Class VarnodeContext

    • Method Detail

      • setDebug

        public void setDebug​(boolean debugOn)
      • getDebug

        public boolean getDebug()
      • setCurrentInstruction

        public void setCurrentInstruction​(Instruction instr)
      • flowEnd

        public void flowEnd​(Address address)
      • flowToAddress

        public void flowToAddress​(Address fromAddr,
                                  Address toAddr)
      • getKnownFlowToAddresses

        public Address[] getKnownFlowToAddresses​(Address toAddr)
      • flowStart

        public void flowStart​(Address fromAddr,
                              Address toAddr)
      • copyToFutureFlowState

        public void copyToFutureFlowState​(Address fromAddr,
                                          Address toAddr)
      • mergeToFutureFlowState

        public boolean mergeToFutureFlowState​(Address fromAddr,
                                              Address toAddr)
      • setFutureRegisterValue

        public void setFutureRegisterValue​(Address address,
                                           RegisterValue regVal)
      • getReturnVarnode

        public Varnode[] getReturnVarnode​(Function targetFunc)
        targetFunc - function to get a returning varnode for NOTE: this only gets one, unless there is custom storage on the called function there may be bonded ones in the default convention!
        varnode that represents where functions place their return value
      • getStackVarnode

        public Varnode getStackVarnode()
        Varnode that represents the stack register
      • isStackSymbolicSpace

        public boolean isStackSymbolicSpace​(Varnode varnode)
        Return true if this varnode is stored in the symbolic stack space
      • getStackRegister

        public Register getStackRegister()
        Register that represents the stack register
      • isReadOnly

        protected boolean isReadOnly​(Address addr)
        Check if a symbol is read_only.
        sym - - symbol to check
        addr - - address of the symbol
        true if the block is read_only, and there are no write references.
      • createVarnode

        public Varnode createVarnode​(long value,
                                     int spaceID,
                                     int size)
      • createConstantVarnode

        public Varnode createConstantVarnode​(long value,
                                             int size)
      • createBadVarnode

        public Varnode createBadVarnode()
      • createVarnode

        public Varnode createVarnode​(java.math.BigInteger bigVal,
                                     java.math.BigInteger spaceVal,
                                     int size)
      • putValue

        public void putValue​(Varnode out,
                             Varnode result,
                             boolean mustClear)
      • readExecutableCode

        public boolean readExecutableCode()
      • setReadExecutableCode

        public void setReadExecutableCode()
      • clearReadExecutableCode

        public void clearReadExecutableCode()
      • propogateResults

        public void propogateResults​(boolean clearContext)
        Propogate any results that are in the value cache.
        clearContext - true if the cache should be cleared. The propogation could be for flow purposes, and the processing of the instruction is finished, so it's effects should be kept.
      • getLastSetLocation

        public Address getLastSetLocation​(Register reg,
                                          java.math.BigInteger bval)
        return the location that this register was last set This is a transient thing, so it should only be used as a particular flow is being processed...
        reg - register to find last set location
        bval - value to look for to differentiate set locations, null if don't care
        address that the register was set.
      • getLastSetLocation

        public Address getLastSetLocation​(Varnode rvar,
                                          java.math.BigInteger bval)
        return the location that this varnode was last set This is a transient thing, so it should only be used as a particular flow is being processed...
        reg -
        address that the register was set.
      • getVarnode

        public Varnode getVarnode​(int spaceID,
                                  long offset,
                                  int size)
      • getRegisterVarnodeValue

        public Varnode getRegisterVarnodeValue​(Register reg,
                                               Address fromAddr,
                                               Address toAddr,
                                               boolean signed)
        get the value of a register as a varnode (value, space, size)
        reg - register to get value for
        address - location for value
        signed - true if signed
        null if the register has no value
      • print

        protected java.lang.String print​(Varnode rvnode)
      • hasValueOverRange

        public boolean hasValueOverRange​(Register reg,
                                         java.math.BigInteger bval,
                                         AddressSet set)
      • copy

        public void copy​(Varnode out,
                         Varnode in,
                         boolean mustClearAll,
                         ContextEvaluator evaluator)
                  throws NotFoundException
        Copy the varnode with as little manipulation as possible. Try to keep whatever partical state there is intact if a real value isn't required.
        out - varnode to put it in
        in - varnode to copy from.
        evaluator -
      • add

        public Varnode add​(Varnode val1,
                           Varnode val2,
                           ContextEvaluator evaluator)
                    throws NotFoundException
        Add two varnodes together to get a new value This could create a new space and return a varnode pointed into that space
        val1 - first value
        val2 - second value
        varnode that could be a constant, or an offset into a space
        NotFoundException - if any constant is needed not known
      • isRegister

        protected boolean isRegister​(Varnode varnode)
      • getAddressSpace

        public int getAddressSpace​(java.lang.String name)
      • subtract

        public Varnode subtract​(Varnode val1,
                                Varnode val2,
                                ContextEvaluator evaluator)
                         throws NotFoundException
        Subtract two varnodes to get a new value This could create a new space and return a varnode pointed into that space
        val1 - first value
        val2 - second value
        varnode that could be a constant, or an offset into a space
        NotFoundException - if any constant is needed not known
      • getRegister

        public Register getRegister​(java.lang.String name)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessorContextView
        Get a Register given the name of a register
        Specified by:
        getRegister in interface ProcessorContextView
        name - the name of the register.
        The register with the given name.
      • getRegisterValue

        public RegisterValue getRegisterValue​(Register register)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessorContextView
        Get the RegisterValue for the given register.
        Specified by:
        getRegisterValue in interface ProcessorContextView
        register - register to get the value for
        RegisterValue object containing the value of the register if a value exists, otherwise null.
      • getRegisterVarnodeValue

        public Varnode getRegisterVarnodeValue​(Register register)
      • getRegisterVarnode

        public Varnode getRegisterVarnode​(Register register)
      • getRegister

        public Register getRegister​(Varnode vnode)
        Return a register given a varnode
      • getValue

        public java.math.BigInteger getValue​(Register register,
                                             boolean signed)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessorContextView
        Get the contents of a processor register as a BigInteger object
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface ProcessorContextView
        register - register to get the value for
        a BigInteger object containing the value of the register if a value exists, otherwise null.
      • hasValue

        public boolean hasValue​(Register register)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessorContextView
        Returns true if a value is defined for the given register.
        Specified by:
        hasValue in interface ProcessorContextView
        register - the register to check for a value.
        true if the given register has a value.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(Register register,
                             java.math.BigInteger value)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessorContext
        Sets the value for a Register.
        Specified by:
        setValue in interface ProcessorContext
        register - the register to have its value set
        value - the value for the register (null is not permitted).
      • isSymbol

        public boolean isSymbol​(Varnode node)
      • isSymbolicSpace

        public boolean isSymbolicSpace​(AddressSpace space)
      • isSymbolicSpace

        public boolean isSymbolicSpace​(int spaceID)