Interface FunctionAnalyzer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FunctionAnalyzer
    • Method Detail

      • stackReference

        void stackReference​(PcodeOp op,
                            int instrOpIndex,
                            int stackOffset,
                            int size,
                            int storageSpaceID,
                            RefType refType,
                            TaskMonitor monitor)
                     throws CancelledException
        Callback indicating that an absolute stack reference was encountered. A non-load/store operation will have a -1 for both storageSpaceId and size.
        op - pcode operation
        instrOpIndex - opIndex associated with reference or -1 if it could not be determined
        stackOffset - stack offset
        size - access size or -1 if not applicable
        storageSpaceID - storage space ID or -1 if not applicable
        refType - read/write/data reference type
        monitor - task monitor
        CancelledException - if callback canceled by monitor
      • stackReference

        void stackReference​(PcodeOp op,
                            int instrOpIndex,
                            VarnodeOperation computedStackOffset,
                            int size,
                            int storageSpaceID,
                            RefType refType,
                            TaskMonitor monitor)
                     throws CancelledException
        Callback indicating that a computed stack reference was encountered. A non-load/store operation will have a -1 for both storageSpaceId and size.
        op - pcode operation
        instrOpIndex - opIndex associated with reference or -1 if it could not be determined
        computedStackOffset - stack offset computation (i.e., VarnodeOperation w/ stack pointer)
        size - access size or -1 if not applicable
        storageSpaceID - storage space ID or -1 if not applicable
        refType - read/write/data reference type
        monitor - task monitor
        CancelledException - if callback canceled by monitor
      • dataReference

        void dataReference​(PcodeOp op,
                           int instrOpIndex,
                           Varnode storageVarnode,
                           RefType refType,
                           TaskMonitor monitor)
                    throws CancelledException
        Callback indicating that an absolute memory reference was encountered
        op - pcode operation
        instrOpIndex - opIndex associated with reference or -1 if it could not be determined
        storageVarnode - absolute storage Varnode
        refType - read/write/data reference type
        monitor - task monitor
        CancelledException - if callback canceled by monitor
      • indirectDataReference

        void indirectDataReference​(PcodeOp op,
                                   int instrOpIndex,
                                   Varnode offsetVarnode,
                                   int size,
                                   int storageSpaceID,
                                   RefType refType,
                                   TaskMonitor monitor)
                            throws CancelledException
        Callback indicating that an indirect/computed memory reference was encountered using an indirect/computed offset
        op - pcode operation
        instrOpIndex - opIndex associated with reference or -1 if it could not be determined
        offsetVarnode - indirect/computed offset
        size - access size or -1 if not applicable
        storageSpaceID - storage space ID
        refType - read/write/data reference type
        monitor - task monitor
        CancelledException - if callback canceled by monitor
      • resolvedFlow

        boolean resolvedFlow​(PcodeOp op,
                             int instrOpIndex,
                             Address destAddr,
                             ContextState currentState,
                             ResultsState results,
                             TaskMonitor monitor)
                      throws CancelledException
        Callback indicating that a call/branch destination was identified. Analyzer should create reference if appropriate Keep in mind that there could be other unidentified destinations.
        op - branch or call flow operation
        instrOpIndex - opIndex associated with reference or -1 if it could not be determined
        destAddr - destination address
        results - contains previous states leading upto the currentState
        currentState - current state at the branch/call
        monitor - task monitor
        true if destination should be disassembled if not already
        CancelledException - if callback canceled by monitor
      • unresolvedIndirectFlow

        java.util.List<Address> unresolvedIndirectFlow​(PcodeOp op,
                                                       int instrOpIndex,
                                                       Varnode destination,
                                                       ContextState currentState,
                                                       ResultsState results,
                                                       TaskMonitor monitor)
                                                throws CancelledException
        Callback indicating that a computed call/branch destination was not resolved.
        op - indirect branch or call flow operation
        instrOpIndex - opIndex associated with reference or -1 if it could not be determined
        destination - destination identified as a Varnode (may be an expression represented by a VarnodeOperation
        results - contains previous states leading upto the currentState
        currentState - current state at the branch/call
        monitor - task monitor
        list of resolved destinations which should be used or null. List of destination addresses will trigger disassembly where necessary.
        CancelledException - if callback cancelled by monitor