects.
SymbolIteratorAdapter |
SymbolManager |
SymbolPath |
A convenience object for parsing a namespace path to a symbol.
SymbolPathParser |
A parser for breaking down namespaces in the presence of complicating factors such
as templates.
SymbolScope |
A single scope of symbol names for sleigh
SymbolTable |
Full symbol table for sleigh
SymbolTable |
A SymbolTable manages the Symbols defined in a program.
SymbolTableCommand |
Represents a symtab_command structure.
SymbolTableListener |
Listener methods that are called when changes to symbols are made.
SymbolToAddressTableRowMapper |
SymbolToProgramLocationTableRowMapper |
SymbolType |
Class to represent the various types of Symbols.
SymbolTypeTableColumn |
SymbolUtilities |
Class with static methods to deal with symbol strings.
SynchronizedAddressSetCollection |
SynchronizedByteProvider |
SynchronizedListAccumulator<T> |
SystemUtilities |
General purpose class to provide convenience methods for doing "System" type
stuff, e.g., find resources, date/time, etc.
Table |
Table implementation class.
TableChooserDialog |
Dialog to show a table of items.
TableChooserExecutor |
TableChooserTableModel |
TableColumn |
TableColumnDescriptor<ROW_TYPE> |
TableColumnModelState |
A class to keep track of and persist state for column models, including size, ordering and
TableComparators |
A utility class for tables to use when sorting
TableData<ROW_OBJECT> |
TableDescriptor |
TableEntry<T> |
An entry in a (sparse) LR(0) transition table or LALR(1) action/goto table
TableEntry |
TableEntryKey |
A key in a (sparse) LR(0) transition table or LALR(1) action/goto table
TableFilter<ROW_OBJECT> |
TableFilterContext |
Provides additional information (context) to column filter constraint objects.
TableFilterDialogModelListener |
Listener interface for the ColumnFilterModel.
TableItemPickedListener<T> |
TableModelLoader<T> |
Allows clients to create a table model that will call them back via this interface so
that they may perform their own loading.
TableModelWrapper<ROW_OBJECT> |
A wrapper that will take a table model and decorate it with filtering capability.
TableOfContents |
Represents a dylib_table_of_contents structure.
NOTE: ALL TableRowMapper CLASSES MUST END IN "TableRowMapper".
TableService |
Service to show a component that has a JTable given a table model
that builds up its data dynamically (a ThreadedTableModel ).
TableSortingContext<T> |
TableSortState |
Represents the concept of a table's sorted state, which is the number of sorted columns, their
sort order and their sort direction.
TableSortStateEditor |
TableStatistics |
Table statistics data
TableTextFilter<ROW_OBJECT> |
TableTextFilterFactory<ROW_OBJECT> |
TableUpdateJob<T> |
State machine object for performing the various update functions on a ThreadedTableModel.
TableUtils |
A utility class for JTables used in Ghidra.
TagProcessor |
TarjanStronglyConnectedAlgorthm<V,E extends GEdge<V>> |
Task |
Base class for Tasks to be run in separate threads
TaskBuilder |
A builder object that allows clients to launch tasks in the background, with a progress
dialog representing the task.
TaskDialog |
Dialog that is displayed to show activity for a Task that is running outside of the
Swing Thread.
TaskInfo |
TaskLauncher |
Class to initiate a Task in a new Thread, and to show a progress dialog that indicates
activity if the task takes too long.
TaskListener |
Listener that is notified when a thread completes its task.
TaskMonitor |
TaskMonitor provides an interface by means of which a
potentially long running task can show its progress and also check if the user
has cancelled the operation.
TaskMonitorAdapter |
Create a "do nothing" task monitor that we can pass along to methods that
need a task monitor.
TaskMonitorComponent |
Component that contains a progress bar, a progress icon, and a cancel
button to cancel the task that is associated with this task monitor.
TaskMonitorSplitter |
TaskScheduler |
Calls a method on the Ghidra Dialog to get a TaskManager.
TaskUtilities |
TaskViewer |
TaskViewerComponent |
TerminatedSettingsDefinition |
Settings definition for strings being terminated or unterminated
TerminatedStringDataType |
A null-terminated string DataType with a user setable
charset (default ASCII).
TerminatedTransactionException |
TerminatedTransactionException occurs when a database modification is
attempted following the forced/premature termination of an open transaction.
TerminatedUnicode32DataType |
A null-terminated UTF-32 string DataType .
TerminatedUnicodeDataType |
TermSplitter |
Interface for classes that need to split strings into a series of individual terms.
TestApplicationUtils |
TestBigLayoutModel |
TestEnv |
TestExceptionTracker |
A class to take an exception and capture test system state for later reporting.
TestFailingErrorDisplayWrapper |
An error display wrapper that allows us to fail tests when errors are encountered.
TestFrontEndTool |
A test version of the FrontEndTool that disables some functionality
TestHelpService |
TestKeyEventDispatcher |
A class that helps to delegate key events to the system override key event dispatcher.
TestProcessorConstants |
TestProgramManager |
A class to handle locating, opening and caching (within a JVM) programs in the test
TestProjectManager |
TestReportingException |
A RuntimeException that will print a custom stack trace.
TestSpeed |
TestSuiteUtilities |
A set of static utilities to facilitate JUnit testing.
TestThread |
TestTool |
TestUniversalIdGenerator |
TestUtils |
Actually, not.
TextEditorService |
TextField |
TextFieldAutocompleter<T> |
An autocompleter that may be attached to one or more JTextField .
TextFieldAutocompleter.DualTextAutocompleterDemo |
A demonstration of the autocompleter on two linked text fields.
TextFieldAutocompleter.TextFieldAutocompleterDemo |
A demonstration of the autocompleter on a single text field.
TextFieldElement |
TextFieldLinker |
A class that links text fields into a "formatted text field", separated by expressions.
TextFilter |
TextFilterFactory |
TextFilterStrategy |
TextLayoutGraphics |
Graphics used to render copied text data.
TextLine |
ThreadCommand |
Represents a thread_command structure.
ThreadedBackupRowComparator<T> |
ThreadedTableColumnComparator<T> |
A comparator for comparing table column values for threaded table models.
ThreadedTableModel<ROW_OBJECT,DATA_SOURCE> |
The base implementation of the threaded table model.
ThreadedTableModelListener |
ThreadedTableModelStub<ROW_OBJECT> |
A version of ThreadedTableModel for clients that do not need a
ThreadedTableModel#DATA_SOURCE .
ThreadState |
ThreadStateARM |
Represents a _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE structure.
ThreadStateARM_64 |
Represents a _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 structure.
ThreadStateHeader |
ThreadStatePPC |
ThreadStateX86_32 |
Represents a _STRUCT_X86_THREAD_STATE32 structure.
ThreadStateX86_64 |
Represents a _STRUCT_X86_THREAD_STATE64 structure.
ThunkData |
A class to represent the
as defined in
winnt.h .
ThunkedFunctionFieldFactory |
Generates Thunked Function Fields.
ThunkedFunctionFieldLocation |
The FunctionCallFixupFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the Function call-fixup field within a program location.
ThunkedFunctionFieldMouseHandler |
ThunkFunction |
ThunkFunction corresponds to a fragment of code which simply passes control
to a destination function.
ThunkFunctionAdapterV0 |
ThunkReference |
Implementation for a Thunk Function reference.
TimeoutException |
TimeoutTaskMonitor |
A task monitor that allows clients the ability to specify a timeout after which this monitor
will be cancelled.
TimerCallback |
TitledPanel |
Adds a border to a component that displays a title and provides a area for adding
components (usually icon buttons)
TLSDataDirectory |
Points to the Thread Local Storage initialization section.
TLSDirectory |
A class to represent the IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY32 and
IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64 data structures.
TOCConverter |
Converts the Ghidra "source" TOC file to a JavaHelp TOC file.
TOCItem |
A Table of Contents entry, which is represented in the help output as an xml tag.
TOCItemDefinition |
A representation of the tag, which is a way to define a TOC item entry in
a TOC_Source.xml file.
TOCItemExternal |
TOCItemProvider |
An interface that allows us to perform dependency injection in the testing
TOCItemReference |
A representation of the tag, which is a way to reference a TOC item entry in
a TOC_Source.xml file other than the one in which the reference lives.
ToggleDockingAction |
ToggleDockingActionIf |
Interface for actions that have a toggle state
ToggleNavigationAid |
TokenExtractor |
TokenField |
A contiguous set of bits within instruction stream, interpreted
as an integer value
TokenFieldSolver |
Solves expressions of a token (instruction encoding) field
Essentially, this just encodes the goal into the field, if it can be represented in the given
space and format.
Tool |
A Tool represents a collection of Plugins that are the basic building
ToolActions |
An class to manage actions registered with the tool
ToolAssociationInfo |
A class that describes a content types and the tool used to open it.
ToolBarData |
ToolBarItemManager |
Class to manager toolbar buttons.
ToolBarManager |
Manages the actions to be displayed in the toolbar.
ToolButtonTransferable |
Defines data that is available for drag/drop and clipboard transfers.
ToolChest |
Interface to define methods to manage tools in a central location.
ToolChestChangeListener |
Listener that is notified when a ToolTemplate is added or removed from a
ToolConnection |
Represents a connection between a producer tool and a
consumer tool.
ToolConstants |
Values used to define standard menu names and other miscellaneous constants
ToolEventName |
Annotation for publishing the ToolEvent name so that is shows up in the tool connection
ToolIconURL |
Container class for an icon and its location.
ToolListener |
Interface to be implemented by objects that want to receive ToolEvents.
ToolManager |
Interface to define methods to manage running tools and tools in
the Tool Chest.
ToolManagerImpl |
Tool manager that knows about all the running tools for each workspace
in the project; the tool manager is responsible for launching new tools,
and managing connections among tools.
ToolOptions |
Class to manage a set of option name/value pairs for a category.
ToolServices |
Services that the Tool uses.
ToolServicesAdapter |
ToolSet |
Interface to define a set of Tools.
ToolState |
Container object for the state of the tool to hold an XML element.
ToolStateFactory |
ToolTaskManager |
Manages a queue of background tasks that execute commands.
ToolTemplate |
Configuration of a tool that knows how to create tools.
ToolTipUtils |
A utility class that creates tool tip text for given data types.
ToolUtils |
ToyProgramBuilder |
TrackedTaskListener |
Transaction |
TransactionListener |
An interface for listening to transactions
TransientDataManager |
Simple static class to keep track of transient domain file/domain objects.
TransientProjectData |
TransientProjectManager |
TransientToolState |
TranslatedRecordIterator |
TranslateIcon |
TranslationSettingsDefinition |
SettingsDefinition for translation display, handles both the toggle of
"show" vs "don't show", as well as accessing the translated value.
TranslationSettingsDefinition.TRANSLATION_ENUM |
TreeManager |
Manage the set of trees in the program.
TreeSelectionPluginEvent |
Notification for a new Program Tree selection.
TreeSetValuedTreeMap<K,V> |
A multi-valued dictionary using a tree map of tree sets
TreeTextFilter |
TriConsumer<T,U,V> |
Patterned after BiConsumer .
TripleSymbol |
Abstract class for the primary sleigh variable.
TutorialScreenShotGenerator |
TwinkleVertexAnimator<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A class to animate a vertex in order to draw attention to it.
TwoColumnPairLayout |
LayoutManger for arranging components into exactly two columns.
TwoLevelHint |
Represents a twolevel_hint structure.
TwoLevelHintsCommand |
Represents a twolevel_hints_command structure.
TypeDef |
The typedef interface
TypedefDataType |
Basic implementation for the typedef dataType
TypeDefDataTypeHTMLRepresentation |
TypeFilteredSymbolIterator |
Filters a symbol iterator to only return a specific symbol type
TypeMismatchException |
Exception thrown when a PropertyPage does not support a
requested data type.
UbiException |
An exception class to handle encountering
invalid UBI Headers.
UnableToSwingException |
Signals that a background thread attempted to SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(Runnable)
operation that timed-out because the Swing thread was busy.
UnaryExpression |
Base class for unary operators on PatternExpressions
UnaryOpBehavior |
Undefined |
Undefined identifies an undefined data type
Undefined1DataType |
Provides an implementation of a byte that has not been defined yet as a
particular type of data in the program.
Undefined2DataType |
Provides an implementation of a 2 byte dataType that has not been defined yet as a
particular type of data in the program.
Undefined3DataType |
Provides an implementation of a byte that has not been defined yet as a
particular type of data in the program.
Undefined4DataType |
Provides an implementation of a 4-byte dataType that has not been defined yet as a
particular type of data in the program.
Undefined5DataType |
Provides an implementation of a byte that has not been defined yet as a
particular type of data in the program.
Undefined6DataType |
Provides an implementation of a byte that has not been defined yet as a
particular type of data in the program.
Undefined7DataType |
Provides an implementation of a byte that has not been defined yet as a
particular type of data in the program.
Undefined8DataType |
Provides an implementation of an 8-byte dataType that has not been defined yet as a
particular type of data in the program.
UndefinedFunction |
UndefinedValueException |
An UndefinedValueException is thrown when a value
for a register is looked up that is undefined.
Undoable |
Objects that implement Undoable have the ability to "remember" some number
of stable states that are created as operations are performed upon them.
UndoableDomainObject |
UndoableDomainObject extends a domain object to provide transaction
support and the ability to undo and redo changes made within a stack of
recent transactions.
UndoActionDialog |
Dialog that confirms undo of an action; specify whether a .keep file
should be created on the undo of the action.
UndoRedoKeeper |
Handles tracking undo and redo events.
UndoRedoToolState |
Unicode32DataType |
UnicodeDataType |
UniformViewToIndexMapper |
UnimplementedCallOtherException |
UnimplementedConstructor |
Template for a constructor which is officially "unimplemented" as opposed to a
constructor which does nothing (like a NOP).
UnimplementedInstructionException |
Union |
The union interface.
UnionDataType |
Basic implementation of the union data type
UniqueAddressFactory |
UniqueMemoryBank |
UniversalID |
UniversalIdGenerator |
UnknownContextException |
An UnknownContextException indicates a processor state context must be known
before the bytes at the parse address can form a legal known instruction.
UnknownDataException |
An UnknownDataException indicates that the bytes at the parse
address did not form a legal known data item.
UnknownFolderItem |
UnknownFolderItem acts as a LocalFolderItem place-holder for
items of an unknown type.
UnknownInstructionException |
An UnknownInstructionException indicates that the bytes at the parse
address did not form a legal known instruction.
UnknownProgressWrappingTaskMonitor |
A class that is meant to wrap a TaskMonitor when you do not know the maximum value
of the progress.
UnknownRegister |
UnknownRegister is used when a register is requested in the register space
for an undefined location.
UnmodifiableListIteratorSTL<T> |
This wrapper class is used to detect cases where code is
modifying iterators that shouldn't change.
UnsignedCharDataType |
Provides a definition of a primitive unsigned char data type.
UnsignedDataUtils |
A class for performing unsigned comparisons
of java primitives.
UnsignedInteger16DataType |
A fixed size 16 byte unsigned integer (commonly referred to in C as uint128_t)
UnsignedInteger3DataType |
UnsignedInteger5DataType |
UnsignedInteger6DataType |
UnsignedInteger7DataType |
UnsignedIntegerDataType |
Basic implementation for an unsigned Integer dataType
UnsignedLongConstraintEditor |
A constraint editor for 64 bit unsigned numbers.
UnsignedLongConstraintEditorProvider |
Provides an editor for editing constraints for unsigned 64 bit values.
UnsignedLongDataType |
Basic implementation for a Signed Long Integer dataType
UnsignedLongLongDataType |
Basic implementation for an Signed LongLong Integer dataType
UnsignedLongRangeConstraintEditor |
A constraint editor for specifying ranges of unsigned long values.
UnsignedLongRangeEditorProvider |
UnsignedShortDataType |
Basic implementation for a Short Integer dataType
UnsupportedFloatFormatException |
UnsupportedLoadCommand |
UnsupportedMapDB |
This class provides a dummy map for an unsupported map.
UnusedHelpImageFileFinder |
UpdateExternalNameCmd |
Command to update the name for an external program.
URLAnnotatedStringHandler |
User |
Container class for the user name and the permission type: READ_ONLY,
UserAccessException |
Exception thrown when a user requests some operation to be performed
but does not have sufficient privileges.
UserAddedSourceInfo |
This class holds information regarding a single user-added source file added
to a batch import session.
UserAgreementDialog |
UserData |
UserData is a marker interface for
DomainObjects used to store user-data associated with
another DomainObject.
UserDataChangeRecord |
UseropSymbol |
A user-defined pcode operation (PcodeOp)
This is implemented as a name and a unique id which is passed
as the first parameter to a PcodeOp with the opcode = "CALLOTHER".
UserSearchUtils |
This class converts user inputted strings and creates Pattern s from them
that can be used to create Matcher objects.
UsrException |
Base Class for all ghidra non-runtime exceptions
Util |
Utils |
UuidCommand |
Represents a uuid_command structure.
ValidatableLine |
A loose concept that represents a line of text, potentially with multiple parts, that can
be validated against other instances and can change the color of the text.
ValueMapSymbol |
ValueRange |
Associates an integer value with a numeric range.
ValueSymbol |
A variable with its semantic (and printing) value equal to a fixed
mapping of its pattern
Variable |
Defines an object that stores a value of some specific data type.
VariableColumnTableModel |
An interface for marking table models whose supported columns are discovered at runtime
VariableCommentFieldFactory |
Generates StackVariableComment Fields.
VariableCommentFieldLocation |
The VariableCommentFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the stack variable comment field within a program location.
VariableCommentFieldMouseHandler |
VariableDB |
Database implementation of a Variable.
VariableFilter |
VariableFilter.CompoundStackVariableFilter |
VariableFilter.LocalVariableFilter |
VariableFilter.MemoryVariableFilter |
VariableFilter.ParameterFilter |
VariableFilter.RegisterVariableFilter |
VariableFilter.StackVariableFilter |
VariableFilter.UniqueVariableFilter |
VariableHeightPairLayout |
LayoutManger for arranging components into exactly two columns.
VariableHeightPanel |
A panel that is scrollable and uses a VariableHeightLayoutManager that
deals with components of varying heights.
VariableLocation |
VariableLocation provides information about the location
on a variable within a Function .
VariableLocFieldFactory |
Generates VariableOffset Fields.
VariableLocFieldLocation |
The VariableLocFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the stack variable offset field within a program location.
VariableNameFieldFactory |
Generates VariableName Fields.
VariableNameFieldLocation |
The VariableNameFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the variable name field within a program location.
VariableOffset |
VariableOffset can be used as an operand or sub-operand representation
VariableProxy |
Stores information about a variable in a program such that the variable can
be retrieved when needed.
VariableRowHeightGridLayout |
VariableSizeException |
VariableSizeException is thrown when a variable
data-type exceeds storage constraints.
VariableStorage |
encapsulates the ordered list of storage varnodes which correspond to a
function parameter or local variable.
VariableStorageConflicts |
VariableStorageDBAdapterNoTable |
VariableStorageDBAdapterV2 |
VariableStorageManagerDB |
VariableSymbolDB |
Symbol class for function variables.
VariableTextLine |
VariableTypeFieldFactory |
Generates VariableType Fields.
VariableTypeFieldLocation |
The VariableTypeFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the variable type field within a program location.
VariableUtilities |
VariableUtilities.VariableConflictHandler |
VariableXRefFieldFactory |
Variable Cross-reference Field Factory
VariableXRefFieldLocation |
The VariableXRefFieldLocation class provides specific information
about the variable's cross reference field within a program location.
VariableXRefFieldMouseHandler |
VariableXRefHeaderFieldFactory |
Field for showing Xref Headers for variables
VariableXRefHeaderFieldLocation |
VariousChoicesPanel |
VariousChoicesPanel provides a table type of format for resolving
multiple conflicts in one panel.
Varnode |
Rawest possible Varnode.
VarnodeAST |
This type of Varnode is a node in an Abstract Syntax Tree
It keeps track of its defining PcodeOp (in-edge) and PcodeOps which use it (out-edges)
VarnodeBank |
Container class for VarnodeAST's
VarnodeContext |
VarnodeData |
All the resolved pieces of data needed to build a Varnode
VarnodeListSymbol |
A ValueSymbol where the semantic context is obtained by looking
up the value in a table of VarnodeSymbols
VarnodeOperation |
VarnodeSymbol |
A symbol representing a global varnode, i.e.
VarnodeTemplate |
To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":
VarnodeTpl |
Placeholder for what will resolve to a Varnode instance given
a specific InstructionContext
VarnodeTranslator |
VectorCompare |
Class for containing intermediate results of doing the LSHVector compare operation
VectorIterator<T> |
VectorSTL<T> |
Version |
Version provides immutable information about a specific version of an item.
VersionControlAction |
VersionControlAction is an abstract class that can be extended by each specific version
control action to be taken on a domain file.
VersionControlAddAction |
Action to add a domain file to version control in the repository.
VersionControlCheckInAction |
Action to check-in domain files to the repository.
VersionControlCheckOutAction |
Action to checkout domain files from the repository.
VersionControlDataTypeArchiveUndoCheckoutAction |
Action to undo checkouts for domain files in the repository.
VersionControlDialog |
Dialog to get comments for adding a file to version control or
checking in a file.
VersionControlShowHistoryAction |
Action to show the version history for a single version controlled domain file in the repository.
VersionControlTask |
Task to show a dialog to enter comments for checking in a file
VersionControlUndoCheckOutAction |
Action to undo checkouts for domain files in the repository.
VersionControlUndoHijackAction |
Action to undo hijacked domain files in the project.
VersionControlUpdateAction |
Action to update the current checked out domain file to contain the changes
which have been checked in to the repository since our file's version was checked out.
VersionControlViewCheckOutAction |
Action to view the current check outs for a single domain file in the repository.
VersionedDatabase |
VersionedDatabase corresponds to a versioned database.
VersionedDBListener |
VersionedDBListener provides listeners the ability to be notified
when changes occur to a versioned database.
VersionedGuidInfo |
VersionedLanguageService |
Service that provides a Language given a name, and
information about the language.
VersionException |
Exception thrown when an object's version does not match its expected version.
VersionExceptionHandler |
VersionFileHandler |
VersionFileHandler allows a set of VersionFile's to be used in
the dynamic reconstruction of an older BufferFile.
VersionHistoryDialog |
VersionHistoryPanel |
Panel that shows version history in a JTable
VersionInfo |
Version info that is inside of the VersionInfoTransferable;
must be serializable.
VersionInfoTransferable |
Defines a transferable
VersionMinCommand |
Represents a version_min_command structure.
Vertex |
An implementation of vertices for use in ghidra.util.graph.
VertexClickListener<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A listener that allows clients to be notified of vertex clicks.
VertexFocusListener<V> |
A listener called when a vertex is focused.
VertexMouseInfo<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A class that knows how and where a given vertex was clicked.
VertexShapeProvider |
An interface that can be implemented to provide vertex shapes to the UI.
VertexTooltipProvider<V,E> |
Creates tooltips for a given vertex.
VerticalChoicesPanel |
VerticalChoicesPanel is a conflict panel for the Listing Merge.
VerticalLayout |
LayoutManager for arranging components in a single column.
VerticalLayoutTextField |
This class provides a TextField implementation that takes multiple FieldElements and places
each on its own line within the field.
VerticalPixelAddressMap |
VerticalPixelAddressMapImpl |
Maps vertical pixel locations to layouts on the currently displayed screen.
VgActionContext |
VgSatelliteContext |
VgSatelliteFeaturette<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>> |
VgVertexContext<V extends VisualVertex> |
ViewChangedPluginEvent |
Event for notifying plugins when the program view changes (what the
Code Browser shows in the listing window).
ViewerPosition |
Records the current top of screen position of the viewer.
ViewInstructionDetailsAction |
ViewListener |
Listener interface for notification when the top of screen position changes.
ViewManagerService |
Service to manage generic views; the view controls what shows up in the code
ViewportUtility |
Utility class for managing the viewport in the FVTable .
ViewProjectAccessPanel |
ViewRestoreOption |
ViewService |
Base interface class for the view providers and view manager service.
ViewToIndexMapper |
VisitorResults |
Some constants for controlling traversal
A callback (visit() ) can return one of these constants to control whether or not
traversal continues.
VisualEdge<V extends VisualVertex> |
An edge that contains properties and state related to a user interface.
VisualEdgeRenderer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraph<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
The primary interface for graphs that are to be rendered.
VisualGraphAbstractGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
Usage Notes:
We clear state on mouseReleased() and mouseExited(), since we will get
at least one of those calls
VisualGraphActionContext |
VisualGraphAnimatedPickingGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A mouse handler to center a vertex when the header is double-clicked.
VisualGraphChangeListener<V,E> |
A listener to get notified of graph changes.
VisualGraphComponentProvider<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>> |
VisualGraphContextMarker |
VisualGraphCursorRestoringGraphMousePlugin<V,E> |
VisualGraphEdgeLabelRenderer |
Overrides the DefaultEdgeLabelRenderer so that the client can set the non-picked
foreground color.
VisualGraphEdgeSatelliteRenderer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A renderer designed to override default edge rendering to NOT paint emphasizing effects.
VisualGraphEdgeSelectionGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphEdgeStrokeTransformer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphEventForwardingGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphFeaturette<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>> |
VisualGraphHoverMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A mouse plugin to handle vertex hovers, to include animating paths in the graph, based
upon the current PathHighlightMode .
VisualGraphLayout<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
The interface for defining functions provided that are additional to that of Layout .
VisualGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
An interface to provide a common set of methods for classes that could not otherwise
extend an abstract class.
VisualGraphMouseTrackingGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A simple plugin that allows clients to be notified of mouse events before any of the other
mouse plugins.
VisualGraphOptions |
VisualGraphPathHighlighter<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A class that calculates flow between vertices and then triggers that flow to be painted
in the UI.
VisualGraphPickingGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphPluggableGraphMouse<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
This is the class that controls which mouse plugins get installed into the graph.
VisualGraphPopupMousePlugin<V,E> |
VisualGraphRenderer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
This was created to add the ability to paint selected vertices above other vertices.
VisualGraphSatelliteAbstractGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphSatelliteActionContext |
VisualGraphSatelliteAnimatedPickingGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphSatelliteEdgeSelectionGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphSatelliteGraphMouse<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphSatelliteNavigationGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphSatelliteScalingGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphSatelliteTranslatingGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphScalingControl |
An implementation of ScalingControl that allows us to zoom in and out of the view.
VisualGraphScalingGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
Overridden implementation that allows us to change scaling behavior through options.
VisualGraphScreenPositioningPlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphScrollWheelPanningPlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphShapePickSupport<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualGraphTranslatingGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
Note: this class is based on TranslatingGraphMousePlugin .
VisualGraphVertexActionContext<V extends VisualVertex> |
VisualGraphVertexShapeTransformer<V extends VisualVertex> |
VisualGraphView<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>> |
A view object, where 'view' is used in the sense of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.
VisualGraphViewUpdater<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
This is the class through which operations travel that manipulate the view and graph while
plugged-in to the UI.
VisualGraphZoomingPickingGraphMousePlugin<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A handler to zoom nodes when double-clicked.
VisualVertex |
A vertex that contains properties and state related to a user interface.
VisualVertexRenderer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
VisualVertexSatelliteRenderer<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>> |
A renderer for vertices for the satellite view.
VoidDataType |
Special dataType used only for function return types.
VoidPropertyMap |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
"void" type, which is a marker for whether a property exists.
VoidPropertyMapDB |
Property manager that deals with properties that are of
"void" type, which is a marker for whether a property exists.
VoidPropertySet |
Handles general storage and retrieval of a void property indexed by long
A class to represent the VS_VERSION_CHILD data structure which generally corresponds
to either StringFileInfo or VarFileInfo.
A class to represent the VS_VERSION_INFO data structure.
Watchdog |
A reusable watchdog that will execute a callback if the watchdog is not disarmed before
it expires.
WAVEDataType |
WeakDataStructureFactory |
Factory for creating containers to use in various threading environments
WeakSet<T> |
WeakValueHashMap<K,V> |
Class to provide a hash map with weak values.
WeightedDigraph |
DirectedGraph with edge weights.
WeightedLSHCosineVectorFactory |
WeightFactory |
WEVTResourceDataType |
WideChar16DataType |
WideChar32DataType |
WideCharDataType |
WindowActionManager |
WindowNode |
WindowPosition |
An enum used to signal where windows should be placed when shown for the first time.
After being shown, a window's location is remembered, so that values is no longer used.
WindowsHeader |
A class to represent and parse the
Windows new-style executable (NE) header.
WindowUtilities |
A collection of window related utility methods
WizardContext |
WizardManager |
A dialog that controls the panels for going to "Next" and "Previous" in some
process that the user is being led through.
WizardPanel |
Interface to define methods for panels to be shown in the wizard dialog.
WizardPanelDisplayability |
WizardPanelListener |
Listener that is called when something on the WizardPanel has
WizardState<T> |
WizardStateDependencyValidator<T> |
WordDataType |
Provides a basic implementation of a word datatype
WordLocation |
Worker |
Executes a single job at a time in FIFO order.
Workspace |
Defines methods for accessing a workspace; a workspace is
simply a group of running tools and their templates.
WorkspaceChangeListener |
Listener that is notified when a tool is added or removed from a
workspace, or when workspace properties change.
WrappedCustomOption |
WrappedDate |
WrappedFile |
WrappedMemBuffer |
WrappedOption |
Wrapper class for an object that represents a property value and is
saved as a set of primitives.
WrappingPeekableIterator<T> |
WrappingTaskMonitor |
An implementation of the TaskMonitor interface that simply wraps a delegate task
WrappingVerticalLayoutTextField |
Writeable |
An interface for writing out class state information.
XCoffArchiveConstants |
XCoffArchiveHeader |
XCoffArchiveMemberHeader |
The ARHeader class is used to store the per-object file
archive headers.
XCoffException |
XCoffFileHeader |
XCOFF File Header.
XCoffFileHeaderFlags |
XCoffFileHeaderMagic |
XCoffOptionalHeader |
XCoffSectionHeader |
XCoffSectionHeaderFlags |
XCoffSectionHeaderNames |
Names of "special" sections.
XCoffSymbol |
XCoffSymbolStorageClass |
XCoffSymbolStorageClassCSECT |
XmlAttributeException |
A runtime exception that is throw when invalid
or missing attributes are encountered.
XmlAttributes |
A container class for creating XML attribute strings.
XmlDataReader |
Defines the method for creating an Object from an
XML file in a JarInputStream.
XmlElement |
XmlElementImpl |
XMLErrorHandler |
An implemenation of the basic interface for SAX error handlers.
XmlException |
XmlExporter |
An implementation of exporter that creates
an XML representation of the program.
XmlLoader |
XmlMessageLog |
A sub-class of MessageLog to handle appending messages from the XML parser.
XmlParseException |
Exception that gets thrown if there is a problem parsing XML.
XmlParserElement |
A class to represent the start or end tag from an XML file.
XmlProgramOptions |
A class to hold XML options.
XmlProgramUtilities |
XmlPullParser |
An interface describing the API for the XML pull parsing system.
XmlPullParserFactory |
XmlTestHelper |
XmlTracer |
XmlTreeNode |
A class to represent a corresponding start and end tag.
XmlUtilities |
A set of utility methods for working with XML.
XmlUtilities.ThrowingErrorHandler |
Simple SAX error handler that re-throws any
SAXParseException s as a SAXException .
XmlWriter |
A class for creating XML files.
XorExpression |
Form new expression by XORing two PatternExpressions
XorExpressionSolver |
Solves expressions of the form A $xor B
XReferenceUtil |
A utility class to handle the generation of
direct and offcut cross-reference (XREF) lists
on code units and stack variables.
XRefFieldFactory |
Cross-reference Field Factory
XRefFieldFactory.SORT_CHOICE |
XRefFieldLocation |
The XRefFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the XREF field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
XRefFieldMouseHandler |
XRefHeaderFieldFactory |
Field for display XRef headers.
XRefHeaderFieldLocation |
The XRefHeaderFieldLocation class contains specific location information
within the XREF field header that precedes the XREF field locations.
ZipArchiveBuilder |
ZoomedImagePainter |
A class that paints a given image with varying zoom levels.
ZoomInAction |
An action to zoom the image on a NavigableImagePanel.
ZoomOutAction |
An action to de-zoom the image on a NavigableImagePanel.
ZoomResetAction |
An action to reset the zoom of a NavigableImagePanel.