CachingSwingWorker<T> |
Class for managing the creation of some slow loading object that may be used by multiple threads,
including the Swing thread.
CancelOnlyWrappingTaskMonitor |
A monitor that is designed for sub-tasks, where the outer task handles reporting messages and
ChompingBitsAnimationPanel |
Panel that displays an animation of the Ghidra dragon chomping bits.
CompoundTask |
Combines multiple Tasks into a single task.
ConsoleTaskMonitor |
Handles monitor output to console
DummyCancellableTaskMonitor |
HourglassAnimationPanel |
Panel that displays an animation of a spinning hourglass
InvokeInSwingTask |
A task that will simply invoke the given runnable later in the Swing thread.
RunManager |
Helper class to execute a Runnable in a separate thread and provides a
progress monitor component that is shown as needed.
SwingUpdateManager |
A class to allow clients to buffer events.
Task |
Base class for Tasks to be run in separate threads
TaskBuilder |
A builder object that allows clients to launch tasks in the background, with a progress
dialog representing the task.
TaskDialog |
Dialog that is displayed to show activity for a Task that is running outside of the
Swing Thread.
TaskLauncher |
Class to initiate a Task in a new Thread, and to show a progress dialog that indicates
activity if the task takes too long.
TaskMonitorAdapter |
Create a "do nothing" task monitor that we can pass along to methods that
need a task monitor.
TaskMonitorComponent |
Component that contains a progress bar, a progress icon, and a cancel
button to cancel the task that is associated with this task monitor.
TaskMonitorSplitter |
TimeoutTaskMonitor |
A task monitor that allows clients the ability to specify a timeout after which this monitor
will be cancelled.
UnknownProgressWrappingTaskMonitor |
A class that is meant to wrap a TaskMonitor when you do not know the maximum value
of the progress.
WrappingTaskMonitor |
An implementation of the TaskMonitor interface that simply wraps a delegate task