AbstractTextFieldElement |
An object that wraps a string and provides data that describes how to render
that string.
AttributedString |
An object that wraps a string and provides data that describes how to render
that string.
ClippingTextField |
Field for showing multiple strings, each with its own attributes in a field,
on a single line, clipping as needed to fit within the field's width.
CompositeAttributedString |
An AttributedString that is composed of other AttributedStrings.
CompositeFieldElement |
A FieldElement that is composed of other FieldElements.
EmptyFieldElement |
Used to force a clip to happen when the max lines is exceeded in the VerticalLayoutTextField
EmptyTextField |
A Text field that is blank.
FlowLayoutTextField |
This class provides a TextField implementation that takes multiple
AttributedStrings and places as many that will fit on a line without clipping
before continuing to the next line.
ReverseClippingTextField |
Field for showing multiple strings, each with its own attributes in a field,
on a single line, clipping the beginning of the text as needed to fit within the field's width.
SimpleImageField |
Field to display an image.
SimpleTextField |
The simplest possible Text field.
TextFieldElement |
VerticalLayoutTextField |
This class provides a TextField implementation that takes multiple FieldElements and places
each on its own line within the field.
WrappingVerticalLayoutTextField |