ClangBreak |
ClangCommentToken |
ClangFieldToken |
A C code token representing a structure field.
ClangFuncNameToken |
A C code token representing a function name
It contains a link back to the pcode function object represented by the name
ClangFuncProto |
The C code syntax for a function prototype
ClangFunction |
All the fields making up one function in the display
ClangLabelToken |
ClangLine |
A line of C code.
ClangOpToken |
Token representing an operation in C code text.
ClangReturnType |
A group of C code tokens representing the return type of a function
as at the beginning of a function prototype.
ClangStatement |
A C code statement.
ClangSyntaxToken |
A C code token which is not an operation, variable, function name, or type.
ClangToken |
Class representing a C code language token
May contain links back to pcode object
ClangTokenGroup |
A node in a tree of C code tokens.
ClangTypeToken |
A C code token representing a data type.
ClangVariableDecl |
A group of C code tokens forming a variable declaration.
ClangVariableToken |
Token representing a C variable
ClangXML |
To change the template for this generated type comment go to
Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
DecompileCallback |
Routines that the decompiler invokes to gather info during decompilation of a
DecompileDebug |
DecompiledFunction |
A class to hold pieces of a decompiled function.
DecompileOptions |
Configuration options for the decompiler
This stores the options and can create an XML
string to be sent to the decompiler process
DecompileProcess |
Class for communicating with a single decompiler process.
DecompileProcessFactory |
Factory that returns a DecompileProcess.
DecompilerDisposer |
DecompileResults |
Class for getting at the various structures returned
by the decompiler.
DecompilerLocation |
DecompInterface |
This is a self-contained interface to a single decompile
process, suitable for an open-ended number of function
decompilations for a single program.
LimitedByteBuffer |
Class for accumulating bytes into an automatically expanding buffer with an explicit upper limit to the size
PrettyPrinter |
This class is used to convert a C language
token group into readable C code.